a zledm007 fan fic

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a zledm007 fan fic

Postby zledm007 » Thursday 14 August 2003 4:47:25am


He lay alone in the middle of what seemed to be a forest, but was different from any forest he had ever seen. There were many trees and other plants that swayed and moaned in the wind just like any other forest, but it seemed strangely calm. The forests he was used to were very alive with something always happening, whether it was people, the animals, or the plants themselves, there was always something happening. In this forest, however, there were no other people, no animals, and the plants kept quite to themselves. As he looked around, he also noticed a greenish-gray haze that blanketed the forest. It was as if everything was dead.

The rather bewildered man got to his feet and started walking. He didn’t know where he was walking, as he didn’t know where he was, but still, he walked. He had been walking aimlessly through the haze for a few minutes, or it might’ve been hours, he wasn’t really sure, when he stopped abruptly. It just occurred to him that the last place he remembered being before waking up in this forest was in the lower level of some very important building, although he couldn’t remember which one exactly. He couldn’t figure out how he could’ve gotten where he was. After giving it some thought he decided to think on it later, or as he walked, and continued walking in hopes of finding something, anything really, that showed the slightest sign of life. It seemed this forest was a never-ending path that would lead him nowhere.

A considerable amount of time later, the haze began to lighten, but was still very much there, and ahead of him he saw what looked like some kind of a small town. Upon seeing this town he realized that he was quite hungry and his legs were getting incredibly tired form all the walking. He quickened his pace towards the edge of the forest, or at least a clearing large enough for a village, in hopes of finding someone who would be kind enough to offer him some food and a place to rest. As soon as he had cleared the last line of trees and was breaking into a run towards the nearest building he heard a strangely familiar voice behind him, “Sirius? Sirius Black?”
Last edited by zledm007 on Wednesday 18 July 2007 4:58:23am, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Meg Boyd » Monday 18 August 2003 4:29:18pm

wow...zledy...that was good...you must continue!!!! At first I thought the story was about Grawp being kidnapped to the Forbidden Forest, but then suddenly...shablamoh...it was Sirius...and I liked how you also used the mystery of names until necessary!

*Meg starts to cry* I knew this was too good to be true...I guess I am back in your shadow...I knew I couldn't be better than you at something for long...he he...you'll dominate me in this field too, don't worry...
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Postby gecko » Monday 18 August 2003 4:33:57pm

Yeah this is nice! I hope you're busy writing the rest now, because I want to read it as soon as possible :P !

Whose voice was familiar....I must know !
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Postby Paul » Tuesday 19 August 2003 12:45:37am

Wow, a great start there Zledm007. There I was thinking it was Dumbledore or even Snape walking in the forest, and the lower level of some very important building was the Hogwarts dungeons. Nice choice of title too - had me wondering but now I see why you called it THE OTHER SIDE.
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Postby choki » Tuesday 19 August 2003 4:00:05pm

Bravo zledm007...nice one Sirius Black...I tot it was one of harry's dreams
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Postby zledm007 » Tuesday 19 August 2003 4:33:49pm

thanks for all the comments. i should have the next installment ready within the next few days
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Postby zledm007 » Tuesday 19 August 2003 7:35:25pm

ok, here's the next bit:

He stopped abruptly and found himself stunned. ‘Who in this forest could possibly know who I am?’ he thought, ‘I’ve never been here, and I’ve never heard of a place like this before. How could any one here know me?’

“Sirius? Is it really you?” he stood petrified, “Hello? Could you at least turn around so I can see your face?” still he stood still. “No, you couldn’t be him. Old padfoot wasn’t afraid of anything. He wouldn’t stand there hoping that everything would go away. He’d try to figure it out, especially if it might be dangerous, and even if there was the possibility of having life as you know it taken from you.”

“Padfoot?” He said as he slowly began to turn. “I haven’t heard that name, well, except from Remus, but you’re not him. I haven’t heard that name said like that since-”

“Since when?” asked the voice.

“Since- No, it couldn’t be, that’s impossible. No, it just couldn’t be.”

“Are you sure about that padfoot old friend?”

“But, it can’t be, it just can’t,” he said as he turned all the way around so he was facing the source of the voice. “James?” He stood bewildered, “James?” he said again.

“Sirius, it is you. Yes, it’s me, James.”

“B-but how? You died, 15 years ago you died.” Sirius asked with an incredibly confused look covering his face.

“I’ll explain later,” James said with a hint of urgency appearing in his voice, “but right now we need to get to my cottage. It’s not safe out here.”

