Mint, choki and anime!!!

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Postby Mint » Monday 18 October 2004 6:39:30pm

lol, I dont know - quite honestly I haven't watched it...
last fighting movie I watched was kill bill <_< which was way too bloody for me so I never saw the second part.... I think they started flying in the second part o_o ^-^
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Postby choki » Wednesday 20 October 2004 8:00:49am

so you know where the flying skill originate from now...

I finally completed downloading and watching all the episodes of Sailor Moon Live Action. LOL it is quite addictive and funny to watch real life interaction of the senshi. Oh did I ever mention...those girls are cute :lol:
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Postby Mint » Wednesday 20 October 2004 12:49:57pm

choki wrote:so you know where the flying skill originate from now...

No :o tell me!!!! *surrounds choki with chickens* I didn't know there was a reason for it...i figured they started doing it long time ago because it looked cool... :grin:

Is sailor moon live action only about 1st season of SM? The first episode that I watched was just very funny (stuffed Luna falling on Usagi's face and her trying to get it off) XD
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Postby choki » Wednesday 20 October 2004 5:33:19pm

Hmm, well, I doubt anyone can really fly even with those martial arts. It just came out from the creative minds of the chinese kungfu novelists centuries ago. :grin:

49 episodes of SM live action is about the 1st arc of SM. I don't think there will be a second season for this but there is going to be a special episode which is about 5 years after Act 49. I kinda enjoyed the way they changed some details to fit better into the 21st century. (with the karaoke instead of the arcade)
Motoki becomes a guy with a weird obessesion with turtles.
Minako is a real idol.
Ami is such a cutie.
Usagi is, well, Usagi. She is a diehard fan of Minako. LOL simply loved the episode she met up with Minako.
Rei is aloof, and cool, kinda different from the anime.
Makoto is the same (excellent cook)
All of them enjoy singing except Rei. Usagi keeps pestering Rei to sing.
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Postby Mint » Thursday 21 October 2004 3:08:45pm

choki wrote:Hmm, well, I doubt anyone can really fly even with those martial arts. It just came out from the creative minds of the chinese kungfu novelists centuries ago. :grin:

So it ("flying") began from a novel? How interesting!!! What exactly did they try to portray with that? strength? freedom from earthly things?

Oh and SM - wow, it sounds kind of interesting! I will try to download another episode, since comes to think of it, I only saw Usagi as human ^-^ I wanna see the rest of them now! Which episode was your fav? (and has most of them in it)
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Postby choki » Thursday 21 October 2004 5:43:23pm

Using internal strength. There is this flow of energy in the body and if you train hard enough, you can do extraordinary stuff.

Hmmm which is my fav. episode? I think most of them are nice. I guess Act 7 and Act 11 are quite cute. The girl acting as Rei is pretty.
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Postby Mint » Thursday 21 October 2004 6:10:57pm

choki wrote:Using internal strength. There is this flow of energy in the body and if you train hard enough, you can do extraordinary stuff.

:o cool *goes to start training*

Actually, they were probably not that far off. People don't start flying or anything but using internal strength people have healed themselves somtimes (or became less sick). :D

I'll download one of those acts. I actually haven't downloaded anything lately <.< The only anime I watched was Pretear - and that one is on tv right now so..
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Postby choki » Friday 22 October 2004 5:07:03pm

I d/l a episode of Moon phrase (a new anime)
and I shall watch it to see if it is worth the attention :grin:

I miss Sailor Moon so much...I guess that must be the impact of Sailor Moon as the 1st anime I ever went crazy about.
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Postby Mint » Friday 22 October 2004 8:33:16pm

choki wrote:I miss Sailor Moon so much...I guess that must be the impact of Sailor Moon as the 1st anime I ever went crazy about.

Omg, its the same for me!!! SMoon introduced me to anime. I just got crazy about it and then , after there was nothing else Smoonie I could watch (or listen to) - I went on to the rest of the anime.. I remember as soon as I would get some extra money I would get a money order and send it out to get my fansubs :grin:

How did you start watching SMoon by the way? ^-^

Definitely tell me how Moon phrase is :)
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Postby choki » Saturday 23 October 2004 1:29:28pm

It was shown on TV dubbed in mandarin, quite a neat voiceover. I've heard the english dubbed version too. One word to describe it...HORRENDOUS! Anyway, it was shown on saturday afternoon. I enjoyed it very much but unfortunately, I had tuition during that time period so I didn't manage to see all the episodes in the first arc. And arghhhh the last episode :( I miss it :cry:

But after knowing the last episode story from my friend, I was kinda...What!!! You mean they lost their memories and didn't recognise each other anymore!!! :mad:
That was before I knew there was another season erm...2 years later :lol:

