What Happens When Snape & Quirrell Fall For The Same Girl?

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Postby LadySnape » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

Chapter Fourteen: Quirrell's Journey

"I'm telling you, Madison, it's creepy!" Quirrell exclaimed one evening, as they were getting ready for bed. "They're only third-years and they are asking me questions that I can't even answer! Some Professor I am."

"You can't be expected to know everything," said Professor Kiernan. "Even I couldn't answer their questions."

"Which is wrong," Quirrell added. "What is going to happen when the material gets harder and they ask me the same questions again? Then what?"

Professor Kiernan shrugged.

"Well, maybe you and I should do a bit of reading and brush up on our Dark Arts Knowledge," she suggested. "We have the whole summer."

"I've read everything there is to read," said Quirrell. "I honestly don't think just studying out of books is enough."

"What are you talking about?" Professor Kiernan asked.

"I'm talking about maybe getting a little first hand experience," Quirrell replied, lowering his voice a little. "What do I know about the Dark Arts anyway?"

"You know plenty," Professor Kiernan assured him. "I don't think Albus would have hired you if he thought you didn't know enough. And what do you expect to do? Go off somewhere to hunt Hags and Vampires and who knows what else, just so you know a little more than the average Dark Arts Professor?"

"Exactly." Quirrell declared.

Professor Kiernan just stared at him.

"Come on, Madison, it's all about hands-on experience," Quirrell said. "How can the students trust me when I've never even come face to face with Vampires, Werewolves or Hags? Do I honestly know that the things I am teaching them will help them when and if, Merlin forbid, they ever come across any of those things?"

"You can't be sure of that," said Professor Kiernan as she pulled back the comforter on the bed and crawled in, "not completely. What you're doing is giving them options of what they could possibly do if they ever got themselves into trouble with any of those things. Listen," she added. "When was the last time you saw a Werewolf or Vampire? I mean, really."

Quirrell remained silent. He had never actually seen either, except as pictures in books.

"Seriously," Professor Kiernan went-on, "you're doing great. Those students will more likely come across Boggarts, Red Caps and Grindylows before they come across a Werewolf."

"What about Trolls?" Quirrell inquired.

"Highly unlikely," she answered, promptly. "Besides, they won't be learning about Trolls until their fourth year." She smiled and for some reason, it made Quirrell mad. He knew she had a point.

"Goodnight, Alpheus," she said and kissed him. Then she rolled over, her back to him. Quirrell remained sitting up.

"You know, Severus knows all about those things," he suddenly said. "He's seen and dealt with all sorts of foul creatures."

Professor Kiernan rolled over and looked at Quirrell, confused.

"So what?" she scoffed. "So does Hagrid, I'd wager."

"Yes, but he's not after my job." Quirrell declared.

Professor Kiernan sat-up shocked.

"What are you saying?" she inquired, her green eyes wide. "That Severus is after your job?"

Quirrell nodded, slowly.

"He knows a great deal about the Dark Arts, he does." he said, solemnly.

Professor Kiernan was still in shock.

"Well, then why didn't Albus give HIM the Dark Arts job?" she asked.

"I suppose because Hogwarts needed a Potions Professor and nobody else knew the material better than Severus did." Quirrell said, shrugging.

"You suppose?" she repeated. "Look. I'm sure Albus knew what he was doing when he hired you. You have a brilliant mind." Quirrell blushed. "And don't worry about Severus. You have the job, not him. You can't tell me honestly that you don't take even a tiny bit of pleasure in knowing you have something that he'd give anything for." She grinned, cunningly.

"Oh yes," Quirrell chuckled. "That's the best part."

They both laughed and then went to sleep, in each other's arms. But Snape wanting the Dark Arts job was the least of their problems. If only they knew what, or rather WHO he was actually after now.


It was dinnertime in the Great Hall and about a week before exams were to take place. Most of the teachers were discussing the exams they had prepared. Everyone except for Snape, Professor Kiernan and Quirrell. The happy couple was flipping through a Wizard & Witch Wedding Catalogue, trying to decide on flowers, decorations, food and other things. They had already decided on a date. Next fall, Septmeber 10th. Quirrell had complained that he wanted it sooner, but Professor Kiernan told him it would take a while to plan a wedding.

"There are a few things you have to understand about women," she lectured him. "We've had our weddings planned ever since we were little girls. So it has to be perfect."

As far as Snape was concerned, it was far from perfect. Every time they looked through that damn catalogue, they ended up arguing. They couldn't agree on one thing. If Quirrell wanted roses, Professor Kiernan wanted daisies. Then when Quirrell gave in to daisies, Professor Kiernan had changed her mind again and decided she wanted pansies. It was a total disaster. The only thing they had agreed on so far were the invitations. They would be written in sparkling silver ink on pastel purple notepaper.

"I don't know," Professor Kiernan sighed. "I mean, don't get me wrong, Alpheus, roses are beautiful, but they are just so...I don't know... common."

"But traditional," Quirrell added, even though he couldn't help thinking that she was right. Roses would be boring... everyone used roses.

"Xiomara, what would you use?" Professor Kiernan asked, turning to Madam Hooch.

Madam Hooch thought for a moment and then replied, "I've always like daffodils, myself."

She turned back to her conversation with Professor Flitwick and it was plain to see that she did not want to get involved in a debate over flowers. Quirrell and Professor Kiernan shook their heads at each other. They did not want to use daffodils.

"Let's ask Severus," Quirrell suggested and Snape glared at him thinking, "Let's not and say we did."

"You want to ask Professor Snape about flowers?" Professor Kiernan whispered in disbelief.

"Well, we've asked everyone else," Quirrell pointed out and Professor Kiernan nodded and then laughed recalling Hagrid's suggestion of "Snap Dragons".

Snape didn't want to get involved in this anymore than Madam Hooch did, but as he was getting up, Quirrell stopped him.

"Severus, what do you think?" he inquired.

"About what?" Snape demanded, knowing very well what.

"We can't decide on flowers for our wedding," Quirrell explained.

"THAT'S plain to see," Snape snapped. "You've been squabbling about it ever since breakfast last Tuesday."

"Just forget asking HIM," Professor Kiernan said, loud enough for Snape to hear. "He obviously doesn't have an opinion."

Snape wasn't going to let her get away with that comment.

"You want to know what I'd use?" he asked.

Quirrell and Professor Kiernan looked at him, waiting for his suggestion. He smirked.

"Cactus." he said simply and walked away as Quirrell and Professor Kiernan gaped at him, more shocked than anything.


"Professor Quirrell, how does garlic keep a vampire away?" asked Tallie, a Slytherin student in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class that Professor Kiernan assisted in. "I mean, they can't smell it or anything because they're dead. And anything that is dead can't taste or smell, right?"

"That's true." Quirrell declared.

"Then why garlic?" she repeated.

Quirrell looked nervous, because he really didn't know the answer. All he knew was that garlic was an effective way to keep vampires away.

"That's er.... not on the exam," he told the students.

"I still want to know," Tallie insisted. "And I also want to know how somebody becomes a werewolf."

The rest of the class nodded and waited for Quirrell to answer. His face turned pink and he looked even more nervous than before. He looked desperately at Professor Kiernan, seated at his desk, for help. She stood up and faced the class.

"Well, Professor Quirrell and I can't give you ALL the answers," she said as calmly as possible. She knew the answers, but she didn't want to make Quirrell feel incompetent. "So there's your homework for the summer. Find out why garlic is used to ward off vampires and how someone becomes a werewolf."

The class groaned. The last thing they wanted was more homework over the summer holidays, especially since Snape had told them he expected a three-page essay on the ten uses of Toad Warts.

"How many pages, Professor Kiernan?" Marliss, a Ravenclaw student asked, sighing heavily.

"No essay, Marliss," she said. "Just write the answers down."

The class looked surprised and relieved. She smiled at them.

"I happen to know about that three page essay that Professor Snape gave you," she said. "It's all I've been hearing in the hallways all week from third-year students."

The class laughed and relaxed a little. Professor Kiernan always had a way of making things seem better than they were. A three-page essay for Snape suddenly didn't seem like such a big deal.

Quirrell sat down at his desk, still looking nervous. This was ridiculous. Even though Professor Kiernan was right about not giving them the answers to everything, he still felt bad that he didn't know the answers. And it wasn't a matter of getting rusty... he just DID NOT KNOW. It was a horrible feeling.


Exams came and went. Then the House Cup was awarded to Slytherin at the Final Feast of the year. Snape, for once, looked happy and everyone knew why. The Slytherin Quidditch Team had kicked everyone else's butt in the matches and had managed to collect the most house points from Professors. So, Slytherin had won the House Cup at last. Snape applauded triumphantly. Professor McGonagall was disappointed that Gryffindor hadn't won. Worse yet, they had come in last. She applauded with a scowl on her face and couldn't look Snape in the face for weeks after that.

The summer days were hot and Quirrell and Professor Kiernan spent their days outdoors, picnicking, visiting Hagrid and Fang and going through that infamous wedding catalogue. They had finally decided on Calla Lilies for the flowers, in memory of Lily Potter, since Professor Kiernan had sadly remembered that two of her dear friends would not be there. So, they were now looking at cakes.

