
Are you a budding writer? If you have any ideas for Harry potter plots, share them here. Who knows, JK Rowling may take a look and use your ideas in her next book!

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Postby Quicksilver » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

Reviews? More reviews?
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Postby ermintrude2003 » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

wow that was amazing!
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Postby Quicksilver » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am


The kid, Longbottom gulped and ducked behind her armchair.
"Get. Out. Now." she said icily. "Or I cannot be held responsible for what happens. You do know the curses I'm capable of." she felt like she was captain again. She pointed her wand at the only still seated (And most likely youngest) Death Eater. "On your feet!" she barked. He stood up quickly.

Avery sneered at her. "Fine." he pointed his wand silently at Longbottom. "AVADA KA-"
Dee stepped in between the line of fire. "I didn't say kill him genius." She leveled her wand to point straight between his eyes.

The young Death Eater behind her suddenly balked and ran out of the house. Dee smirked in satisfaction. "Well what do you know? And I always thought [i:2o3g1v8y]captains[/i:2o3g1v8y] were supposed to be the smart ones."
" Expelliarmus!" Avery shouted. Dee's wand through flew the air........and poked him in the eye. As he howled in pain, Dee scooped up her wand and banished Malfoy through the window.
She turned back to Avery who was rubbing his eye and moaning. "Dweeb." she whispered, and her fist connected with his jaw. With a sickening, yet satisfying crunch, Avery stumbld back gaping. They stared at eachother for a moment before he dissaparated. Dee blinked. "Damn!" she swore. "Lousy wards, that whats wrong with this plce."

Dee walked over and peered behind the chair at the shivering boy.
"Well hello then." she said cheerfully. She flopped into the squashy armchair and motioned for him to do the same.
"So you're Longbottom are you? Frank's son?" Longbottom gulped again, but nodded.
"Well, that must mean you live with Meirial. Come on." Dee sat up and walked over to the fireplace. She turned around and handed him the oranamental Floo jar.

"I'd come with you, but she'd probably curse me on sight." he grinned feebly." Okay. Now, if you're anything like your father, please DON"T insult the fireplace."
He looked surprised. "Why?" he asked, speaking for the first time. He had a sort of high-pitched squeak. Poor kid, they must've scared the stuffing out of him
"Fireplaces can do weird things when insulted. See you, Longbottom." The kid tried to smile, but it turned out more like a blanche of terror. He stepped into the flames and shouted, "Algie Ambrose!" and was whisked off.

Dee cracked her knuckles and looked around. It wasn't safe to stay here anymore, Voldemort would surely send more men. She grinned quirkly. She hadn't apparated in awhile. Dee pulled out her wand and thought hrd. Where was it that Figg was? Privet Drive, yes. Dee scr*wed up her eyes and dissapeared with a faint pop.
She apparated onto a funny looking muggle neighborhood. She looked around. "Poor Arabella." she mused aloud. "Living here for 14 years?" she glanced over her shoulder and trasformed into her animagus form. She swooped up and landed lightly on a telphone wire, surveying the almost barren street.

Sitting below her, digging in a flower bed and grumbling slightly, was James's son.
Who else could it be? She stared. Dee hadn't seen him scince he was only 1 year old. At a closer inspection, he looked terrible. A bruise that looked permanent was sitiuated over his left ear and his face was dirty. He looked like a dog that nobody wanted. Dog made her think of Sirius, which made her wonder if Harry knew the truth about him, which made her wonder if he knew her. She shook her falcon-head to come to her senses, then dove down.
The kid was visibly startled as she winged by him, but who isn't when they see a falcon up close. Dee flew in between the houses and re transformed. She shivered slightly and pulled out her wand. The last thing she saw before she disapparated was the exact replica of James open his mouth in surprise.

(And, if you were wondering, Dee is not supposed to be me. I look nothing like her and am much more cowardly. :grin:)
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Postby Shadow » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

That was good. Write more, write more!!
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Postby Quicksilver » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

For cryingout loud SOMEBODY READ IT!!!
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Postby Wedge » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

God that was incredibly incredible! More please!
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Postby Broccoli » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

That was brilliant! Write more!!
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Postby Quicksilver » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

I looooove reviews....especially ones from nice people like you.

Thi part is a bit irrelevant.......


