What if Harry had been sorted into Slytherin?

What would have happened if The Sorting Hat had insisted on sorting Harry into Slytherin? Or what if Harry had become friends with Draco Malfoy instead of Ron during their first journey on the Hogwarts Express? Wander into alternative Harry Potter universes here.

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Postby zledm007 » Saturday 12 June 2004 4:30:39am

the whole snape thing raises some interesting discussion topics. These three things I see Snape doing if Harry were to have been sorted into Slytherine:

1: Treat him no different than he does now, citing the acts of Harry's father
2: Treat him no differently than any other Slytherine because he is one
3: Allow Harry to go along with Draco, Crabbe and Goyle, bullying all, seemingly taking his side because he is a slythereine, but in the background healping Harry to do mean and/or inappropriate things in an effort to get back at him. If Harry is caught breaking the rules, other teachers would be forced to punish he. Snape would love to see nothing more than Harry being punished.
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Postby micah_malfoythe 3 » Sunday 27 June 2004 4:23:40am

then gryffindor would be a total joke they would have no one but hermione if she didnt get sorted into ravenclaw
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Monday 24 January 2005 10:46:44am

Hmm OK basically I think that I Harry had gotten sorted into Slytherin, we would have a serious problem on our hands.
1: Harry wouldn't have discovered about the Philosophers Stone and Voldemort would now be immortal.
2: He would set out on a killing spree.
3: All the mudbloods :eek: (did i say that) muggle-borns in the school would mostly be killed, including Hermione, which would mean that any children she would have with Ron in the future :cool: would not happen.
4: The second war would begin and harry would not be there to fulfill the prophecy, which coincedently would no longer exist. :-?
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Postby DragonFiend17 » Wednesday 16 February 2005 3:29:20am

he could have realised that this is his greatest destiny
he could have detested all of the slytherins and protested to Dumbledore
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Postby Lexi_potter » Friday 25 February 2005 4:49:54am

I think Snape would be a lot easier on Harry if he was in Slytherin. Snape always wants his house on top. It would also Have given Snape bragging right to the-boy-who-lived.

Harry would also be more likely to turn out simular to Tom Riddle, being exposed to the power hungry group of students. Its already been said that he is a powerful wizard. this would make him even more power hungry.
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Postby thestral » Saturday 19 March 2005 5:48:02pm

i don't think that harry would have followed the peer group, cos his whole life before that in school with dudley he'd been bullied and had no friends , so he's no stranger to being an outcast.

also alot of slytherin support voldemort (secretly of course) and would they really befriend the person who brought about his downfall?

as to draco and harry being friends, nu-uh malfoy needs to be the one in charge, calling the shots and harry would be too much of a rival he can't be friends with an equal!!?? :eek: why do you think he friends with the 2 dunder brains? perhaps he would try to stay friendly with ron but over time that would be hard to sustain. he would never truly be part of slytherin and never share their opinions, attitudes and ideology. thus making him outcast and scarily similar to riddle.
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Postby eZe-m3r0-ChuCkY » Friday 25 March 2005 10:26:28pm

I've always thought about this and it has brung me to extreme thinking..
If Harry Potter would've gone into Slytherin:
1) He would've not been best friends with Ron and Hermione
2) He would've never had contact with the feeling of Gryffindor
3) Many of the settings chane
4) Many of the problems change
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Re: hmm.....

Postby eZe-m3r0-ChuCkY » Friday 25 March 2005 10:28:05pm

eZe-m3r0-ChuCkY wrote:I've always thought about this and it has brung me to extreme thinking..
If Harry Potter would've gone into Slytherin:
1) He would've not been best friends with Ron and Hermione
2) He would've never had contact with the feeling of Gryffindor
3) Many of the settings chane
4) Many of the problems change

If Potter wasn't friends with Ron and Hermione how would've he survived CoS!!!
If Potter would never had feelings towards Gryffindor would he have pulled out the same things from the Sorting Hat when he had to slay the humungous "snake"! sorry but my brain is too busy to even remember the "snake's" name!
If the setttings changed then Harry Potter would've never been involved with having to deal with Neville!
If the problems changed then Potter would've never had to get Malfoy's hair and stuff to change into them!
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Postby Tween_Luv » Friday 8 April 2005 6:00:12pm

Lexi_potter wrote:I think Snape would be a lot easier on Harry if he was in Slytherin. Snape always wants his house on top. It would also Have given Snape bragging right to the-boy-who-lived.

Harry would also be more likely to turn out simular to Tom Riddle, being exposed to the power hungry group of students. Its already been said that he is a powerful wizard. this would make him even more power hungry.

i dont think that snape would have been better on harry if he were in slytharin! For one thing, snape would probably not like having harry in his house. Snape does not despise Dean or Seamus or any other gryffendors as much as harry, because of the joke Sirius and James and the others played on him! The only thing that would hve changed with snape's feelings towards harry would have been that since he was in his own house, he wouldn't be able ... or , he wouldn't want to deduct as many points
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Postby Mistress Siana » Saturday 9 April 2005 12:10:59pm

What do we know about Slytherin? Who do we know in Slytherin? We know Malfoy and a tiny bit about Crabbe, Goyle, Nott and Pansy. That's not the whole year, and being a Slytherin doesn't necessarily equal evil or servant of Voldemort.
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Postby Tween_Luv » Saturday 9 April 2005 5:28:51pm

we also kind of know about the quidditch captain...barely. but, as ppl have said in past posts, many slytherins support Voldemort...and Harry would not be liked or anythinglike that if he wasput into slytherin
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Postby Ravenclawsweety » Thursday 23 June 2005 4:16:56pm

Yea. Hey do u guys think Pansy Parkison is in love with Draco?!!
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Postby Salazar Slytherin » Monday 15 August 2005 11:53:27am

i thought they were going out
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Postby Salazar Slytherin » Monday 15 August 2005 11:54:10am

maybe neville would be the one who would have to fulfill the propechy
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Re: What if Harry had been sorted into Slytherin?

Postby Malfoyx14 » Saturday 10 October 2009 3:23:01pm

I think that first off, Harry would probably work harder with his homework considering he would have Hermione there to check and write stuff for him. I also think that Snape may like Harry...because he loved Lily and maybe if Harry was in Slytherin, he'd like him or possibly show it. I thought for a moment that in 2 he would have been expelled because of what Snape says but then again if Harry was in Slytherin he would have never rode in the car to Hogwarts with Ron.

Then I'm wondering, how would Harry have thought to get to Hogwarts once Dobby blocked the enterence to platform 9 3/4? hmmm this brings up a lot of questions... would Harry have really cared about the Chamber of Secrets? I don't think he would've cared about saving Ginny.... this is very interesting....
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