Quirrell didn't really have his mind on the wedding. He was still obsessed with the thought that he didn't know enough to be teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts and that if Dumbledore ever found out that he didn't know why garlic scared away vampires, he'd hand the job over to Snape. He was certain that he needed hands-on experience. Near the end of August, he mentioned it to Professor Kiernan again, as they were lying in bed one night.

"Oh, Alpheus, don't tell me you've been obsessing about this for the whole summer!" she exclaimed, in exasperation. "It's too late now, anyway. Classes will be starting again in less than two weeks."

"There's still time, Madison," Quirrell said. "Come on, you could come with me! It would be fun. Just you and I, getting first-hand experience. And we could look for a house while we're traveling around the world." he added, convincingly.

Professor Kiernan pondered this for a very long time before answering.

"How much does this mean to you?" she finally asked. "I mean, does it really matter if you know how to deal with vampires?"

"Not just vampires, Madison," said Quirrell, his eyes sparkling excitedly. "Zombies and werewolves and maybe even things we've only read about."

He looked anxiously at his fiancée who was nibbling on her thumbnail, deep in thought. She couldn't deny the fact that an adventure with Quirrell did sound exciting. But would Dumbledore allow it? He'd be short one teacher and one assistant.

"We'll have to talk to Dumbledore, then," she declared.

"Really?" Quirrell almost squealed. "You really want to?"

Professor Kiernan shrugged.

"Sure, why not," she said. "Hands-on experience can't hurt. And looking for a house doesn't sound so bad either. I certainly don't want to live beside Snape for the rest of my life."

Quirrell laughed and started talking excitedly about the trip. They decided to talk to Dumbledore about it the following day.


"I must say, this is rather short notice," Dumbledore said the following day after Quirrell had blurted out his idea to him. "How long have you thought about doing this?"

Quirrell shrugged.

"Since before exams, I guess," he answered.

Dumbledore's eyes grew wide behind his spectacles.

"Then why on earth did you wait until now before asking me?" he inquired.

Again, Quirrell shrugged.

"Well, it's a very interesting proposal, I must admit," said Dumbledore. "But I am not sure I approve of you going around the world and deliberately LOOKING for trouble. Dark Magic isn't something that should be taken lightly. And you can't always predict what those dark creatures will do next. It's dangerous." he said, sternly.

"Which is all the more reason to do this, Headmaster," Quirrell added. "We'll just be collecting more information and therefore giving the students more knowledge about these things. Then they can better protect themselves. I heard there are a growing number of vampires in Romania these days. What if some of the students decided to move there? I'd prefer that they were prepared to get rid of a vampire instead of running away."

"A stake is always useful," Dumbledore remarked. "Surely they'll be reading about that soon enough."

Quirrell sighed and Professor Kiernan decided to step in.

"I think what Alpheus is trying to say is how are they going to know exactly how to do it when their Professors have never done it themselves?" she explained. "It's fine to tell them to kill them by driving a stake through their heart, but it's better if we can tell them a story about actually doing that."

"Or how we slayed a zombie!" Quirrell exclaimed and Professor Kiernan nodded.

Dumbledore leaned back in his chair and considered them for a long time.

"I see your point," he finally said, nodding. "Very well, then." Quirrell jumped up and down and hugged Professor Kiernan excitedly. Dumbledore pulled out a few sheets of parchment.

"Looks like I will have to find a replacement Defense Against The Dark Arts Professor," he said, dipping his quill pen into a bottle of ink. "Madison, are there any Professors at Beauxbatons who may be interested in the job?"

Professor Kiernan thought for a moment.

"You could ask Professor Dufresne," she suggested. "She took a leave of absence this year to have her baby, so she might be available. Or Professor Donovan who took her place this year. He might be free if she plans on taking it back at Beauxbatons."

"Fine," Dumbledore nodded. "And I'll contact a few other schools and some other of my references to see if they could spare me a Professor for Defense Against the Dark Arts for ten months."

They thanked Dumbledore and went back to their room. Quirrell was running and he nearly knocked Snape over in the hallway.

"Sorry, Severus!" he apologized, puffing.

"What's your hurry?" he asked, scowling and brushing off his robes as if Quirrell had some sort of deadly disease that Snape was afraid he would catch.

"Madison and I are going away for the school year!" Quirrell announced beaming.

Snape looked at Professor Kiernan who was smiling then back at Quirrell.

"Good!" he snapped. "Now maybe I can finally get some sleep around here!"

He went into his room and slammed the door. Professor Kiernan and Quirrell went into theirs.

"Would it kill him to say one nice thing to us?" Quirrell demanded. "You know, I'm glad we're leaving for ten months! I can't take much more of his foul mood!"

Professor Kiernan was about to nod, but then she stopped. Ten months without Severus Snape. Ten months free from the cold dungeon where Potions took place. Ten months without being able to annoy Snape? Professor Kiernan surprised herself when she said, "Yes. I'm really going to miss him."


Three days before Professor Kiernan and Quirrell's planned departure, Dumbledore called her into his office. Snape was just leaving when she arrived.

"Would you care for a sherbet lemon, Madison?" asked Dumbledore, offering her a bowl full of wrapped sweets she had never seen before. "Severus?" he called to Snape who was almost out the door. He returned to the front of the room and looked into the bowl that Dumbledore was holding out. Before he could ask what on earth a sherbet lemon was, Professor Kiernan did.

"A WHAT lemon?"

"A sherbet lemon," Dumbledore replied. "They're a kind of Muggle sweet I am particularly fond of."

"I'll pass," said Snape, looking at the sweets as though they were contaminated. Professor Kiernan gave them a similar look.

"With all due respect, Headmaster," she said, seriously. "But I don't care for anything Muggle. I can't say I have any appreciation for their, um.... inventions, whether it's sweets or automobiles."

Snape smiled to himself as he excused himself and left the office. He had the same feelings when it came to Muggles. They had nothing useful, as far as he was concerned. There was nothing they had that could out do what the World of Magic had.

Dumbledore set the bowl down on his desk and finished the sherbet lemon he had been chewing. He looked distressed.

"I've just received word from Beauxbatons," he told her.

"And?" she inquired, eagerly.

"It turns out they can't spare any of their Professors," he answered. "With you here, and with a large number of students enrolled over there for this term, they need all the help they can get. So they have Professor Dufresne back and they're keeping Professor Donovan there for extra help." he explained.

"Oh well," Professor Kiernan sighed. "There are still your other references, right?"

Dumbledore shook his head sadly.

"There's nobody available on such short notice," he said slowly. "Nobody can spare even one Professor. They said even if they had known about Hogwarts' needs a few weeks earlier, it would still have been next to impossible to find anyone...." his voice trailed off.

Professor Kiernan looked at him seriously.

"So you're saying we can't go?" she questioned, though she was certain that was exactly what he was saying.

"No, I am saying only one of you may go," he declared.

Professor Kiernan started at him, blankly.

"I am telling you this, because I would like you to stay," Dumbledore told her. "And because I have a feeling that you aren't as keen about this trip as Professor Quirrell appears to be."

Professor Kiernan had to admit that was true. She thought about this for a long time, standing there in Dumbledore's office. If she stayed behind, she wouldn't see Quirrell until next summer! Unless he refused to go if she wasn't able to go with him. No, he really wanted to do this and Professor Kiernan knew it. He had been talking about it non-stop ever since Dumbledore had agreed to it.

"I'm sorry, Madison," Dumbledore apologized. "I want you to be able to go with Professor Quirrell as much as you do. But I need someone here for Defense Against the Dark Arts."

Professor Kiernan nodded.

"I know," she said sighing. "I guess it will be alright. He'll only be gone until next summer..."

Suddenly, that seemed like years and years to her. A whole year without Quirrell? It was almost too horrible to think about.

"I'll go and tell him," she said, sadly and left the room.

Dumbledore frowned. This wasn't what he wanted to do at all. But he had no choice. He had actually thought that letting Professor Kiernan go with Quirrell was a good idea. Quirrell was brilliant, that was plain to see, but he was also young and naive. Professor Kiernan was just about the same age as him, but Dumbledore felt that she wasn't so easily persuaded or tempted. The fact that she wanted to go with him had put Dumbledore's worries about Quirrell at ease. But now he was worried again, for Quirrell would be going alone.

When Professor Kiernan broke the news to Quirrell, she thought he would cry.

"What does he mean he can't find anyone to take over Defense?" Quirrell demanded.

"Just what he said," she told him. "There's a shortage of Professors as it is."

Quirrell was outraged.

"That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard of!" he shouted. "Whoever heard of a shortage of Professors? There has to be SOMEBODY SOMEWHERE who can take over for a few months."

"There aren't a lot of Professors out there who know much about the Dark Arts," she tried to reason with him. "And not too many who really want to teach it."

Quirrell looked at Professor Kiernan with tears in his eyes. He embraced her.

"How can I go without you?" he whispered sadly into her hair. "I love you."