Dee caught her breath and slid inside the pub, avoiding the staring eyes of incredulous muggles. She sat down heavily in a chair and waved at the bar tender. He sidled over. "What'll it be toots?"
She glared at him. "Witchburner. And don't call me toots."
He shrugged and turned to fill her glass. Dee looked around at the farmiliar surroundings of the [i:4yoj1acx]8th Lock[/i:4yoj1acx]. She spent some time here when she didn't feel like staying at home. The bartender handed her her glass, and she brought her glass to her lips and sipped the tangy drink. On the left side of her was a geeky looking guy in plaid robes who looked awfully nervous. He stuttered on every few words and gulped continuosly. On the other, a big man who looked like he could make a living as a dragon wrestler. The people you find these days.
Dee shook her head and took another sip.
She remembered a time when she and Sirius had visited this ub must've been a month before James and Lily died. He had gotten into a fight with a couple Death Eaters over her and had vbeen unconcious for a week. She felt a tug on her robes, interrupting her thoughts, and turned. A young girl, around 8, looking terrified stared up at her. She had brown hair and chubby red cheeks. She looked an awful lot like her sister had before..... Dee wiped her mouth and bent down.
"Whats the matter? Are you lost?" Dee asked, forcing her face into a look of concern.
The girl gulped and looked around, her face frightened. "Where am I?" she asked, her lip quavering. " Everyone's dressed in funny clothes and they keep talking about Quiddirtch. I can't find my way out and my mom will be worried." She said softly, tugging on her hair.
Dee sighed. A muggle.
"Follow me. She grabbed her hand and started to part her way through the crowd. "Whatcha got ther Dee?" slurred a man from the corner. "Don't tell me thats your date?"
"Shut up Alfred, the poor muggles lost."
Two burly men stood up. "A muggle huh? Why don't you let us have her, we'll show her the way out." The fat one grinned, showing two rows of broken brown teeth. The girl hid behind Dee's waist.
"Give it up Anvil, I'm sure you'll meet a woman someday, no need to start looking at little girls just yet." Said Dee, walking past him holding the little girls hand. He scowled and blocked her. "Thats the last time you insult me summes." He growled. The girl behind Dee started shaking. She shook her head. He always tried to fight her. Never won either.
"Out of the way Anvil, unless you want to wet your pink panties again."
The table next to them roared with laughter, and a rather tipsy man fell off his chair. Anvil pulled out his wand. Dee did likewise.
"This isn't such a good idea." She warned."You're drunk."
He waved his hand and a few sparks shot out of his wand. "I feel fine." He tried to aim his wand, but his hand wouldn't stay steady.
" Petrificus Totalus!" Dee said loudly. Anvil toppled over nearly crushing his friend.
"Someone get the beast out of my way." She called, and he was hauled to the side. She tugged the frightened girl slightly towards the door.
Once out in the open, she turned to the girl.
"I don't really think you want to remember that, do you?" She turned her wand at the girl, who loked at it confusedly. "[i:4yoj1acx] Obliviate[/i:4yoj1acx]" The small girl blinked. "What happened? Who are you?"
"You fell down I think, oh look, is that your mom?" A woman ran over to them and scooped the girl up. After thanking Dee profusely, she walked away, lecturing the girl not to talk to strangers. Dee, not wanting to face Anvil again, turned up the street. This was one of the better places in England.
The clock tower tolled 7 o clock. She hadn't realised it was that late. She stepped into the alley to dissaparate.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Quicksilver on 2002-08-21 18:36 ]</font>
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Postby Broccoli » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

Hey, cool! You are really, really a good writer! I just wonder, do you have some kind of a plan in your head or do you have sudden ideas of what is going to happen next? The story seems to be well structured.
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Postby Quicksilver » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

I'm a genius.
No I'm not. Actually, it's all written down, and I keep going back and changing things that annoy me.
So criticism is VERY welcome!!
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Postby Wedge » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

Ok then its complete cr*p!
Nah not really its still totally terrifically terrifyingly tremendous! :smile:
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Postby Melody Granger » Saturday 31 August 2002 1:41:01pm

more please its really good :D :grin: :) :-) 8) 8-) :lol: :P :razz: :D :grin: :) :-) 8) 8-) :lol: :P :razz: :D :grin: :) :-) 8) 8-) :lol: :P :razz:
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Postby Broccoli » Monday 16 September 2002 12:19:27pm

I want mooooooooooooore! Pleeeeeeeease!
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Postby snuffles360uk » Tuesday 24 September 2002 8:03:24pm

good story! write more soon! :grin:
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Postby Melody Granger » Wednesday 25 September 2002 10:02:48pm

If you do not finish this I WILL DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! please finish :cry: :cry: :cry:
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