11th Doctor announced today

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11th Doctor announced today

Postby Paul » Saturday 3 January 2009 7:21:54pm

The 11h Doctor has just been revealed on BBC1 at 5.59 today (about 20 minutes ago). Taking over from David Tennant will be Matt Smith, a little-known actor in his mid-twenties.

The BBC will be showing an interview with Matt at http://www.bbc.co.uk/doctorwho/

The reveal program, Doctor Who Confidential showed some interview footage with Matt where he mentioned that after being given the part he was just pacing around for three days thinking of it. He also talked of watching Doctor Who with his flatmates after being chosen, and having to keep it secret that he would be the next one. He has 6 months to prepare before filming starts.

He's the youngest ever choice for the 900-plus year old Doctor. From the brief interview clips, I think he can do it though. Congratulations to Matt.
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Re: 11th Doctor announced today

Postby Scellanis » Sunday 4 January 2009 1:29:10am

Ooo cool, he looks fun...I hope he can act although it would be tough for anyone to follow David Tennant, not surprised noone well known wanted to try it
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Re: 11th Doctor announced today

Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Saturday 9 January 2010 4:03:16am

I just watched the regeneration scene and a trailer on youtube, I'm sure he'll do well although it might be in quite a different style to what we're used to with the 10th Doctor.
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Re: 11th Doctor announced today

Postby Scellanis » Monday 3 May 2010 6:32:35pm

Anyone been watching the new series? What you think?

I thought he was good from the start but its hard to follow someone as strong as David Tennant, the Dalek's were a bit rubbish but these Weeping Angel episodes were wonderful, I was so on the edge of my seat I nearly ate my book because it happened to be in my hands at the time.
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