The words made tears slip from her eyes.

"I love you, too, but... I also love you enough to tell you that I still think you should do this," she said, sincerely. "I know how much this trip means to you and I think you should still go through with it. It's not like... like I'll never see you again."

Quirrell looked into her eyes.

"Are you sure?" he questioned and she nodded. He hugged her tightly. "I'll write you every day, I swear. I'll send you all the information I collect," he promised. "Then you can pass it onto the students! And I'll send pictures, too!"

"Of houses?" she asked with a small smile.

"Yes, of houses!" Quirrell expressed. "Of everything, Madison! Everything!"

They stood there hugging for the longest time.


Professor Kiernan was sitting in front of her mirror, braiding her long, beautiful, flaming red hair. It was the day Quirrell would be leaving for what seemed like a very long time. He had already left to catch the train that would take him to London and there, he would start his journey around the world. Professor Kiernan had to hurry so she could see him off. She quickly wrapped an elastic around her braid and looked at herself in the mirror. She wasn't smiling her usual smile. She was sad, thinking how lonely she would be in the nights to come without Quirrell beside her.

"You look beautiful, simply gorgeous!" the mirror told her in its cheerful voice.

Professor Kiernan was hardly paying any attention to it. She didn't feel beautiful. She felt like she wanted to die. Taking a deep breath, she opened her side drawer and took out a knife. She had just sharpened it that very morning. It would cut easily through anything. She checked the wall clock. She had to hurry, the train would be leaving in twenty minutes. She looked at the engagement ring sparkling on her finger, then lifted the knife to one side of her face.

"NO!" the mirror shouted shrilly. "For the love of Merlin, NO!!!!"

"Shut up," said Professor Kiernan and made the cut, the knife slicing exactly what she had wanted it to slice.

Meanwhile, Quirrell was waiting at the Train Station for Professor Kiernan to arrive there to see him off. He had already loaded his luggage onto the train, along with Periwinkle, his owl and was getting worried. The train would be leaving in ten minutes.

It was pouring rain that day and Quirrell could hardly see across the castle grounds. Finally, he saw a cloaked figure running towards him. It was Professor Kiernan.

"I thought you wouldn't get here on time!" he exclaimed, relieved. "I was afraid I wouldn't get to say good bye! What on earth kept you?"

Professor Kiernan handed Quirrell something very thick, wrapped in a silk scarf. He untied it and looked at it. It looked like rope. Red rope. He pulled it out and realized that it wasn't rope at all. It was Professor Kiernan's hair, braided and tied at both ends.

"For luck," she declared, forcing a smile.

Too shocked to speak, he reached into her hood and gingerly swept her hood back. Her once beautiful, long and shiny hair now barely came down to her shoulders. It was chin length and didn't even look half as spectacular as it once had.

"Your hair..." Quirrell began, looking at the braid in his hand.

"My hair will grow back," she said as the pouring rain soaked what was left of it. Quirrell just stood there, staring at her as if he was seeing her for the first time again. The he wrapped his arms tightly around her as tears slipped from her eyes.

"I'll miss you so much," he said, also beginning to cry. "But I'll be back at the end of August. And then we'll be getting married not too long after."

Professor Kiernan didn't say anything as more tears blinded her eyes and choked her voice.

"Just come back to me," she pleaded, not wanting to let go, for fear of loosing Quirrell forever. "Come back to me safe and sound."

Quirrell kissed her warmly on the lips. They could taste the saltiness of their tears. The train whistle blew loudly, warning passengers that it was time to leave. Reluctantly, Quirrell released the love of his life and hopped onto the train. He opened a window and called to her as the train began to move, "Farewell, Pretty Lady...."

Professor Kiernan waved until the train was out of sight. Then she sank to her knees onto the wet ground and cried for a very long time, until Hagrid found her and escorted her back to the castle.


End of Chapter Fourteen
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Postby LadySnape » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

Chapter Fifteen: A Step In The Wrong Direction

Professor Kiernan hoped that classes would start soon. She needed to get her mind on something else besides Quirrell's absence. It wasn't easy. He had only been gone for a few days, but to her, it felt like an eternity. The school halls felt so empty without him. The room they shared was suddenly enormous and much too big for just one person. And the empty chair between her and Snape in the Great Hall just made her more depressed with every meal, every passing day. The nights alone in their bedroom were even harder for Professor Kiernan to endure. Especially with the horrible nightmares she had been having. She dreamed awful things, like Quirrell being bit by a werewolf, and becoming a werewolf himself with every full moon. In the dream, she told Quirrell she still loved him, but she had to lock him up whenever the moon was full, which, for some reason, turned out to be every night. So he had to live in a cage for the rest of his life. She also dreamed about him wading through a pond and being strangled by Kappas. The worst one of all was the one where Quirrell became a vampire, a vicious vampire that chased her until she finally staked him, her only love, through the heart. She would wake up in alarm, looking at her side, hoping to see Quirrell there. But she was alone. She had grown accustomed to waking up beside him and now when she woke up alone in the big bed, she would start to cry.

But why? Quirrell would be back. Not soon, but he would definitely come back. Professor Kiernan didn't know why she felt as though she had lost him forever. She felt like she had lost her only friend. But she had many friends at Hogwarts. All the other Professors adored her. Well, maybe not Snape. She knew he at least liked her a little, for things had changed between them ever since her birthday.

Snape had actually been upset when he found out that Quirrell and Professor Kiernan would be leaving for a year. Even though he had said "Good!" to both of them he had really only meant it for Quirrell. Now he was actually glad that only Quirrell could go and that Professor Kiernan would be staying. Quirrell annoyed him, anyway. The Great Hall certainly wasn't the same without him sitting there. Snape was thankful he didn't have to put up with his bouncing and him swinging his wine glass around splattering everyone and everything with wine. But he was bored now, with no one to harass at the dinner table. He couldn't get away with badgering the other Professors. Quirrell had been an easy target because he would play right into Snape's hands and just put-up with it. Too dumb to say anything, Snape always thought. The next best thing to Quirrell was his lovely fiancée, Professor Kiernan. Snape had thought about turning his harassment on her, even though he liked her, but just couldn't bring himself to do it. Since Quirrell had been gone, she hadn't smiled once and every time something or someone reminded her of Quirrell, she looked as though she would burst into tears. Whenever she turned to the empty seat at the Great Hall, it was the same thing. Finally, Snape decided to get rid of the chair. It looked stupid as it was, this big gap between himself and Professor Kiernan. And plus, it would give him a chance to sit next to her without Quirrell blabbing his face off.

"Now, that's better," said Snape, as he made Quirrell's chair disappear with a wave of his wand. He moved his chair into the now empty space.

"You're going to have to put that back when he gets back," Professor Kiernan told him, frankly.

Snape wasn't worried about when Quirrell came back. The only thing that he cared about was that he was gone now.

"I know that." Snape declared and dug into his dessert. Professor Kiernan just sat there staring at the piece of blueberry pie in front of her. She wasn't the least bit interested in dessert or any sort of conversation with Snape. She pushed her plate away, stood up and left without even saying good evening to anyone. Then she went to the big, cold, and lonely room to suffer the dull ache of desire to have Quirrell back in her arms.

Later in the evening, Snape returned to his room as well and decided to call it an early night. But he couldn't sleep. He tossed and turned for hours. Professor Kiernan was on his mind. He knew how cold and lonely she must be feeling all alone in that gigantic room. He knew exactly how it felt. Nobody beside her in that big, big bed... Snape shook his head to clear his thoughts. What was he thinking? Why did he care? He cared because she was his heart's desire and he had this growing need to be beside her.

"Beside her, beneath her, on top of her," Snape thought to himself, his face flushing. With Quirrell out of the way, what was stopping him?

Snape got out of bed and slipped on his bathrobe. It was dark already, so he lit the end of his wand.


As quietly as he could, he tiptoed out of his room and walked the short distance to Quirrell and Professor Kiernan's room. He prayed that the door was unlocked and as he turned the handle, he was delighted to find that it was. Professor Kiernan had fallen asleep on top of the covers. Her cranberry robes had been thrown carelessly over her desk chair and she was wearing only her short pinstripe skirt and white blouse. Her glasses had slid off her face and were laying unfolded and upside down next to her. The bedside lamp was still on, so Snape turned it off, leaving only his wand lit. He left the door open only a crack and approached the bed. Taking deep, silent breaths, he looked down at her. She was amazing. He looked at her as though he was photographing her with his eyes. First, he looked at every detail of her well modeled face. Her hair, which she had cut for a reason; a reason Snape did not know, was still a bold, flaming red. Wisps of it framed her face. He lashes were long, sweeping down across her high, exotic cheekbones. Her lips were full and rounded over even teeth. A bitter jealousy stirred inside him as he thought of how many times Quirrell had kissed those wonderful, temptingly curved lips. His gaze fell to the creamy expanse of her neck, then moved slowly down to her breasts. Snape pictured them, two perfect globes that would fit perfectly into his hands. He flexed his fingers, nervously. He moved further down, his eyes now fixed on her thin waist. She was so slender, Snape thought that both his hands could wrap right around her waist and cover it completely. He sighed, wanting so much to find out. He moved on. Her hips tapered into long, straight legs, all the way to her dainty feet and tiny toes. Snape stood back to admire all of her. She looked ethereal, unreal in the dim light. He flexed his fingers again and stepped closer once again. He reached for the buttons on her blouse, then suddenly stopped as a blinding light flashed in front of his eyes. The light from his wand had hit her left hand at an angle and her engagement ring sparkled before his eyes. He sighed heavily as realization struck him. There it was, the one reminder that she was Quirrell's forever. The knowledge of this twisted and turned inside him, as he lowered his wand, and left the room, quietly closing the door and then returning to his own room. He couldn't get involved this much, no matter how much he wanted her. It was wrong. She was engaged, promised, and belonged to Quirrell. And the b*****d wasn't even there.


