"A Newfound Story" Continued (SPOILERS)

Are you a budding writer? If you have any ideas for Harry potter plots, share them here. Who knows, JK Rowling may take a look and use your ideas in her next book!

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Postby Violet » Friday 26 September 2003 10:25:10am

oooh how cool!
what's happened to Dumbledore??
Great story meg.... :grin:
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Postby Meg Boyd » Friday 26 September 2003 12:55:57pm

Violet High wrote:oooh how cool!
what's happened to Dumbledore??
Great story meg....

I guess I should remind you that DD was executed for High Treason. I know I wrote that in Percy's flash back, but I guess now I am not sure I made it clear. Sorry for the confusion, Violet.

Percy's Flashback wrote:Regardless of this feeble attempt, The Wizamot was swayed by the Daily Prophet's slander of Dumbledore's good name that Malfoy was freed and Dumbledore was sent to his death.

this line was found at the end of the first installment of the second Newfound Story topic...sorry again for the confusion, if you have any other questions just let me know, but also you have to remember that this will be a LOOOONG story and well there are a lot of things that won't make sense until the end or later on.
Last edited by Meg Boyd on Saturday 27 September 2003 5:10:54pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Violet » Saturday 27 September 2003 11:36:22am

Oh yeah... i remember reading that now!
Sorry, my head's all over the place at moment, but once again well done, and please write more! :grin:
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Postby Meg Boyd » Saturday 27 September 2003 5:13:20pm

no big deal, have a good day...when i am done cleaning my room i will write somemore i think
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Postby Meg Boyd » Sunday 28 September 2003 1:52:56pm

*Hideho, here is more story...*

Harry took in a slow, shaky breath and let it out nervously as his fingers flipped the envelope around and around, as if there were more information hidden amongst the Hogwarts Seal. He scanned the letter once, twice, thrice…but still the words seemed to say that they wanted him at Hogwarts once again. As Harry folded up the letter and started to pace up and down the length of his bed room, he wondered why they wanted him back at Hogwarts. Didn’t they know the memories that lay with in the walls of the enchanted castle??? Didn’t they know the pain that will be brought back by the very sight of Hogwarts??? No, a small voice with in him said, they didn’t know. They don’t remember. They have moved on Harry, and so should you.

Harry shook his head to clear his mind up, and started to get dressed. He put away the dragon hide suit that Lavender had bought him so that he may “look somewhat presentable”. Harry crossed over to his chest of drawers and pulled out muggle clothes, the ones he wore when wanting to look inconspicuous. Today he was not going to pick out china patterns with Lavender. Today, Harry was taking a little trip to Grenwild Drive. Today, Harry thought as he pulled a Manchester United shirt over his head, he needed his best friends more than ever.
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Postby Charis » Sunday 28 September 2003 9:01:42pm

ooo yay! the trio will reunite once again! as usual, can't wait for more :D
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Postby AccioNiffler » Monday 29 September 2003 10:05:30pm

I love your use of paralellism! it really adds to the affect!

Today he was not going to pick out china patterns with Lavender. Today, Harry was taking a little trip to Grenwild Drive. Today, Harry thought as he pulled a Manchester United shirt over his head, he needed his best friends more than ever
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Postby Meg Boyd » Tuesday 30 September 2003 12:46:49pm

thanks Accio, although I really don't know what that is, I am glad to know what ever I did worked...i really don't know a lot of fancy writing techniques, I just kinda write...oh well, I will learn a lot from my current lit teacher, he is awesome...

I expect more story to be written this weekend again, perhaps Sunday...I have school stuff until 8 pm every night then homework, so writing during the week is out...then I am looking at colleges in the next state over on Fri and Sat, so I won't be not busy until Sunday!!!!
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Postby AccioNiffler » Tuesday 30 September 2003 8:28:07pm

hehe :lol: , when I said i liked the parallelism I meant the way you used that repeatedly to reiterate your point, hehe, sorry about the confusion, I've just made a huge presentation on the top 90 rhetorical decvices and their uses, and now i'm like noticing it in everyone's writing! I'm really excited to read more of the story on sunday though! cant wait! :grin: :grin:
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Postby Violet » Saturday 18 October 2003 3:42:48pm

Just read your last installment, really looking forward to the next one....
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Postby Meg Boyd » Tuesday 11 November 2003 12:27:49am

