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Postby Broccoli » Thursday 30 September 2004 8:44:39am

Phaerie wrote:theres 3 new "easter eggs" on JK's site. (am not gonna tell you how to get them- its no fun unless you try and work it out yourself!

Plus shes added a new a section called the rubbish bin where she looks at untruthful articles that have been written about her.

I haven't found anything yet! Where is this new section?
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Postby Phaerie » Thursday 30 September 2004 10:01:22am

Theres one in the bit where the fansite awards are- you have to move somethig
One you get by waiting on the main page for a while
And the third one is in the new rubbish bin section (you have to click on something)
If you're really stuck PM me
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Postby Meg Boyd » Sunday 10 October 2004 5:19:30pm

where is the rubbish bin though????
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Postby Meg Boyd » Sunday 10 October 2004 5:25:00pm

sorry for a double post but what do easter eggs do?
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Postby Broccoli » Monday 11 October 2004 8:32:19am

I have only found some blue stuff in the trophy room, which disappeared after I clicked it
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Postby Meg Boyd » Monday 11 October 2004 5:14:30pm

go to the rubbish bin (if you can find it, it is a gum wrapper by the coffee mug) and there is a blue pen to the left of the bin next to a piece of paper. Double click on its center and it will break and the ink will spell something out on the paper. The blue marbles in the trophy room are part of a recipe that is on that paper. Then you will have to find other stuff through out the site.
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Postby Phinea Rogue » Friday 5 November 2004 4:41:51pm

The door is opened again. When you get through it, you’ll get names of three chapters. Just go there, wait for Peeves, catch the right key. Then there’s a riddle (answer is chapters) and a desk - open the drawer, there’s a magnifier - use it on the notebook and you’ll see the chapter names.
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Postby Broccoli » Tuesday 9 November 2004 3:15:57pm

Yay, I've managed it!
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Postby Violet » Tuesday 9 November 2004 3:49:36pm

I went to the door a second ago but its closed... theres no brick wall or anything
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Postby Broccoli » Tuesday 9 November 2004 3:55:54pm

you have to wait a little bit until Peeves comes
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Postby Phinea Rogue » Tuesday 9 November 2004 4:31:48pm

It's not difficult, only those keys are a bit tricky, my mouse is too eager and doesn't want to behave according to my orders.
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Postby Beluka » Wednesday 15 December 2004 6:21:01pm

Hi there!
I got one potion (the one with the spider, the leaf, etc.) but i can't find one of the items for the second one (the one you learn about in the rubbish bin): i got the blue stuff and the eggs, but, what's the other thing?? Where can i find it?
How many eastereggs are there? Just so i know how many i am still to get.
BTW... i NEVER find the door open!! Should i just wait??
Thanx :D
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Postby *Lily* » Friday 17 December 2004 7:30:25am

How long do you have to wait for peeves to come to the door? I waited and waited...

How do you do the thing in the rubbish bin? none of the gum wrappers were working for me?

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Postby Broccoli » Friday 17 December 2004 10:02:23am

*Lily* wrote:How long do you have to wait for peeves to come to the door? I waited and waited...

How do you do the thing in the rubbish bin? none of the gum wrappers were working for me?


What I do is just leave the site alone for some time. You shouldn't do anything on the site for Peeves to come.

You should click on the wrapper next to the cup, just below the clips.
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Postby paintballdecoy » Saturday 18 December 2004 2:29:57pm

Did I miss something or did JK Rowling not answer the poll question about the real meaning to the letter he sent her? Maybe I missed it somewhere.....
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