The first week of classes had ended a lot quicker than it had come. At least, that's how Professor Kiernan felt. She had already received three letters from Quirrell, which cheered her up a lot. He hadn't done anything worth writing about yet, but he told her where he was and where he'd be going next. He also mentioned changing their wedding date, since he'd be gone until next August and they still needed time to make a guest list and send out the invitations. Professor Kiernan agreed. It would be a big rush. Quirrell would return and then there would be this big hurry to recuperate and then prepare for the wedding, which would end-up being only days away. She suggested the 20th of November and Quirrell wrote back saying that was perfect.

Meanwhile, Professor Kiernan was enjoying being the instructor of Defense Against the Dark Arts classes. She had lots of new students and some familiar faces. The students who had been there before all asked where Professor Quirrell had gone and commented on her new haircut. She explained that Quirrell was off to get some first hand experience and would be sending her some info that she would pass onto them.

"As for my hair," she continued. "I just thought a little change might be nice."

She was lying, though. She hated her hair so short. She had cut it for Quirrell, so that at least part of her could go with him. The days after Quirrell's departure, before she had received any letters from him, Professor Kiernan had been furious with Dumbledore and refused to speak to him. First, he wouldn't let her take care of Harry Potter, then he announced that she couldn't go with Quirrell around the world. Dumbledore knew she was angry with him, so he gave her space. Once she had received a few letters from Quirrell, though, she felt better and realized that Dumbledore had done what he could.

As much as she loved having a class all to herself, Professor Kiernan had to admit that she really missed assisting in Charms, Transfiguration and most of all, Potions. Defense Against The Dark Arts wasn't exactly one of her stronger areas. She even thought it would have made more sense if SHE had gone on the trip and Quirrell had stayed behind. Most of the stuff she knew, she had learned from assisting Quirrell the year before. The rest of the material she had to teach came out of books and, after two months, one of Quirrell's letters. He had finally come across a werewolf, rather unexpectedly, he wrote. So after taking attendance on a Friday afternoon, she began the class with "Professor Quirrell writes..." As she read his letter (skipping all the lovey-dovey words), the class took notes and listened in awe to Quirrell's adventure. The letter had come with a few pictures of houses and two pictures of Quirrell and the werewolf, safely changed up.

"I couldn't kill it," Quirrell wrote. "After all, a werewolf is only a werewolf when the moon is full. Before that, it is still a person. The best way to deal with them is to lock them up when there is a Full Moon."

The class groaned when Professor Kiernan told them their homework was a two page essay on werewolves, using the notes they had taken, as well as any books they wanted to use.

"Does spelling still count, Professor?" Sarah Manners asked her.

"In my classes, spelling always counts," she answered.

"In Professor Snape's class, too," someone added.

Professor Kiernan was genuinely surprised. Had her rules actually rubbed off on Snape?

"What do you mean?" she asked the class.

"Just what we said," replied Diana Weaver. "Just the other day, when we writing down the recipe for a mixture, he told us to spell everything correctly."

"Yes, and the Slytherins protested," added Sarah. "One said, 'But sir, Professor Kiernan is no longer your assistant'. Professor Snape nearly lost his head," she explained. "He shouted at them to be quiet and told them they were to act as if you were there."

Professor Kiernan was in complete shock. She couldn't believe it. Did Snape give it so much thought that he finally decided she had been right about spelling?

"Well, that's news to me," said Professor Kiernan.

The bell rang and the students filed out. Besides being a witch and an Animagi, Professor Kiernan also had exceptionally good hearing. She heard one of the students say as they were leaving, "I am so glad Professor Kiernan got the Dark Arts job rather than Snape. Everyone knows he's been after Quirrell's job for years. I am actually surprised he DIDN'T get it."

This got Professor Kiernan thinking. Why hadn't Dumbledore asked Snape to take over for Quirrell and place her in Potions? Quirrell had told her that Snape knew a great deal about Dark Arts. It would have made much more sense to appoint Snape to Defense Against the Dark Arts since he obviously knew a whole lot more than she did. Maybe Dumbledore had forgotten?

"Perhaps I'll talk to him tomorrow when he gets back from London," she said. She smiled at the fact that she was actually going to try to do Snape a favor.

However, Dumbledore had not forgotten. He had already had a conversation about it with Snape a few days before classes had begun:

"Yes, Headmaster, you wanted to see me?" said Snape, walking into Dumbledore's cozy little office.

"Yes, Severus," Dumbledore said. "Please have a seat."

Snape did as he was told and waited.

"I'm sure by now you've heard the news of Professor Quirrell's departure for a year," said Dumbledore and Snape nodded. "Well, Professor Kiernan was supposed to accompany him, but being that there is a terrible shortage of Professors, I've had to ask her to stay behind to take over Quirrell's class."

Snape frowned. Of course. Again. Somebody else got the Defense Against the Dark Arts job before he even had the chance to ask for it.

"However, I was thinking that maybe you would like to teach Defense," Dumbledore suggested. "And I'll get Professor Kiernan to teach Potions. Then when Professor Quirrell returns, you could switch back." He smiled.

Snape was silent for a long time. Dumbledore was offering him his dream job! The one thing he wanted more than anything... actually, that wasn't the case anymore. Not according to the Mirror Of Erised, anyway.

"So what do you say, Severus?" Dumbledore inquired. "I know you've had your heart set on Defense for a while now. So I'm offering it to you, no strings attached."

Snape gave Dumbledore a look of desperation.

"Headmaster..." he said. "You know that is not the case anymore. My heart is set on something.. no... someone else."

Dumbledore nodded.

"Well, you had more of a chance of getting this job rather than the Lady, Severus," he declared.

Snape sighed. He thought about Dumbledore's offer very carefully, which was surprising. A year ago, he would have accepted the offer in a heartbeat. But he was now thinking hard about it. He knew Professor Kiernan was even better at Potions than he was, and that was dangerous. If Dumbledore found out, he would want her to stay teaching Potions, and then once Quirrell came back, he'd once again take over Defense and then where would that leave him? Jobless, that's where. Or maybe he's end up assisting Professor Kiernan. Snape couldn't bare the thought of that. She would be so damn happy and smug that HE would now have to take orders from HER.

"No, I'll stay as Potions Master," Snape said quickly and then left before he changed his mind. Dumbledore was shocked that Snape had actually turned it down. But he knew very well why. It just wasn't that important to him anymore.


Last class Friday, Professor Kiernan had a spare block, in which she could do anything. The past two months, she had been spending most of the time reading up on Dark Arts and recording the information Quirrell had given her in his letters and putting it away in a file for future use. Today, however, she decided to give herself a break. It was, after all, Friday and she was tired. She did something she hadn't done in a very long time. She went to sleep, right there at her desk.

Snape, meanwhile, was busy trying to finish marking the essays he'd had the Third Years do over the summer. Since he was now counting spelling in honor of Professor Kiernan, it was taking him forever. How did she manage to correct spelling and content so quickly? It had been two month since the students had handed the essays in and he wasn't even halfway through them yet! Snape hated feeling inadequate. But this sort of marking should only have taken him a few evenings. Worse yet, he had two more stacks of essays from the First-Years. If he kept this up, he'd never finish. And he was not about to stop giving essay assignments to the students. No way. They would like that too much. He thought about asking Professor Kiernan for help, but he was far too stubborn to admit he needed help and he didn't want Professor Kiernan to know that he had succumbed to her spelling fetish.

"Those damn students with their big mouths probably told her already," Snape suddenly said, scowling. He got up and headed for her classroom. When he got there, he found the room empty.

"Professor Kiernan?" he called, thinking that maybe she was in the back feeding Chuck or something. "Professor Kiernan?"

He looked around the room. He placed the essays on her very neat desk and was about to go into the back room, when something caught his eyes. Behind the desk, he saw a pair of furry, red pointed ears emerging, followed by a pair of brown eyes and then a long, narrow muzzle. It jumped onto the desk, looked at the essays and then peered curiously at Snape. Snape saw its bushy red tail and realized that it was a fox. It was red and somehow, looked very familiar.

"Well, well," Snape said softly, his lips curling into a strange smile. "How did you get in here?"

The fox simply yawned and kept looking at him.

