Whoever played Lochart in the movies was pretty damned hillarius. So I guess Lochart would be my favourite.
Although Dumbledore's eccentricity always brings a smile to my face.
I'm going to go against the grain here and say that Harry has his moments of hilarity. In fact, I'll go as far as to say that when he is with the Dursleys... he's a comic genius! Some of the things Harry thinks about Dudly always make me laugh. His description of him as a "pig in a wig", his mentioning of Dudley taking up an entire table, his suggestion that the toilet might be sick if Dudley stuck his head in it, the inflation of his aunt, etc. etc.
Then there was that line about Draco's mother, something along the lines of "Does she always look as though she has a foul smell under her nose, or was it just because she was standing next to you?"
The whole Dursly household is quite humerous. Especially Uncle Vernon.
Personally, I don't find the twins all that funny, and in the movies I found them downright annoying. Guess that proves what a freak I am