by salemboy » Sunday 25 May 2008 4:29:43pm
I myself have recently finished writing a book. Here are a few hints:
1) Don't set some monumentally humungus goal or it just won't happen. Set a goal of say, 100 pages, and then finish whenever you feel. Once you make that mark, write until you feel the book should end there, and just end it (of course with a good ending)
2) Brag, brag, and brag some more. Tell everyone you meet that you're writing a novel. It will make you more pressured to write.
3) Everyone gets writer's block. I had it every single day I wrote, some blocks lasting for over a month. How you get through writer's block is you write more than one novel at the same time. Sure, keep your main focus to one novel, but also write others, in case they give you ideas. Trust me, it works.
4) If you get an idea, don't just sit there and try to make a mental note. IT DOES NOT WORK!! Find a scrap of paper and pen, and jot it down as fast as you can, or you might forget it forever.
5) Attend forums where you can get as much advice and support as possible. If nobody beleives you can do it, it makes it much harder.
6) Read! Yes, read. It might seem like a "duh" comment, but some people (myself included, which made writing my book that much harder) say they're reading, but they're taking a whole month for one book. Devour books, got it? Devour them like wolves devour prey. It will teach you vocab. and it will broaden your mind to ways your plot could twist.
7) Last but not least, have people you trust look over it, say, every chapter. If you're heading in the wrong direction, they'll help you out. If you're heading in the right direction, they'll encourage you. Trust me, having my teachers encourage me is what made me type word after word after word.
I hope this helps you. If you need anymore advice, try out (or org, whichever one).