"I don't think Professor Kiernan would be too pleased if she came in here and found fox droppings on her chair." said Snape. He didn't feel stupid talking to this animal, much to his amazement. It was as if the fox could understand him. "I know just what to do with you, then." Snape pulled out his wand. Just as he had conjured up a dead bird to lure the fox out of the school, it transformed, before his very eyes into Professor Kiernan. Thinking he was going to hex her or kill her, she decided to quickly turn back into her human self again. Snape just stood there, frozen, his arm outstretched with a dead bird dangling from his fingers. It was inches away from Professor Kiernan's face.

"No thanks," she said, laughing. "Not much of a sparrow-lover." She put her hand out in a stop position.

Snape scowled and made the dead bird disappear with a wave of his wand.

"Honestly, I thought you were going to zap me or something," Professor Kiernan said, looking relieved. "What exactly were you planning to do? Feed me?" She sounded sarcastic and it annoyed Snape.

"No, I was going to attempt to lure the fox... er, you, rather, out of the castle and into the Forbidden Forest where it belongs," Snape declared.

"The Forbidden Forest?" she repeated, sliding off the desk from her sitting position and standing with her arms crossed. "You might as well have zapped me, then."

"I'm sure Hagrid would've seen me and insisted that he take care of it," he said. "I mean you."

Professor Kiernan laughed and nodded.

"So what brings you here?" she asked. "I suppose you want this job?" She gave him a suspicious look, but did not wait for him to answer. "Well, you can have it. I'm going to go and talk to Professor Dumbledore about it tomorrow. Alpheus told me you were... um... quite fond of Defense." she said, carefully choosing her words.

"You mean that I wanted to steal it." said Snape, coldly. He wasn't stupid.

"Not exactly in those words," Professor Kiernan declared, picking up the essays that Snape had put on her desk. "The Ten Uses of Toad Warts by Neal McMalore," she read. "Aren't these the essays the Third-Years were supposed to do over the summer holidays?"

"Yes." Snape replied.

"Professor Snape, it's November," she pointed out. "Why haven't you finished marking them?"

Snape remained silent. How could he possibly admit that he couldn't concentrate on content and spelling all at the same time? And how could he admit that he agreed with her... spelling DID matter.

"It is unlike you to be so late," she remarked. "I've always known you to be quick and efficient."

"That's when I had an assistant!" Snape suddenly blurted, then blushed.

Professor Kiernan blushed too. Then she moved closer to Snape and smiled.

"If you want my help, Severus, why don't you just ask me?" she whispered, smiling sweetly. She stood there for a very long time. Her nearness made Snape's senses spin. He tried to swallow, but his breath was caught in his throat. They regarded each other for a very long time. Professor Kiernan was startled by the smoldering flame she saw in his eyes. For the first time, she noticed him. REALLY noticed him. He was handsome with dark eyes and a secret expression. Her heart hammered in her chest, quite suddenly. Uncomfortable and afraid of what she was feeling, she cleared her throat and shifted her gaze back down to the essays in her hand. Snape was still staring at her, she could feel it. But she couldn't look at him again. It was too easy to get lost in the way he looked at her.

"If you could only see through my eyes, then you'd know just what I'm going through," Snape thought as his gaze dropped from her face, to her shoulders to her breasts. "No, don't get involved. It's wrong." something was saying to him.

"So, um.... what did you want done with these?" Professor Kiernan inquired and then chanced to look back up at him. The moment she did, their eyes locked and a vaguely sensuous light passed between them. Snape's vow not to become involved shattered. He took the parchments from her hands and threw them aside. Then, before she knew what was happening, Snape stepped forward and clasped her body tightly to his. Gods, how he loved the feeling of her against him. She was about to speak but then Snape's lips covered hers and she was forced to endure his punishing kiss. Her emotions whirled and skidded. What to feel, how to feel, she didn't know. She twisted in his arms and arched her back, trying to get free. As suddenly as it had begun, it stopped and they both stood there, breathless. The essays were scattered on the floor next to them. The classroom door was wide open. What if someone had seen them? Snape stood there, tall and straight, like a towering spruce. What had he done? He took one look at her engagement ring and for the first time in his life, felt a horrible string of guilt tug at his insides. He bent down, picked up the essays and hurried out of the room, without another word.


End of Chapter Fifteen
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Fully Qualified Witch and Wife of Severus
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Postby LadySnape » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

Chapter Sixteen: Incident In The Dungeon

Professor Kiernan wandered restlessly around her classroom, confused. What the hell had just happened? She tried weighing the whole structure of events, as she fought to control her swirling emotions. Snape, Severus Snape, had kissed her. And she had liked it. She suddenly wanted him back there, even though every fiber in her body warned her against him. Her engagement ring seemed to burn her finger, reminding her of the bond she had with Quirrell and the promises they had made to one another. But for some reason, the promises seemed dead and her heart felt empty. But when Snape had kissed her, a new and unexpected warmth had surged through her.

He was an ever-changing mystery. It was not that long ago that they were constantly attacking one another with insults and irony. But look at the irony now! There was obviously more to Severus Snape than she had first thought. She remembered the first time she had seen him, at the Head Table. Arms crossed, scowling, not at all pleased to meet her. Then when he came swiftly into the classroom that first day of classes, carrying himself with a commanding air of authority and the appearance of one who demanded instant obedience. She remembered that day in his classroom when she had shown him that anyone could dance. She closed her eyes, remembering the way he had looked. The way his tall, black-clad figure had stiffened when she touched him. The way his muscles had tensed beneath her fingertips. She shook her head vigorously, trying to erase these torturing thoughts. She looked down at her hands, at her engagement ring. A constant reminder. She was going to marry Quirrell. She loved Quirrell. All those millions of miles away, she still loved him. She had to keep her head on straight. It wouldn't be long before he was back in her arms once again.

Snape was struggling with his own feelings of confusion and he started to avoid Professor Kiernan at all costs. If marking would take him longer, then so be it. He couldn't face her again. Not alone. The ferocity of his passion had frightened him; had made him careless and unthinking. The only time he saw her was at mealtimes in the Great Hall. He masked his inner turmoil with a deceptive calmness, and silence loomed between them like a heavy mist. Professor Kiernan made no effort to break the silence; she tried to look just as undisturbed as Snape appeared to be. But neither of them was disturbed. They felt extraordinarily fulfilled.


It was Christmas Day and Professor Kiernan was dressing for the dance. Quirrell had sent her a beautiful red gown, a matching pair of gloves and a gold and ruby choker. He had also sent her a bottle of something called "Hair Be Nimble". The label said it would instantly grow back hair. She had used it in the tub and her long, beautiful red hair spilled over her shoulders once again.

"I want to see your gorgeous hair all grown back by the time I return," Quirrell had wrote. "And please don't miss the Christmas Dance on my account. Wear the dress and necklace and make sure you send me a picture so I can see how beautiful you look. Oh, you just look beautiful in anything. And nothing..."

Professor Kiernan sighed. She missed their nights of passion and thinking about it made her face turn red and heat fan through her body. She even missed Snape interrupting and knocking on their door. Actually, she just missed Snape altogether. They had been avoiding each other for almost two months. Worse yet, he hadn't even bothered to get her a Christmas gift. She had bought him a musk-scented bottle of bubble bath. Simple and practical, she had thought at the time. And even though Professor McGonagall had warned her about buying shampoo for Snape, Professor Kiernan figured that he had to at least bathe once in a while.

Sighing, Professor Kiernan slid on her silk gloves and headed for the Great Hall. She could already hear music playing and when she entered the hall, a few students and teachers were already on the dance floor. Everyone stared and complimented her on her dress, just as they had the year before. They were surprised when she told them it had been a gift from Quirrell.

"I had no idea he had such wonderful taste in gowns!" exclaimed Professor Sinistra, who was once again acting as deejay. "You are one lucky woman, Madison!"

Professor Kiernan just smiled. She noticed Snape wasn't there and it didn't surprise her. But she had to admit that she wouldn't have minded at least one dance with him, now that it was so plainly clear that he COULD dance, despite what he said.

At the very least, she danced with Dumbledore, Hagrid (who had already had too much to drink and dipped her at the end of one song, nearly dropping her on the floor), and even tiny Professor Flitwick, who stood on a chair and a few books to match her height. It was very amusing and Dumbledore insisted that he take a picture of it. Professor Kiernan asked him to make her a few copies to send to Quirrell. After a few hours, Professor Kiernan decided to take a rest. She helped herself to some of the refreshments and sat down in her usual spot at the High Table. There was a very small gold box at her place, with a bright green ribbon tied around it. She undid the ribbon and lifted the lid on the box. Inside was a note:


'Twas I who bought you the light up ring for your birthday.

Happy Holiday,


Professor Kiernan was beyond surprised. So the ring HAD been from Snape after all.

"Of course," she said to herself, realizing how much it resembled the pendant on the chain she had given him. "I should've known."

