"A Newfound Story" Continued (SPOILERS)

Are you a budding writer? If you have any ideas for Harry potter plots, share them here. Who knows, JK Rowling may take a look and use your ideas in her next book!

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Postby Nightfall » Thursday 27 November 2003 2:43:54am

A truly amazing read! Please keep up the excellent story! :lol:
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Postby gecko » Thursday 27 November 2003 2:44:22pm

Superb! :P

Does Hermione have a job? Or has she become rather like Mrs. Weasley?
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Postby Meg Boyd » Thursday 27 November 2003 4:07:32pm

it's mentioned in the first thread of my story that Hermione is a medical researcher for St. Mungo's. It hasn't been said but as of now she isn't working because of her rather large pregnancy, but will return in due time. I also haven't wrote this yet either, but hey why not, Hermione has medical degrees from muggle universities and healer colleges and uses techiniques from both fields medicene to bring the best healing to wizards. He he he, its my story, right???? :lol:
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Postby gecko » Thursday 27 November 2003 8:27:22pm

Ooh :oops: sorry..
It's been such a long time since I read the beginning of your story..!

*visits the first thread*
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Postby Meg Boyd » Thursday 27 November 2003 9:11:36pm

No big deal, gecko!!! It is a rather long story so I wouldn't expect anyone to know and remember everything...as long as you read it I'm happy :grin: :) :grin: :D :grin:
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Postby Meg Boyd » Sunday 7 December 2003 2:48:25am

Harry stopped glaring at Ron, sat down slowly, and took a large slam of tea.

“What I was going to say,” he growled, “Was that Hogwarts sent me a letter asking for me to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts.”
Ron’s jaw dropped as Hermione’s normally flushed face drained to a pasty white. Harry looked down at his hands. They were shaking, nervously, like he had never seen before. There was just something about that letter that made him nervous, yet nervous with excitement that he hadn’t felt in years.

“Don’t they remember Cedric?” Hermoine muttered, quietly pacing her kitchen, “Dumbledore’s words, don’t they remember?”
Hermione seemed almost detached at the sound of Harry’s announcement. Harry and Ron exchanged glances, both remembering Cedric and the other victims centering around the school and Wizard kind’s dark days. None of the three had stepped a foot on Hogwart’s campus since their bittersweet commencement ceremony, and none of them planned on returning so soon.

Ron pulled at his collar and cleared his throat, “Well, what are you going to do Harry.”

Harry’s mouth opened, and answered Ron, yet it was almost as if Harry had no control over what he was saying. Even though he was fully conscious of his words, he couldn’t help but feeling like he was a marionette as he said, “Teach, of course!”

Hermione stopped dead in her tracks, “Yes, Harry, you must teach…I can’t believe I didn’t see it before…” she muttered almost half to her self.

Ron crossed over to Harry. “You see flustered. You should come to the shop with me, you know. It would be great fun, plus you could take a gander down to Fred and George’s shop. They are in Majorca vacationing now, but Lee Jordan and his wife Angelina are there, I’m sure you’d enjoy catching up with a lot of the old gang. Perhaps Lavender would like to come, eh???” Ron said, guiding his friend to the door as his wife waddled around the corner.

Harry stroked his chin, feeling the stubble of a 5 o’clock shadow. He really needed some relaxation, but he did have to pick out china patterns with Lavender. Yet as Ron grinned his silly freckled smile, Harry knew that Lavender could wait, like he was going to have a say in china patterns, anyway.
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Postby Sacred Guardian » Tuesday 16 December 2003 12:20:07am

wow, i just read this through for the first time and it's great, please continue
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Postby Violet » Friday 19 December 2003 7:29:53pm

wow, cant wait to c what happens when harry goes bk to hogwarts
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Postby pinky p » Saturday 20 December 2003 6:23:34am

yay, its very good!

just curious... have you written the whole story? do you know how long it's going to be?
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Postby Meg Boyd » Saturday 20 December 2003 6:25:54pm

I have not written the whole story, but I have the plot all figured out in my head and some scrappy papers in my room. I have no idea how long it will be, but it will be as long as it needs to be to fullfill my plot line...thanks for reading it! :D
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Postby Meg Boyd » Saturday 3 January 2004 12:09:36am

Sorry for the double post...(bad meg...I am a mod, I am suppose to be showing a good example...:wink:)


Ok, I started a thread in the Other Fan Fiction and Writing thread about writing one's own page 162 in their own autobiography...i think this could be a fun writing and reading activity and could help us all appreciate each other's talents and personalities so much better!!! Thr problem is, is that not a lot of people venture into the Other Fan Fiction section, so I thought I'd post here to let people know about it so we can have a cool writing dicussion and discovery! So check it out!!!!



MEG BOYD :grin:

PS: More story is on the way...sorry for the delay!
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Postby Meg Boyd » Sunday 1 February 2004 9:48:25pm

BAD MEG! This is a triple post (I am almost as bad as poor Zledy)

Well here is some more of the story...I hope you enjoy reading it as I enjoy writing it!

After the whush and blow feeling had passed from their trip through the Floo Network, Harry and Ron appeared in a place that recalled familiarity from the depths of Harry’s childhood. Ron had purchased the old quidditch supply shop and was now running it, but to his standards. Chuddely Cannon propaganda was plastered everywhere, as the seven team mates zoomed and feinted their way around the several posters across the front room. In one corner where racing broom periodicals had once been on display, there now were several plush chairs around another small fireplace next to an acid green coffee table. A familiar design of white lines decorated the green table, and small yellow and red x’s and o’s danced around arrowed paths on the table. Harry smiled as he recognized this table as a magnificent version of Oliver Wood’s quidditch play board. Walking up to the table and chairs, Harry imagined boys like himself sitting here on holiday from school theorizing multiple plays and actions for their favorite Quidditch teams. He walked up to the front window where several school aged children stood open mouthed at Weasley’s Quidditch Supply Shop’s newest arrival. Harry recognized the children’s expressions of wonder, delight, and envy as his own when he was a boy gazing at the memorizing glow of the Firebolt. His Firebolt was rarely used anymore, put on a shelf behind glass in his parlor. It was a gift from his godfather, and since his Quidditch days had passed Harry had mounted it in honor of the man who died with honor. At this remembrance, he collapsed on to one of the green velvet plush chairs.

“Ay Harry, you alright?” questioned Ron, with an extremely worried look on his face.

Harry took a slow, deep breath, “Yeah, it is nice to see this place again.”

Ron’s facial expression did not change.

Harry quickly changed the subject, “I like what you’ve done to the place. That play board table of yours is brilliant.”

Ron blushed, “Well I got it from Fred and George’s stories of Oliver Wood’s mad pep talks each season. I said to myself one day, ‘Ron, wouldn’t that be a brilliant thing to have in my shop so kids can actually benefit from Wood’s insanity?’ And here it is.”

“Is it on the market at all? I am sure other shops and even Quidditch sport pubs would love to have such a thing.” Harry inquired, reading the direction card next to the table.

“Nah, I reckon others would think it was rubbish. Anyways, did you see the new arrival? It is the Winged Victory 500, never a broom faster…well except the Firebolt line, but this one is special I tell you, created to be lighter than even that muggle stuff called tiger glass.” Ron said, making his way to the display window and taking the new broom out much to the dismay of the children.

“Ron, it’s called Fiber Glass.”
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Postby pinky p » Saturday 28 February 2004 6:06:21pm

:lol: oh it's so good, meg! you have me laughing & crying at the same time :)
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