Characters to re-appear?

Have you heard something on the grapevine about Harry and friends? Share it here...go on, let us know too!

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Postby hermione_granger_1993 » Thursday 10 March 2005 2:14:07am

i think they will turn up alot like luna is cool and she is a smart girls
:oops: :mad: :x :???: 8-) :cool: :eek: :o :-) :)
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Postby SEAMUS » Tuesday 10 January 2006 1:19:01pm

I were told that in the 7th book that harry potter die' :cry: s
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Postby Broccoli » Tuesday 10 January 2006 3:28:29pm

SEAMUS, there is a topic called "Will Harry die?" in this section, as well as some other topics related to possible deaths. You could discuss your views there, but please don't mention anything from book 6 in the Rumours section (you can do it in the top sections of the forum).
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Wednesday 11 January 2006 9:49:43am

Added to that, people that haven't read H-BP may think you have some inside scoop or something.

Best just to not mention it at all.
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Postby Bextra » Friday 13 January 2006 10:54:40am

Ahhh Phoenix, ever the scout for trouble, he stops it in its tracks.
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