New Post Count System

Do you have any suggestions for this board or for the Broomsticks And Owls site?

Moderator: Broccoli

New Post Count System

Postby fred » Tuesday 31 August 2004 11:46:07pm

personally i think that the post count scoring system(whatever its called) is not big enough it only goes to (what is it 200 posts) why not make it longer or more posts. it would give some ppl somthing to try too do. ive been to other forums that have alot mor diffrent rating things. it would just make more intresting

as this is the suggestions thread its only a suggestion....
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Postby Gower » Tuesday 31 August 2004 11:52:20pm

This kind of thing has been sugested before. It's not a bad idea, but more rankings might encourage ppl to spam to get there which isn't too good :-?
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Postby fred » Wednesday 1 September 2004 12:01:57am

ive been in forums with solutions for that. ppl get things called warnings and if the get so many the get kicked off for a while.
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Postby Gower » Wednesday 1 September 2004 12:04:37am

Yes I've seen systems like that before. We'll just have to wait and see what other people think.
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Postby harrylover » Wednesday 1 September 2004 9:09:40am

Personally I think this would be a great idea, but I´m also sure that there would be more spam then...but I think we have enough moderators to handle that!
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Postby Broccoli » Wednesday 1 September 2004 10:00:37am

The problem is not actually spam, but posts that don't add anything new and basically repeat what has already been said or only consist of "I agree", etc.
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Postby Gower » Wednesday 1 September 2004 11:00:58am

Yes, I agree :grin: <<<<<Example :cool:
However I would say we do have a lot of mods. A lot more than I've seen on any other forum!
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Postby harrylover » Wednesday 1 September 2004 12:39:00pm

The mods could delete posts like: 'I think so too' or 'yes' or just repeating things.

Then there is something else we should consider. The three broomsticks don´t contain anything relevant and on other forums the post counter is off in those sections.

I think we have to wait what Paul says!!
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Postby Broccoli » Wednesday 1 September 2004 1:45:42pm

harrylover wrote:The mods could delete posts like: 'I think so too' or 'yes' or just repeating things.

That's true, but I think deleting a post has no effect on the post count.
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Postby Jotomicron » Wednesday 1 September 2004 2:51:27pm

I think it does, Broccoli. I've myself deleted some double posts and the post count decreases.
However, I think that when an intire thread is deleted (In the 'New Members Welcome Forum' threads with more than 7 days, I think, get deleted automatically), it doesn't decrease the post number...
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Postby Meg Boyd » Monday 11 October 2004 5:33:19pm

honestly I think the post award system is there to encourage new members to achieve a status on the forum where they are totally active, you know? Once they reach (is it 125 posts now?) they are probably pretty active so they shouldn't need to be encouraged any further. After 125 most people don't even realize how many posts they have!
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