My fav. inner senshi was Venus the great goddess of love. Aino Minako (lol she always introduce herself in a manner like that) so when she died while protecting Usagi I was so sad :cry:
That was before I knew Sailor Moon style of reviving every senshi who died :o

How about you?
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Postby Mint » Tuesday 26 October 2004 12:57:35pm

My sister was watching it after school :grin: . I would do other things at that time but we were in the same room so I started watching bits and pieces. At first I thought the transformations were great eye candy and then before I knew it I was hooked :o . I saw random episodes so I was still trying to figure out the story. Then I went on the internet and did a search on it and got these beautiful galleries of SMoon ^-^

My fav. character was Sailor moon herself...probably because the first episode I watched was when ChibiUsa came to earth (2nd season) and there was a glance at Princess Serenity, who bad guys (don't remember who it was at that time) started to guess was Sailor Moon. o.o

lol, or may be I just related to her the most, having an annoying brat sister myself :lol:

All of my friends were divided between Rei and Amy. (why anyone whould like Amy the most was beyond me but whatever)

Its funny, at some point I also realized that noone dies permanently :grin: which is sort of good - I like happy endings :D
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Postby choki » Tuesday 26 October 2004 5:21:03pm

LOL, Rei and Ami...I find it hard to connect to them...
One is a genius, the other is an antagonist.

But if you watch PGSM (the live action), you will like these two characters :o
Haha, Ami is way too cute, gentle, polite, likes karaoke and becomes evil :evil grin:
Rei is way too cool, stubborn and hates karaoke.
And most importantly, the actresses playing Ami and Rei are pretty *drools* :lol:
The character development is good and better than the anime.

Simply loves the way they handled Venus and Mars relationship. Oh ya...
Spoiler Alert

Venus in PGSM goes separate way from the senshi and only Rei knew her alter ago, the idol Aino Minako as Minako only reveal her transformation in front of Mars. Rei didn't tell the rest because they were fans of Minako :grin: Anyway Minako kept antagonising Rei by saying Rei was weak and should feel ashamed as the leader (Rei was led to believing she was the leader by Venus). So you go...2 stubborn girls. And finally, Rei proved when she managed to awake her senshi power (nice fire effect!!!) Actually, Minako was suffering from a disease (I think it's brain tumour), therefore she kept pushing Rei as she wanted Rei to take over the position as the senshi leader. But she didn't tell Rei the reason until sometime later in the series when Minako felt it was time to let Rei know the truth so as to prepare for the final battle if she wasn't around anymore. Rei after knowing that Minako had only 3 more months to live advised her to undergo the surgery. But Minako refused as she wanted to continue her mission to prevent the tragedy in the past from happening again. This carried on for quite sometime, until Rei couldn't stand it anymore and rebuked her in front of the senshi. (last few acts) Fierce argument between the two and Rei left. Somewhere later, Minako was unable to transform anymore until she figured out that Rei was right all along. Minako then awoken her senshi power and decided to undergo the surgery. And if you think it is a nice ending where Minako survive the operation, you're wrong. Minako died...and Rei was devastated. That episode is a real tear jerker.
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Postby Mint » Wednesday 27 October 2004 1:37:59pm

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

OMG!!!! I am speachless!!!!! I want to see the series now!!!!!!! Must download!!!!!

see what you did? and my husband finally though I stopped killing our poor laptop x_X' Its your fault Choki!

lol, wow so its pretty different from anime. See, the first episode was sooo similar that I though it would be just an anime copy with some cheezy effects ^^'

cool... now I must wait 8 hours untill my work is 1 hour of commute x_x' and go start downloading it :grin:
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Postby choki » Wednesday 27 October 2004 5:53:04pm

Well, it is not exactly different from the anime version. There is the Youma of the Day plot. But other than that, the live action takes on a much manga approach. Except that instead of reading 3 volumes, u see 49 episodes with more details. Hate the way Shitennou are killed in the manga...just one blow from Sailor moon and they died :o

Hohoho...I enjoy the live version!!! more interaction with each senshi and you get to know their inner feeling to as what made them in their present self. Anime doesn't explain that much even though it is 200 episodes long :o

You have to catch it yourself. Buy a new laptop :lol:
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Postby Mint » Thursday 28 October 2004 2:12:47pm

key I downloaded one episode yesterday will watch it...tomorrow -_- ..I really need more time...

lol, i don't think I will be getting a new laptop :lol: "Um yeah honey, I am spending all this money because I need to download more SMoon episodes".... XD

I thought manga was more interesting than anime so its great that they incorporated it into live action. Shitennou, who were they? o_o don't remember anyone with that name.. <_<'
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