Half Blood Prince

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Postby carsten » Friday 1 October 2004 1:32:56pm

master_o_magic wrote::???: i dont see how mrs riddle could have had another child...she was killed in the riddle house in little hangleton along with mr riddle and their son 'tom' i.e lord voldemort....
You are right.

But maybe things can happen along a very different line of thought? Do you remember Sirius's carpet showing all the family relations? We know for sure that LV is from an old family. We know, too, that the old families are related. So we don't need any hidden bros'n'sis because we might already know some people from his family. The Malfoys are part of his family. You bet. They may be from a different branch (no direct descendants from Slytherin), but still it may be running in the family...

I hope book 6 isn't one of those "blood is thicker than water" stories.
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Postby master_o_magic » Monday 4 October 2004 9:15:07am

:o :???: hang on if there was an orphanage maybe it might come up in HBP or book seven?

there has been no mention of an orphanage yet so maybe it might have a significant role in one of the other 2 books:???:

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Postby pallas artemis » Monday 4 October 2004 9:30:54pm

master_o_magic wrote:
i dont see how mrs riddle could have had another child...she was killed in the riddle house in little hangleton along with mr riddle and their son 'tom' i.e lord voldemort....
You are right.

OK, lets clear something up. Mrs. Riddle, Voldemort's father's mother, died in book four at the Riddle house, but Mrs. Riddle, Voldemort's mother and decendent of SS, we are told, in book two by Young Tom Riddles Memory, died soon after he was born and left him in a muggle orphanage. :o :)
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Postby Evil Wizard Petting Zoo » Wednesday 6 October 2004 8:27:53pm

carsten wrote:But maybe things can happen along a very different line of thought? Do you remember Sirius's carpet showing all the family relations? We know for sure that LV is from an old family. We know, too, that the old families are related. So we don't need any hidden bros'n'sis because we might already know some people from his family. The Malfoys are part of his family. You bet. They may be from a different branch (no direct descendants from Slytherin), but still it may be running in the family...

LV isn't from an old wizarding family. He's half-blood. Maybe his mother was from one of the old families since she's related to Slytherin, and I'm sure the Malfoy's would be related to Slytherin if anyone.
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Postby Jotomicron » Thursday 7 October 2004 4:45:42pm

which brings the question... if Voldemort's mother was so pureblood and connected to Malfoy nad Slytherin himself... How she came to marry a muggle??
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Postby pallas artemis » Thursday 7 October 2004 8:38:01pm

Just a thought but, do we know that LV's mother was in fact a pureblood?

I thought that the only thing that we really knew about her beyond a shadow of a doubt was that she was a decendant of SS. It is possible that throught the years the blood line could have been tainted in numberous ways. She could have been a half blood, or possibly decended from a squib who was exiled from the family trees. It never said that her blood was pure or untainted just that she was a decendant SS.

She obviloiusly wasn't your typical Slytherin or she never would have hooked up with a muggle in the first place. :)
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Postby Meg Boyd » Sunday 10 October 2004 11:49:44pm

what if LV's mother wasn't a slytherin?


What if all Slytherin's aren't bad? What if she was just cunning and sly? And what if she had the power of love, and loved someone for who they were...and that person didn't love her back. Yes, she must have really loved that muggle to marry him, out of her own blood line. And her husband must not have loved her for real, because real true love wouldn't care if she was a witch or not. And it was because of this abcence of returned love that caused Tom Riddle to be cast away to a loveless orphanage. Thus, TMR had no love and could not learn to love and came to despise this love...which i believe will come to his downfall because Harry has love.

