Wormatil's Debt

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Wormatil's Debt

Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Monday 14 February 2005 6:57:50am

Hey people, just wanted to know what your ideas are on how Wormtail might pay back his debt. It's been hinted enough that he might, so it's time to start a thread on it.
I've got a theory myself actually. I think when he betrayed Lily & James as their Secret-Keeper it created some sort of magical bond. Or broke one.
Anyway, let's hear your ideas, you all seem to have some very good ones. :cool:
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Postby Hagger 9003 » Monday 14 February 2005 8:29:03pm

i think that wormtail might see that LV is going to lose, and that harry will make it through and beat him. then, he would switch sides, and try to make it look like he was a hero. that would fit with his character, and past history. however, that is kinda boring, and not very inventive, so probably not very likely.
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Postby Un'Anima Persa » Wednesday 16 February 2005 1:04:26am

i think that wormtail broke a bond, and made one at the same time when he betrayed the potters for LV. I think that he will find that DD is actually the one who will overpower him in the end, and regret ever have betraying the potters in the first place. He will commit suicide, and live his after-life in H*ll.
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Postby DragonFiend17 » Wednesday 16 February 2005 3:21:58am

dude--i want wormtail DEAD. o_O if he serves harry a purpose b4 dying--sure, great. but i want him to DIE. HE is the one that let Sirius and James die!!!! :eek: :mad:
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Postby Tanuki » Wednesday 16 February 2005 2:49:18pm

I think he'll kill lupin, then end up being killed by Voldy thus ending the story of the marauders
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Postby DragonFiend17 » Thursday 17 February 2005 2:47:24am

NO ONE SHALL KILL LUPIN!!!!! NEVER!!!!!!! :eek: :mad: :x :eek: :mad:
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Thursday 17 February 2005 6:19:04am

If that does happen Tanuki, I want Hermione or something to write a big novel on them, just to make their memories worthwhile.
Seriously though I don't think Wormtail has the magical ability to kill Lupin. If he does, it'll be a lucky chance. Like he'll creep up behind him when he's not watching. But that'd be terrible coz I really want Remus to die (if he must) in a noble way. Like fighting Voldemort or :eek: maybe he'll kill Lucius and then Voldemort kills him? Yeah anyhow it'd be really bad if Wormtail killed him. Like a world champion soccer team losing to... an U16 New Zealand team.
(And yes I can diss New Zealand coz it's where I'm from.)
(It's awesome btw)
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Postby Tanuki » Thursday 17 February 2005 4:48:19pm

NZ must be awesome, they film so many foresty shows there.

As for Pettigrew killing Lupin, it makes sense, think about the betrayal and the silver hand. Plus, he can use AK
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Friday 18 February 2005 8:46:55am

Yeah NZ has fantastic scenery. Even when I get older, and go on a trip around the world or something, I still wanna come back and live here.
And for Pettigrew killing Lupin, I just don't wanna believe it, it'd be such a waste if it happened. AK is probably one of the only magical things Wormtail is skilled at unfortunately.
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Postby Tanuki » Friday 18 February 2005 4:35:57pm

He makes a good opportunist though. Why would it be a waste though? Fatalities happen in war, and people close to you die
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Postby Hagger 9003 » Friday 18 February 2005 10:18:34pm

yeh, but lupin is such a cool character, and pettigrew is so pathetic. it would be like if the new zealand rugby team actually won the world cup instead of being the best at the sport without winning it. (ENGLAND RULE!!!!!!!)

seriously though, just because pettigrew has a silver hand. its just a bit obvious. silver is supposedly the metal which kills werewolves, but it would be so predictable, and not reall jkr's style.
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Postby Mistress Siana » Saturday 19 February 2005 12:18:14am

The hand means nothing. It's only silver because gold would make him look like a pimp and Voldy-daddy won't tolerate another pimp beside him.
I'm sure of that. Remus-dear won't die, no no no no!

Okay. *regains composure* But it's really a bit too obvious. Btw, how does it work? As far as I know, the legend says werewolves can only be killed witha silver bullet, but Lupin is a simple wizard most of the time, only one night a month does he lie as a tamed wolf under the table. He could be killed with Avada Kedavra quite easily, so why silver?
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Postby Tanuki » Saturday 19 February 2005 3:03:15am

Wouldn't it also be a twist to see such a weak character kill his old friend
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Postby Hagger 9003 » Saturday 19 February 2005 3:10:12pm

jk doesnt kill without reason. she wouldnt kill lupin and wormtail just so there are no marauders left. there needs to be a reason.
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Postby Tanuki » Saturday 19 February 2005 8:03:33pm

Don't you think that's a reason unto itself? J.K.R. is writing a story, and none of us know what will happen. You may think every character but the bad guys is going to come out okay but that takes from the credability of the story, it has no dramatic tension. How is the audience supposed to feel the effect of Voldermort's evil if its only people we don't know who die. SOMEONE close to Harry has to die, you just have to pick who it is. Is it his friend, which would change Harry drastically, or is it the man who knew his father, whose death would end a series of events set into motion years ago in academy

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