She looked down at all the rings on her fingers. Her birth-control ring, her engagement ring, her grandmother's gold wedding band that she had inherited and the coiled-up, light-up snake ring. She wondered why Snape had waited six months to tell her that he had bought it for her. And why now, all of the sudden, when they couldn't even look at each other? Maybe this was Snape's way of apologizing or breaking the uncomfortable feelings between them. He was obviously a lot kinder than he wanted anyone to know.

Professor Kiernan decided that the only appropriate thing to do was to go and thank him. At least they would be on speaking terms again.

She rose from her seat, the tiny box in her hand, when suddenly, the door to the Great Hall opened and in walked Snape. Everyone was surprised to see him there because he usually avoided parties at all costs. But there he was, dressed in his best black robes and heading straight for the High Table... and straight towards Professor Kiernan. For a moment they just stared at each other, not saying a word.

"I would like to take Quirrell's place tonight." Snape declared, trying very hard not to blush. He put his hands on the table and leaned forward. Something was shining around his neck, Professor Kiernan noticed. It was the chain she had given him. He was wearing it! She smiled at him and approached him from around the table.

"I don't think anyone here could ever take Quirrell's place," Professor Kiernan told him seriously. "But I will certainly dance with you. If that is what you had in mind."

Snape had more than that on his mind, but he had to remind himself that she was engaged to Quirrell. He was relieved that she at least agreed to dance with him.

"It is." said Snape and offered her his hand. She took it and he led her to the dance floor. Professor Sinistra had just put on a slow song.

Perfect, thought Snape, although he had really no appreciation for music. He put one hand on her waist and the other hand held hers. She had her hand on his strong shoulder. They moved together on the dance floor, slowly and with easy grace. Some of the Professors stopped to watch them. They had no idea that Snape could dance so wonderfully. And the way that Professor Kiernan matched his steps made it look like they were made for each other.

Snape pulled her a little closer as his mind turned back to the time they had danced in his classroom. How he had felt and how she had looked. All the same sensations were back. And he knew she felt them, too.

Professor Kiernan moved closer yet and then rested her head on Snape's shoulder, still matching his steps. A musky scent filled her nostrils and she realized that he had used the bubble bath she had given him. It smelled wonderful on him.

Snape thought he would die right then and there, from pure ecstasy. She was so beautiful, she smelled so good and she felt even better. Somehow, her hair had grown back to its full length again and it looked more glorious than ever. His hands itched to run them through her hair, but he forced himself to refrain from such a thing. This was a dance with her and nothing more. He had to keep his composure.

All too soon, the song ended and so did the dance. They parted, very slowly and then joined everyone in applauding for the song.

"Thank you, Severus," said Professor Kiernan, smiling. That was the best dance she'd had that night.

Snape was slightly trembling. He tried to think of something to say, something intelligent, something witty, but the only thing that he could muster up was, "You look nice." And with that, feeling very stupid, he dashed out of the Great Hall without looking back. Professor Kiernan watched the big doors close behind him and then returned to her seat to start on her plate of Christmas Goodies. She was astonished at the sense of fulfillment she felt. A little terrified, she realized that Snape HAD taken Quirrell's place, if only for a few minutes. But in those few minutes, it was as though only her and Snape had existed. Quirrell hadn't even been on her mind. He could've been standing right there in the room and she wouldn't have cared, not one bit. It scared her. Was she attracted to Snape? Such an attraction would be perilous. Her mind said one thing, her heart said another. One kiss and one dance, and her heart seemed to be turning over. Or maybe it was the emptiness in her heart, the longing for Quirrell, that she was looking for any excuse and anyone to fill the extraordinary void she felt. But Snape? Why Snape? Why was he suddenly the answer to all her of her problems? Did they not loathe each other at one time? Did they not annoy each other to the point of absolute torment? Things had changed. They were changing quickly and dangerously. It had to stop.

Professor Kiernan finished her plate of food, bid everyone a good night and a Merry Christmas, and then went to bed. But she couldn't sleep. She lay in the drowsy warmth of her bed, thinking. Quirrell, Snape, Quirrell, Snape; their names kept slipping through her thoughts. Snape's face haunted her, smiling, serious or thoughtful. He was a mystery and she wondered what other feelings he had concealed behind the fierceness of his personality. Did she really want to know?

And what would Quirrell think about all this? She obviously could never tell him about the kiss, but would he mind that she danced with Snape? She actually wasn't sure, so she decided that there was no reason he had to know. What Quirrell didn't know wouldn't hurt him. Or would it...?


Weeks and months went by and Professor Kiernan and Snape kept silent once again. Every now and then, though, they would pass each other in the hallway and blush. If their eyes happened to meet, they'd look away. And a few times, their arms or robes would brush up against one another and they'd both mutter an apology and then quickly hurry away in the opposite direction. They even went as far as bringing their dinner and lunch to their classrooms, making up an excuse that they had work and marking to catch up on. Anything to avoid anymore awkward situations.

Meanwhile, Professor Kiernan had received some very interesting letters from Quirrell. He wrote about a vampire he'd met in Romania in the Black Forest, one that was rather pesky and wouldn't go away.

"...now I'm walking around with a clove of garlic around my neck... I feel silly. I mean, a DADA Teacher scared of a vampire? But it's kept him away at least. It also seems to be keeping everyone else away, too!"

Professor Kiernan laughed and tried to picture her future husband wearing a clove of garlic around his neck. She wrote back, telling him that she wouldn't marry him if he insisted on smelling like garlic for the rest of his life. She was only kidding of course. She also included the photos of her in her red gown and the one of her dancing with Professor Flitwick, atop a chair and a pile of books that Dumbledore had finally had developed. Then off went Periwinkle once again and she was back to waiting for a reply from Quirrell.


Once again, it was nearing the time of Professor Kiernan's birthday. She and Snape had finally managed to say a few things to one another. Mostly just a few hellos and some Good Evenings. But it made things a lot less uncomfortable. They still got embarrassed if they brushed up against each other in the hallways. The hallways of Hogwarts weren't terribly cramped... in fact, they were large and spacious. Snape and Professor Kiernan were unconsciously brushing against each other on purpose. Just a slight touch like that seemed to keep them satisfied.

Professor Kiernan was anxious for Quirrell's return, which was now a little less than three months away. On the morning of her birthday, she received another letter.

"Dear Madison,

Happy Birthday, Pretty Lady! I wish I could be there with you. But I'll be back soon. I hope you like your gift and the pictures. How do you like the gift I received? It's from an African Prince I met in the South. He gave me that turban after I got rid of a troublesome zombie for him. I don't think I'll ever actually wear the thing. For one thing, it's a wretched purple color and for another, it makes my head look incredibly large. But it's at least a nice souvenir..."

He went on, talking about the other things he had done, never once mentioning how he had fought the zombie, which surprised Professor Kiernan. That kind of information was valuable, as it was something she could tell the students. Perhaps he had decided that it was not necessary, being that it was nearly the end of another school year. She was sure he would tell her all about it upon his return.

"... I am uncertain as to where exactly I am at this time," he wrote, "but there is a rather interesting forest I would like to explore. I'll tell you all about it! Have a wonderful birthday, I'll be thinking about you!

With all my love,


Professor Kiernan looked at the pictures of Quirrell in a very absurd looking purple turban. She laughed so hard, that tears ran down her face. She had never seen anything so silly in her entire life. She wrote back telling him that she was glad he wouldn't wear the turban, because she's be laughing so hard, she wouldn't be able to recite her vows.

After that, she opened the gift he had sent, which turned out to be a pink parasol with little cherries on it and a box of fudge, all different colors and shapes. The parasol was beautiful and the fudge was very tasty.

Wanting to try out her parasol, she dressed in an aquamarine, floor- length sundress she had bought especially for her birthday, and headed outside with a stack of essays to enjoy the warm weather for the rest of the day, until her Birthday Feast that night. She wasn't looking forward to her party as much as she usually did, being that Quirrell wouldn't be there. His gifts and letter made her smile, but it ended there. Her last birthday had been the most wonderful day of her life. It was the day that Quirrell had asked for her hand in marriage. She suddenly realized, in surprise, that they had been engaged for a year. It wouldn't be long now until they were husband and wife. Less than five months away.

Professor Kiernan's mind wandered as she marked the Dark Arts assignments and essays. It wandered to the future. She wondered if she and Quirrell would have children. How many boys and how many girls? And how many would be witches and wizards? And would they be accepted into Hogwarts or Beauxbatons? Her side of the family was all magic... there wasn't a drop of muggle blood in her family at all. But what about Quirrell's family? They had never really talked about their families. If Quirrell had any muggles in his family, it was possible that their children could turn out to be squibs. She wondered how she would deal with that. It would be difficult, that was for certain. They would have to attend muggle schools, wear muggle clothes and keep their parents identities a secret. Professor Kiernan wasn't exactly fond of muggles... in fact, she hated them. She had no respect for them or their lifestyle at all. That was why she had been so upset when Dumbledore had sent poor little Harry Potter away to live with the Dursleys. A bunch of good-for-nothing muggles. Professor Kiernan knew that she would have to change her outlook on the muggle world, if any of her children turned out to be squibs. But maybe she had enough magic in her background that it would cancel out any sort of muggle blood that Quirrell had in his background. She wasn't sure HOW to deal with a muggle child. Sighing, Professor Kiernan decided that she would cross that bridge when she came to it. She pushed all the What-ifs out of her mind and concentrated on marking papers.