“Not safe?” Sirius proclaimed, “There’s not a hint of anything happening anywhere near here. Everything seems, well, dead.”

“Yes, I know, there is much you need to learn yet. You are in a different world Sirius. Like I said, I will explain everything later, but we need to get back.”

“Well, alright I suppose, but I still don’t see what the rush is.”

“O.k. then, lets go. Follow me.” In a lighter tone James went on, “Oh Lily is going to hit the roof when she sees you.”

‘What is this place?’ Sirius wondered, ‘Last thing I know I’m in some basement, and now I’m with James. This is weird. And dangerous? Seriously, how is this dangerous?’

The two walked off, back into the silent forest Sirius had found himself him no longer than three hours ago.
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Postby gecko » Tuesday 19 August 2003 7:42:59pm

wow it's great! finally realised what you mean with 'the other side'! :grin: keep up the good writing!
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Postby zledm007 » Tuesday 19 August 2003 7:47:32pm

Or at least you think you know what it means. muhahaha. no you probly got it. just had to add that element of mystery, you know. thanks for the comment! :D
Last edited by zledm007 on Monday 16 July 2007 5:48:59am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Meg Boyd » Tuesday 19 August 2003 8:52:48pm

wow MLZ, you keep surprising me...I never you knew you had story teller talent in you, and how long have I known you? I firgured it was James all along, but what can I say, Great Minds Think Alike! But I really like the line:

The Other Side wrote:“O.k. then, lets go. Follow me.” In a lighter tone James went on, “Oh Lily is going to hit the roof when she sees you.”

He he he, that one just struck me as hilarious...

but I am still curious as to see why the rush...all I can think about is that Stephen King story, The Langoliers, where the teethy little creatures feed on yesterday, where everything is dead and eat the unprotected visitors to the past...sorry, the whole rush and dead thing reminded me off that...whoops!

Keep up the good work! I can't wait to see the next installment!
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Postby zledm007 » Wednesday 20 August 2003 4:08:14am

gald i could put some humor in for you MEM. Yeah, the next installment might be a while. I know where the story is going, but wroting the next part could present a challenge.
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Postby zledm007 » Wednesday 20 August 2003 9:35:34pm

ok, well, here's the next part. i dorta figured out how to write it. i kinda avoinded the scene i thought i was gonna have trouble w/ and put this in instead. so here you go...

He was alone in the forest yet again, but this time he was a little more comfortable. He knew where he was, well, sort of, and knew someone around him, although he still didn’t know how he could be with James after he had been dead for fifteen years. It just didn’t make sense, he was in that room, helping someone do something, and all of a sudden he’s in this strange forest with his dead best friend. For a second he thought he could be dreaming, but it all seemed so real. Even though there was an abundance of nothingness, and an incredible supply of inactivity, it all was so real.

“Sirius? Sirius is it really you?” He looked back into the wonderful green eyes he had been missing for years. “Sirius, oh Sirius, I am so sorry. How could this hap-”

“Lily, he doesn’t understand.” Interrupted James.

“Understand? Understand what? What are you sorry about Lil?”

“Oh, I am just, oh come here.” She said as she embraced Sirius in a long awaited hug.

“It’s good to see you Lily,” Sirius said as he tried to wedge his way out of Lily’s arms.

“Thanks for waiting here Sirius,” James said, “I wanted to make sure Lily knew what she was about to see before she saw you. Like I said, she hit the roof. If she would’ve seen you at the door she probably would’ve locked us both out in shock. But, in any case, we must be getting back.”

“Yes, definitely,” Lily said urgently, “Lets go, it’s getting late and we mustn’t be out much longer. I’ve got tea waiting for the four of us when we get back. Lets move along shall we.”

“What? Fo-” Sirius started.

“Yes, lets go,” lead James.

“But, Fou-”

“Lets Go!”
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Postby Meg Boyd » Wednesday 20 August 2003 10:54:22pm

oooh....I am really hooked! Please keep up the good work, I am so interested to know about the rush and the four of them!
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Postby AccioNiffler » Saturday 23 August 2003 5:40:02am

Wow! I really like your writing stly, it keeps me interested in the story. I just read it for the first time tonight, so I got a bunch of installments at once, and now I'm wishing there were more! And four? Who is the fouth one? Hmmm... You keep me guessing.
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Postby Paul » Sunday 24 August 2003 8:28:12pm

Count me hooked too zledm007. :) And intrigued as to who the fourth person is. This is really great stuff.
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