Harry walked down the small cobblestone lane that led from his home to the main road. Usually he apparated or flew everywhere he wanted to go, but today was different. He wanted some time to reflect, and walking seemed to be the best time to reflect. As Harry’s heels crunched along on the gravel road, he thought about the letter that was folded up inside of his left pant pocket. They wanted him, he thought. A tiny, familiar, feeling of warm pride started to grow inside him. Harry remembered the results from his Defense Against the Dark Arts OWLs and NEWTs. He recalled the top marks that had earned him the position at the Auror’s College, and how even the professors there had marveled at his ability. Yet, it was that ability that caused him to be the strong one, the one to take the burden of protection, the one to experience the pain. With a sigh, Harry’s feet continued to crunch along the road, creating a complex rhythm with the wind in the trees, and the whistling of the birds. A small sparrow flew just over his head, just to the west of him. Harry gazed out towards the sky where the sparrow had flown away in the western horizon. Facing to the west, he felt the warm, golden glow of the sun rising in the east on his back. Harry, turning towards the sun, closed his eyes and took a deep breath. It was all in the past, and he had to look forward to his future, as grim as it maybe.
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Postby pinky p » Tuesday 11 November 2003 1:38:43am

what's next? :o

:grin: lovin' it, meg!
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Postby Violet » Tuesday 11 November 2003 2:27:00pm

i'll second that, it's great meg.
all we need now is for you to keep writing till the next book comes out to keep us happy! :grin:
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Postby Meg Boyd » Monday 17 November 2003 5:14:10am

Harry arrived at the Weasley residence on Grenwild Drive just as Ron was heading out the door.

“Oy, is that you there Harry? Fancy seeing you this time of morning.” Ron said shifting an oddly shaped package slung over his shoulder. “What brings you to my humble home, eh?’

Harry cleared his throat and brought out his Hogwarts letter from his pocket. Ron instantly spied the familiar parchment and gave a sigh.

“By Jove I nearly forgot! Hermione told me ages ago to put the baby-to-be’s name down on the list for Hogwarts. Hmm, I suppose I ought to get on with that. What a nasty surprise it would be eleven years down the road when dear little Ronnie Junior never got his Hogwarts letter because his father was a lazy ol’ bag, eh? Hermy also told me to put his name down for some muggle school, just incase. Not sure if I recall the name. Eden, or something, sound right Harry?”

“Eton, Ron. The school’s name is Eton. And I’m sure McGonagall would not forget to send a Weasley their letter, even if their father was a lie-about.” Harry said, hastily trying to move on to another subject, “Actually I didn’t come here to remind you to put Ronnie Junior’s name down on the Hogwart’s list. I came here to talk to you and Hermione about something very important.”

Ron shifted the package to his other shoulder and scrunched up his fore head in the way he usually did when he was confused, “Well then, I suppose my project can wait. Why don’t you come in for a bit of breakfast? I reckon Hermione hasn’t quite put the leftovers of our nosh away yet.”
“Thanks, Ron. I’d certainly appreciate it.”

The two friends entered the small bungalow, and were greeted by the glowing face of Hermione who was just putting the remainders of the pot of porridge in a muggle plastic container. With a quick swish of her wand the container snapped shut and zoomed its way to the ice box.

“Ron I thought you were headed out to…Oh, gracious! Good morning Harry! What brings you to our neck of the woods so early?” Hermione said, wiping her hands on her apron.

Harry cleared his throat again, and began to explain his situation. However Ron cut him off, “Harry has something terribly important to say…must be incredibly important. I mean he’s even got a Hogwarts letter.”

Hermione face turned pale and her eyebrows furrowed together, as they usually did when she was upset or worried.
“Oh Harry! A Hogwarts letter, don’t they know of the memories??? Oh Harry I am so sorry, what does it mean? Have they found anything from Dumbledore??? Oh Harry do tell!!! Perhaps you should talk to someone about this. Harry, you’re a fright. You’re cheeks are all sunken in, and your eyes are baggy and blood shot. What have they done to you! Did you sleep or eat at all last night??? Harry please have some tea, oh Harry!” Hermione carried on in her flustered, worried gibberish, pouring tea and patting his messy black hair at the same time in a desperate attempt to sooth him.

“Right Harry, you ought to talk to us about it, let it out there chap, c’mon. Please have a spot of tea.” Ron chimed it, setting his parcel down and leaning into Harry’s personal space.

As Hermione and Ron buzzed about in their worried clamor, Harry tried to get a word in edgewise about his important dilemma. However every time he made any notion to speak Hermione shoved a scone or a swallow of tea in his mouth with a remark of his sallow, skinny, sunken appearance. After ten minutes of the chaos, Harry could not take it anymore. For the first time since he was fifteen he burst out at the two people he loved dearest.

“Enough! I’m fine, alright? Will you please stop nagging at me and let me talk? Who do you think you are, Lavender?” Harry cried, unsettling the teapot as he jumped up from his chair.

Hermione and Ron stared at him in awe.

“Well now, I had no idea you felt that way about Lavender. Is that why you came to talk to us?” Hermione said, gently pushing Harry back into his chair.

“I don’t feel that way about Lavender, I love her.” Harry said, jumping up again

“Right, and tractors have wings. Harry, I’m your best friend, you can’t fool me.” Ron jumped up also, at the sight of Harry’s glare, “Ok, ok. What in goodness name do you have to say already?”
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Postby pinky p » Tuesday 18 November 2003 12:34:02am

:o oooh, ron'd better watch his step... :razz:

loving it the same as always, meg! i guess i should probably write some more of mine eventually... :lol:
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