"Professor, wake-up, it's dinner time," a voice was saying. Professor Kiernan slowly opened her eyes and saw Madam Hooch standing above her. "Come-on now, you wouldn't want to miss your own birthday feast." She smiled.

Professor Kiernan sat-up, finally realizing that she must have dozed off in the midst of marking papers. She yawned and rubbed her eyes.

"I must have fallen asleep," she said, laughing. "Thank goodness for this parasol. I would've had a horrible sunburn!"

She stood up and collected her things, then walked alongside Madam Hooch as they headed toward the front doors of the school.

"It's a very nice parasol," Madam Hooch remarked. "Was it a birthday gift?"

"Yes, from Alpheus," she replied. "Which reminds me. I have some pretty funny pictures of him I'd like to show everyone. I have to put these things away anyway, so I'll be there shortly."

Madam Hooch nodded and said she'd let everyone know. Moments later, Professor Kiernan was in the Great Hall, ready to open her gifts. Everyone had laughed at Quirrell's pictures. Even Snape had cracked a smile, which was unusual. He remained silent all through dinner and gift opening. Worse yet, this was the first time he hadn't bought her anything. She was disappointed. From beans to a ring to nothing. She was hurt. It was bad enough that Quirrell wasn't there - she didn't like the idea that Snape was ignoring her. To an extent, anyway. Besides a few hellos here and there, they never spoke a word to each other. But maybe it was just as well. They seemed to get on one another's nerves most of the time. But ever since Snape's unexpected kiss, she had started to think that there was more to him that met the eye. And she was right. Behind the black robes, the tough outer shell and the emptiness of his cold, dark eyes, there was a real man. A human being who wished with all his might that he could feel the love that Quirrell felt everyday with Professor Kiernan. Even though he looked bitter and uncaring on the outside, on the inside, he was screaming. But Snape was exceptionally good at bottling up his feelings and hiding his emotions, that there was really nothing anyone could do to help. They didn't know what went on in what they had always thought was a well-organized mind. Nobody knew that the fierce and firm Professor Severus Snape had fallen hard for a woman that was already taken. They couldn't even begin to understand the torment he went through every day, every time he saw her. She invaded his thoughts, his dreams and his very soul. If he didn't do something soon or say something even, he would fall apart.

After cake, Professor Kiernan decided to call it a night. It was still fairly early, but she wasn't in much of a party mood. She thanked everyone for their gifts and left the Great Hall. She met up with Snape in the hallway of the teacher's dormitories, who had left before the cake was served.

"Hello, Severus," she greeted him, smiling.

"Good evening, Professor Kiernan," he answered, seriously. "Happy Birthday."

He reached for her hand and shook it, letting go of something he was holding in it and then walked quickly away, towards his office. Professor Kiernan looked down into her hand and what Snape had slipped into it. It was a locket, shaped like a star. Sparkling gold and very tiny. She went into her room, put away all of her gifts and tried the locket on, observing herself in the mirror. She smiled. She had always wanted a locket, ever since she was a little girl. How ironic it was that Severus Snape was the one who finally gave her a locket. Of all people!

"It's so beautiful!" she exclaimed. She had seen many lockets, round or heart-shaped, but never star-shaped. This was unique. She opened it and was even more surprised as a tune began to play. She sang to the music:

"Fly me to the moon

And let me play among the stars

Let me see what spring is like

On Jupiter and Mars..."

Something else about Professor Kiernan was that she had a melodious voice and could sing better than anyone in her family. But it wasn't something she did often. The first time she had sang, her parents thought that it may have been more appropriate to have named her Harmony or Melody. But by that time, it was too late. She was Madison.

Professor Kiernan was so touched by Snape's gift, that she just HAD to see him, no matter how awkward it was. She couldn't go about her days without thanking him and letting him know how much she loved the gift. And how she had always wanted a locket. So she closed the locket and headed for Snape's office. The door was open and the room appeared to be empty. It was dimly lit by two candles on Snape's desk.

"Professor Snape?" she called as she stepped further into his office. The moment she did, the door suddenly slammed shut and locked itself, startling Professor Kiernan. Before she could turn around a tall, dark figure stepped from the shadows. It was Snape.

"What a pleasant surprise, Professor Kiernan," said Snape, looking as though he wasn't surprised at all that she had come to see him. He moved closer to her, and the light from the candles glimmered over his handsome face like beams of icy radiance. Professor Kiernan felt blood coursing through her veins like an awakened river as they shared a sudden and intense physical awareness of one another. She felt as if her body was half ice and half flame.

"Hurry and thank him then get the hell out of there!" A voice in her head told her.

But for some reason, she was in no hurry and disregarded the voice completely.

"Thank you so much for the locket, Severus," she said, her voice shaking. "I've always wanted a locket. Ever since I was a young girl." She smiled.

"Is that so," said Snape softly, moving closer yet. She tried to assess his unreadable features. Then, her heartbeat skyrocketed as Snape suddenly clasped her wrist and pulled her toward him, slowly, as if he expected her to resist.

She couldn't. And she didn't. What woman could? He was irresistible, a larger-than-life-image, devastatingly sexy, charming Potions Master who wanted her. She had never felt more secure or desirable. Quirrell made her feel good, yes; but Snape made her feel like never before.

She became fluid in his arms, her curves surging against the hard planes of his body. He wrapped his arms around her and lowered his mouth with hard and fast intent. She held him loosely at first, tightening her hold around his neck as the urgency of their kiss increased.

His lips were soft, but demanding. He stole her breath into his mouth in great gulps and she gasped for air between the clashing of their tongues; their teeth. The taste of his dinner remained on his tongue and she lapped it up, echoing his moans.

Snape crushed her against him, his hands roaming freely down her back and over her hips. Desire exploded low in her stomach and flamed out to her limbs as she felt his need for her growing against her belly. Reason fled, and all that mattered was his hands on her body.

He slid his hands over the front of her dress and explored her like a lost traveler looking for home, his fingers searching, finding, revering. Her breasts bloomed as he caressed them through the soft silk of her dress, teasing the peaks until her arms weakened and dropped to his waist. She kneaded his back muscles through the thick fabric of his ebony robes, pressing herself into his hands, opening her mouth to his plundering tongue. His groans resonated in her throat, sending a hum through her limbs.

As he slipped the strap of her dress down one shoulder, he rained kissed along her jaw, triggering waves of shuddering desire. She rolled her shoulders, arching to meet him as his mouth traveled to her neck. He gently nipped at her lobe and flicked his tongue over the shell of her ear, sending liquid heat through her midsection and arrowing down to her thighs.

"Madison," he whispered, between ragged breaths and she swooned at the sound of her name, the first time Snape had ever spoken it. "I should very much like to see your bedroom."

Ten heart-pounding, flesh-grinding, bone-melting seconds passed before his words sank-in and sanity returned. Professor Kiernan froze and her eyes popped open.

Snape, sensing her withdrawal, increased the urgency of his caresses and crooned into her ear, "On the other hand, the desktop would serve us just as well."

He urged her to follow him, but at her resistance, he lifted his head.

Professor Kiernan disentangled herself and righted her clothes, her mind spinning.

Ignoring the disappointed and longing surging through her body, she took a deep breath and said, "No, Severus. I can't. I'm... I'm engaged."

Hands on hips, Snape glanced down at the bulge straining the front of his robes and scowled. Of course, she was right. But he didn't care whether or not she was engaged. And even though every part of him screamed that it was wrong, he still wanted her. But she had pulled away.

"Fine!" Snape shouted at her. "Then go!"

And she did, quickly running. She tried to run from the deep sense of shame and guilt she felt, accidentally running past her room and then stopping and leaning against the wall, trying to catch her breath. She then ran back and once inside the safety of her bedroom, she flung herself onto the bed and cried, deeply ashamed of what she had almost done, what had almost happened and worst of all, how much she still wanted it. Never had she felt with Quirrell what she had just felt with Snape. She couldn't ignore the evidence any longer. She was attracted to Snape. The harder she tried to ignore the truth, the more it persisted. But was it just the loneliness and the longing for Quirrell that was making her so vulnerable? It had to be it. His absence was making her crazy. Once he was back, everything would be the same just as it was before. Or would it.....?


End of Chapter Sixteen
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Fully Qualified Witch and Wife of Severus
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Postby LadySnape » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

Chapter Seventeen: Quirrell Returns

Severus Snape invaded her dreams. Professor Kiernan's mind was occupied with lessons and exams during the day, but at night, she had more time than she wanted to think about Snape and Quirrell. And summer holidays were only days away and that gave her even more time to think. She didn't want the time. She was angry with Snape. Angry with him for taking advantage of her when she was so lonely and vulnerable. How dare he do that to her? And how dare that voice in her head tell her, "You know you wanted to. Go back to him."