As for the half-blood prince, hmmmm, I'm thinking it might be Godric Gryffindor...since there is a slight smattering of GG in CoS which would signify the possible connection between CoS and HBP...there is also the chance of Justin Finch-Fletchley. He seems to be part of that half-bloodness, right? And he played a part in CoS (with the petrified parts and the snakes etc)
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Monday 24 January 2005 9:36:18am

Ahem... I am annoyed.
First of all JK Rowling pointed out on her website contradicting rumours that Tom Riddle "technically" not being Voldemort is false and that as Voldemort is not the Half-Blood Prince, therefore neither is Tom.
Also she pointed out that the whole Mark Evans thing is of no importance, he is simply a random fill-in character.
So that puts a stop to thatttt :cool:
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Monday 24 January 2005 9:42:46am

Er...sorry about that I was replying to something on a previous page of the topic :oops:
Umm I would like to say though I think the HBP is Hagrid. His mother was after all a Queen wasn't she? And he's Half-Blood, Half-Giant Half-Wizard :-)
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Postby Evil Wizard Petting Zoo » Tuesday 25 January 2005 9:45:58pm

I just had a thought, I think the HBP is Firenze. He's half-blood human. Centaurs are important in HP, I think their significance is overlooked because they get most of their screenplay in the first book and not much in any other. Bane or Ronan talks about how "the stars have spoken" or whatever and they as centaurs must not set themselves against or meddle in what the stars say. Anddd Firenze is brought back in OoTP and will probably be in HBP.
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Postby Hagger 9003 » Tuesday 25 January 2005 10:08:14pm

that firenze theory is interesting, EWPZ, but im not too sure. i don't kno why, but i think that HBP is going to be a human. i do think that firenze will play a big part, as will all of the magical creatures in the future. the centaurs are fed up with being treated badly by humans, and the goblins probably are as well. the main thing is that the wizards have been mean to all their servants for years, and soon they will know payback. DD mentions it in OotP.
back onto HBP, tho, i reckon HBP is someone new, maybe the lion man or Mcclaggan. i wouldn't be surprised if it was a relation of harry, like a grandparent. to put it simply, i have no idea :grin:
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Postby Mistress Siana » Tuesday 25 January 2005 11:41:52pm

Hm...you know what? I don't think that either Colin Creevy, Justin Finch-Fletchley or any other minor character is going to be the HBP. Why? Because they don't matter, simple as that. They are nice deatails that are necessary for a good story, but you wouldn't even notice if they were never to appear again. They were not introduced the way major characters are, and actually, I don't care for their story or whoever's prince they might be. I would be SO mad at JKR if she took some unimportant guy named Justin Finch-Fletchley and made him someone worth mentioning in the title. I just cannot believe it's somebody from the present, somebody who's alive, for I don't see how anybody labeled Half Blood Prince couldn't steal Harry the show. I don't know why, it's just the way it feels to me.
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Thursday 27 January 2005 3:59:15am

The title is called Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
So whoever the character is, he has some sorta relation to Harry in the story. It won't just be some random person. So let's think, who do we know that's a prince, and half-blood... Hagrid? What was his mum's title again?
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Postby Hagger 9003 » Thursday 27 January 2005 6:24:21pm

his mother was called Fridwulfa, but i dont think she had a title. however, she was mentioned in the daily prophet report about him in GoF, and i think that it hinted there that she was a well known giant, but im not sure.

ur right, siana, i think. jk does take a character mentioned just once, and use them, like sirius, but i dont think she would build up someone as a pointless character, like colin, and then suddenly say "look everybody, that innocent little wierdo is actually the HBP!! fooled u!!!!"

i reckon that the HBP will be someone who played a part in the past, and it will be a way of introducing information about the past. i remember that jk said that there would be no prequels, but we will know about what happened in the past anyway. maybe the HBP played a part in vold war 1, and will be used for information, as well as other things.
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Friday 28 January 2005 5:39:23am

Hmm I had an idea. What if the HBP isn't sombody alive. It's someone from Harry's near or distant past, that he finds out more about. Or it could even be a ghost for that matter. Hmm im still intrigued by Hagrid though, I think I'm gonna re-read GOF and OoTp another few times studying very carefully.
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