by Wedge » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am
<p align="center"><fon face="impact">C H I C K E N S</font>
It was getting dark in the Gryffindor common room; And Harry and Hermione were sitting on some comfy by the massive fire, which was crackling merrily, and happily burning wood.
Suddenly Ron burst through the Portrait carrying a box, which was shaking slightly.
‘What’s in the box?’ Asked Harry curiously. Ron opened the lid and suddenly two chickens jumped out, and landed on the floor. They clucked a few times in disapproval, and then looked around. Harry screamed and edged slowly away.
‘What’s the matter?’ Asked Ron mildly.
‘THEY ARE CKICKENS!’ Harry squealed ‘THEY WILL EAT US ALL, THEN TAKE OVER THE WORLD!’ Hermione shrugged, and turned back to a large book that she was reading. One of the chickens clucked savagely, and ate her, quickly.
Ron glared at the chickens.
‘Hey, You ate my girl friend!’ He thought for a moment ‘Oh well, care for a game of chess, Harry?’
They laid out the board, but soon the chickens ate all the chess pieces.
‘We are trying to play a game here!’ Ron complained. Suddenly the chicken ate him. Harry was left quite alone. He whimpered for a moment, and then he too, got eaten.
The chickens then proceeded until they had eaten everybody, then they took over the world.
The end.
<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Wedge on 2002-08-22 21:06 ]</font>