My Fanfic...

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My Fanfic...

Postby ElvenMist » Thursday 20 February 2003 6:07:00pm

Here's some fanfic I wrote a while ago. But I was going through my notebook and saw it and decided it ws pretty good (though unfinished) and that I'd post it...

Harry ran up the stairs panting. I'd been four hours- how much could've happened? Harry burst into the classroom... and there he saw here... with Malfoy. Let's just say it wasn't very appetizing. Harry stood there for a second. It wasn't that much of a surprise, after all, he'd kind of guessed, but Malfoy? "Cho, it's over," he called out. Cho and Malfoy jumped. Malfoy turned to him with a sneer, "Obviously," and went back to Cho. I think I'm going to be sick, thought Harry, and left. Around the corner and down the hall, he ran into Peeves. "Potter, you rotter," sang Peeves. "Hey, Peeves," said Harry slowly, " I hear there are some students snogging in the empty charms classroom..." Peeves cackled and disseappeared with a pop. Good thinking, Harry, he congratulated himself with a smile. Around another corner and he ran into Ron.
"Hey, Harry. You find Cho?" asked Ron.
"Yup, with Malfoy," replied Harry.
Ron's jaw dropped. "Aw, Harry, I'm sorry."
"It's okay," replied Harry with a crooked smile. "It was getting old, anyways."
Ron looked at him suspiciously, "Yeah, of course," he answered. "Tinu landus."
The fat lady's portrait swung open to reveal their common room. Inside, Hermione was doing homework, books spread onto the table, run charts scattered about.
"Hey, Hermione," said Ron, surveying the pile.
"Mm, hi, Ron," said Hermione without glancing up.
"Harry and Cho broke up," he added.
Now, Hermione looked up, with a peculiar expression on her face. "Oh, Harry, are you alright?"
"Yeah, I'm fine," he said distantly.
"She was with Malfoy," whispered Ron.
Hermione shook her head, muttering something that sounded like "no sense at all...". A difficult silence took over.
Harry broke the silence. "Listen guys, I really should go to the library to research those anti-sleeping draughts for the potions essay. See you both later."
"See you," echoed Hermione and Ron. Harry went back out through the fat lady. Ron looked at Hermione's work. "Say, Hermione, you wouldn't mind lending me your potions essay, would you?" Hermione sighed.


Okay, that's all I can copy down for now. I'll post soem more later...
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Postby Krum » Tuesday 11 March 2003 5:44:37pm

You can make anothe chapter about...REVENGE!!!
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