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I agree that JKR is focusing on the idea of service, when it comes to elves. And she makes it hard for us to decide, whether it is good or bad fate to be an elf.Tanuki wrote:As a society we have been so brainwashed by the idea of servitude that we believe freedom to be the only way to exist happily.
carsten wrote:[*]Slavery is unacceptable, because people (or elves) are forced to be servants. The don't have the freedom of choice. That's one of the deficits of the wizarding community: The despise slavery for themselves, but accept it for others, they look down on. I think JKR is trying to tell us, that this is not OK.
Preacher mode off.
Yor are right again, that's the situation. But think back: A peasant in 17th century Europe would have said: "I am a peasant, my children will be and that is the fate of my family." If you would have forced him to become a different person, he would likely have rejected it, because his life is the only one he knows.Tanuki wrote:... I get the feeling freedom has to be forced on them, not srevitude...
Tanuki wrote:You're assuming they're being beaten. We have not seen any other housw elves outside of Winky, Dobby and Kretcher. Kreatcher, it seems, was not abused for the most he got was yelled at, and he was crazy as hell.
Winky didn't seem beaten at all, and took to drinking when she was dismissed. This doesn't sound like someone who is happy to be free. The worst I figure Crouch did to her was to dismiss her in the first place
Dobby was housed by death eaters. Do you not think they would abuse him in ways other wizards don't? We can't use the Malfoys for an example since they are some of the worst wizards around.
Do you honeslty believe a normal wizarding family would be so cheap and sadistic as to be cruel to their caretaker. You're making conjecture based on your known opinion of slavery. How do we know that the house elf situation at Hogwarts isn't close to the normal situation? Could you see Molly Weasley or Earnie McMillan doing this sort of thing?
Also, house elves come with the house, they technically should live inside then
Hagger + Tanuki: Sorry for being blunt, but you seem to have missed the age of enlightenment completely.Hagger 9003 wrote: slavery isnt all bad, especially for most house elves.
Very fine distinction. So I clarify myself: Slavery in general is unacceptable, because it is forced by definition. You are right, when it comes to elves: We don't know yet whether or how it is forced on them. That remains to be seen in the future books.Tanuki wrote:Once more, assuming it's forced. Most people here assume that the house elves are forced to be servants.
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