My scale:
1# CoS (bodiless voice of a snake - wow )
2# GoF (so many unusual things happen - from Worldcup to Triwizard, not to mention Voldie coming back And the Pensieve scenes with Bella's trial are awesome )
3# PS (the introduction into magic world just couldn't be better )
4# PoA (far fetched plot - though I was very happy to meet Marauders;)
5# OotP - too little content for so many pages, to many repeating - Umbridge scenes for example. And bloody Cho - ''she's got dung for brains'', Ron'd say
I loved Luna - it's true, her character just comes out of nowhere but I like weirdos like Luna and Tonks! Misunderstood weirdos have to stick together
I can't believe it myself but book 5 is my least fav though Phineas is introduced in here, my most beloved character! I can't get enough of his remarks
Harry's temper - in the same time I was angry with him - so annoying little brat and I also enjoyed his sarcasm. I quite understand him - hello, in his position everyone'd be mad at the whole world!
I could go on and criticize book 5 for ages but I'd rather defend JKR from Groo :
Groo wrote:it is obvious to the reader that JK Rowling has matured as a writer with every book. now nobody can claim that these are "children's books"
I agree about that theese books are no longer for children.
But I strongly disagree - JKR didn't get mature (she was already), but her characters did. She was a divorced and unemployed mummy when she got the idea for HP, I bet she wasn't immature at that time
Still, if you want to write anything for children you have to be a formed personality that you can go back to childhood again and look at it from critical distance at the same time.
I'm very immature and that's why I don't write for kids (but for eternal teens )
To write for kids you have to have the conventional scale of values - like fairy tale with heros kids can identify with. I much prefere negative characters, they're more interesting for me but in general it's not safe for kids to identify with Bella for example
Even JKR said she didn't like that some boys came for autographs dressed up like Draco --> I don't approve of this, let anyone dress up like they want but ppl still raise their kids in kinda ''incubator'' of fairy tales. There are lots of ambigual feelings, persons and situation in real life. I personally think kids have the right to know the world as it is ... but on other hand they have the right to enjoy the problemfree childhood ...
This post is very ambivalent, so is the life ... it doesn't suck! I much prefere to accept & enjoy the reality than to sugarcoat things.