Are you a budding writer? If you have any ideas for Harry potter plots, share them here. Who knows, JK Rowling may take a look and use your ideas in her next book!
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by crystallised_pineapple » Sunday 24 July 2005 1:56:42pm
this is reaaly, really good i like the idea of draco getting what he deserves, although i'm glad the DE didn't get him.
woooo i love the way all the order are together he he

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by Fweegal » Monday 25 July 2005 10:32:40am
I'm guessing that those two brown eyes might be a house elf...yea or nay?
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by ellenmay » Monday 25 July 2005 5:13:55pm
You will see! *laughs crazily*


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by Fweegal » Tuesday 26 July 2005 8:55:10am
lol, Dobby gets his revenge and murders Malfoy in his bed!
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by Scarlet Lioness » Tuesday 26 July 2005 9:39:13am
WOW!!! Cool fic keep writing!!!

Scarlet Lioness
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by Bextra » Wednesday 27 July 2005 10:24:21am
wow that was good!!! it took me ages but i read it. if jkr ever died you could take her place.

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by xXxFawkesSong » Wednesday 27 July 2005 3:11:44pm
I'm loving it! =D Hurry up, I want to read what's next


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by child of darkness » Saturday 30 July 2005 6:53:50pm
Great story, i love the way you portray Draco's changed characteristics. I know it might not be my story but i think you should introduce Narcissa Malfoy, i mean i'm sure she would go looking for Draco.
Ot are you one step ahead of me already...

child of darkness
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by ellenmay » Monday 8 August 2005 8:31:14pm
Sorry for the delay in updating. I have been on vacation and my computer hates me. More soon!


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