An Introductory Welcome to the Other Universes RPG forum

Create a character and join in with the tales from an unbounded range of other universes. All are welcome to enjoy the fun, whether you're totally new or experienced in online role playing. Good luck and enjoy the interactive stories.

Moderators: Simatra, Q.Araignee, Phoenix in the Ashes, GodrictheGriffon, FawkesthePhoenix

An Introductory Welcome to the Other Universes RPG forum

Postby Paul » Sunday 18 October 2009 6:06:40pm

To explore Strange new worlds, discover whether it's a bird or is it a plane, feel the power of The Force or travel in a blue Police Box that's strangely larger on the inside than it is on the outside....or maybe to even create your own universe where you and fellow BaO members can engage in adventures beyond. Here it is - your Other Universes RPG forum, newly built and ready to escape from the launch pad!

Similar rules to the RPG Rules and Regulations posted in the Harry Potter RPG will apply, except of course any reference to Harry Potter in the Original rules will relate to your chosen Universe rather than Harry Potter (for example Rule 1a if you have created a scenario in the Star Trek universe would be. To be authorised, a character must have a full name, not violate any of the scenario special conditions or RPG rules, not directly violate Star Trek unless the special conditions allow it, and must be characters of either: Your creation, Star Trek canon, or another's creation with their permission for use.2. Make a sincere effort to use correct spelling and grammar. This section is not Zonko's. Minimal chat-speak).

To start a new scenario, simply use this link.... Suggest an Other Universes RPG scenario.

As with the original Harry Potter RPGs, background discussions regarding the Other Universes RPGs can be posted in the RPG Discussion Area

If you're new to BaO's RPGs, you may also want to have a quick read of the How to Participate thread which gives a bit more info on how things work.

As always, please feel free to ask any questions, and one of our friendly Moderators or myself will try to help as much as possible.

May the Force be with you allow you to Live Long and Prosper and find that The Truth is Out There!
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