Professor Kiernan had to avoid Snape for the rest of her days at Hogwarts. She removed the ring and the locket that he had given her and hid them at the bottom of her trunk, rolled up in a pair of old stockings. She could never tell Quirrell whom they were from, so she just hid them. With any luck, Quirrell wouldn't even remember the Light-Up Snake Ring. And he had no idea that she had received a locket from Snape, so hiding it was the best thing to do.

Once the school year ended, Quirrell's letters became few and far between. He also didn't bother going into much detail about his encounters with hags and other creatures and never once mentioned what he had done in the mysterious forest he had seen back in June, like he had promised to. In addition, his letters started out, "Dear Professor Kiernan" and ended with, "Regards, Professor Quirrell", which Professor Kiernan found extremely odd. Also, there was nothing lovey-dovey in the letters at all anymore. She didn't give it much thought. After all, Quirrell would be back in no time and they'd have plenty of time for lovey-dovey words and making up for lost time. She flushed at the thought.


One week before Quirrell's return date, Professor Kiernan received her last letter from him. His usually very neat writing was wobbly, lopsided, and extremely difficult to read. There were inkblots all over the parchment and some of the words were smeared. She tried to fix it up with a spell, and was successful, but the letter still made no sense. He had written half-sentences and things like, "Did you know.... what on earth.... I don't know what to do… honestly, you'd think.... should I?"

This worried her a great deal. What had happened to make him write a nonsense letter? She was about to find out.


On the day that Quirrell was due to return, Professor Dumbledore asked Professor Kiernan to come and see him after lunch, in his office. Professor Kiernan hoped he wouldn't keep her in there too long. She didn't want to miss meeting Quirrell at the train station, which was due to arrive in less than an hour.

"Madison, please have a seat," Dumbledore offered and Professor Kiernan shook her head.

"No thank you, Albus," she said, her voice high and squeaky with excitement. "Forgive me, but I am just so excited to see Alpheus again. I can't sit still!" she admitted.

Dumbledore smiled and his eyes twinkled.

"Hard to believe he left us a year ago, isn't it?" he said.

"It felt like twenty years to me," Professor Kiernan sighed.

"I am sure it did, Madison," said Dumbledore, nodding. "But you know that old saying? Absence makes the heart grow fonder." he declared.

"Yes, and you don't really know what you have until you say goodbye." she added, smiling.

Dumbledore nodded again.

"So what did you need to see me about, sir?" she inquired, anxious to get on with things. "I have a feeling it has something to do with my schedule, since Alpheus is back to take over Defense once again."

"Yes, you're right," Dumbledore answered. "I was going to have you help out in Potions. For the whole school year. All day.”

Professor Kiernan froze on the spot. She couldn't even speak. Now there was no way in the world she could avoid Snape. She would be with him EVERY day, for the WHOLE day.

"You see," Dumbledore explained, noticing her sudden reaction, "the students didn't do quite so well in Potions this year and I have a strong suspicion that it may have had something to do with your absence as an assistant to Severus."

Professor Kiernan's excitement faded instantly. It was one thing for Dumbledore to tell her where he wanted her, but what about Snape? He wouldn't be thrilled at the idea at all. She swallowed and tried to find her voice.

"And what does Severus have to say about this?" she asked, her eyes becoming very dark.

"Actually, he was the one who suggested it," Dumbledore answered, carefully.

Professor Kiernan felt like somebody had just used the Body-Binding spell on her. She couldn't move. She was furious. How dare Snape suggest such a thing? After what had happened in the dungeon on her birthday...

"Oh, he was, was he?" she suddenly demanded, raising her voice. "Well, what if I don't WANT to assist in Potions?"

Dumbledore looked a little surprised.

"I thought you loved Potions," he remarked. "And I also thought that you and Severus had sorted through your differences. I thought you'd be thrilled at the idea."

"Well you thought WRONG!" she retorted and Dumbledore frowned.

"Madison," he warned. He did not like her tone of voice, nor did he like her attitude.

"I’m sorry, Albus," she sighed and finally her muscles relaxed. "I just... don't really want to assist in Potions this year. I'd rather assist in Transfiguration and Defense."

"But your assistance is not required in those classes," Dumbledore pointed out. "Your expertise in Potions is what is needed most."

"I thought Severus could handle things just fine without me," she said. "He must've told me that a hundred or more times that first year."

"Severus has changed, Madison," Dumbledore told her, seriously.

Professor Kiernan couldn't believe that Dumbledore had used the words "changed" and "Severus" in the same sentence.

"I'd like to talk to Severus first." she finally decided. "If that is all right with you."

Dumbledore agreed and off she went to find Snape. She didn't really want to talk to him, but she had to find out if his intentions were noble and that they had nothing to do with what had happened in his office, two months ago. Besides, why was she hiding in the first place? She wasn't weak, was she?

"I can fight this," she told herself. Snape had just happened to fill a void, temporarily. Quirrell would be there in just minutes and then things would go back to normal.

Snape was in his classroom, making preparations for the first day of class, which was only two days away.

"Severus," she said as she stepped into the room. "Is it true what Dumbledore told me? You want me to assist in ALL of your Potions Classes?"

Snape stood up, but did not move closer to her. His eyes fell upon the slender expanse of her neck and he frowned when he noticed she was not wearing the star-locket he had given to her. The chain she had given him was in full view. He no longer cared who saw it and who didn't.

"Yes." Snape answered, promptly.

Professor Kiernan studied his face for a long time before saying anything.

"Why?" she inquired. "You told me quite frankly a number of times that your class and your way were just fine until I showed up, did you not?"

"Circumstances have changed, somewhat," he declared, keeping his expression sedated.

"Is that really it or does this have something to do with that... that little... fling in your office on my birthday?" she demanded.

Snape approached her, slowly and looked straight into her eyes.

"Is that what it was to you?" he said, softly. "Just a fling? A mindless game? I felt something, Madison," he added, "and I know you did, too."

She backed away.

"It was nothing," she said, quickly. "It should not have happened." She swallowed a lump in her throat and tried desperately to control her racing pulse. "I'll help you in Potions, if you want. But it ends there."

"Does it?" Snape asked, crossing his arms and looking at her with lustful eyes.

"Yes, and if you ever touch me again, I'll kill you, Severus Snape." With that, she turned on her heel and left the room.

Snape remained standing for a very long time then smiled to himself as he sat down and continued with his preparations. He looked at the wall clock and took note that Quirrell's train would be pulling into the station in no less than fifteen minutes. Yes, Quirrell would be back and then the trouble would start all over again.


Professor Kiernan was pacing on the platform of the Train Station where Quirrell's train was about to pull in. She had just been to see Dumbledore telling him that she agreed to assist in Potions all year and he was delighted. After that, she ran all the way to the Train Station, her excitement returning.

Moments later, she heard the train whistle, and from around a hill the big red train came charging down the tracks, then slowed down and stopped. Professor Kiernan's stomach was in knots. She couldn't wait to see Quirrell's gorgeous face, amazing smile, sparkling blue eyes and his cute little satellite-dish ears.

The first people to step onto the platform were the train officials. They started unloading the luggage, trunks and suitcases and cages with owls and some with cats. After that, they began opening the doors, helping people off the train. Professor Kiernan scanned the crowd for Quirrell. But he was nowhere in sight. She watched the people, wizards and witches, collecting their luggage and animals and could not seem to find Periwinkle or Quirrell's trunk and suitcases at all. Soon, the crowd was gone along with the luggage and the train left the station. All that waiting, all that excitement and no sign of Quirrell. Had he missed the train?

Professor Kiernan sat down on a nearby bench, close to tears. Where on earth could he be? Had something happened to him? She was worried. What if he was dead?

"Oh, please, Alpheus, please be alive," she prayed. "Please only be late."

Professor Kiernan sat there and waited, even though the next train wouldn't arrive until the following day. She waited for hours, until Hagrid came to get her.

"Professor, here yeh are," said Hagrid and she was surprised to see him. "It's time fer dinner."

Professor Kiernan didn't move. Fang licked her hand.

"Professor Dumbledore tol' me teh tell yeh that Professor Quirrell arrived an hour ago, by broomstick," he announced and Professor Kiernan jumped up.

"WHAT!" she exclaimed and threw her arms around Hagrid, much to his surprise. "Oh, thank Merlin! I thought he missed the train or that he was dead!" She let go of Hagrid, finally and was beaming. "Why did he fly here? Why didn't he take the train?" she began asking these questions very quickly and Hagrid didn't have a chance to tell her that he didn't know. "How does he look?" She finally stopped.

Hagrid hesitated.

"It's no' really my place ter say," he finally replied, scratching his head. "He's uh.... different, that's fer sure."

"What do you mean?" she inquired.

"Yeh'll see," he declared and they headed back to Hogwarts, then to the Great Hall for dinner.

Quirrell's chair was back in place between Professor Kiernan and Snape, but it was empty.

"Isn't Quirrell coming down for dinner?" she asked everyone at the table. She couldn't wait to see him again and hug and kiss him and tell him how much she missed him.

"He'll be here shortly," said Dumbledore. "He just went to put his things away."

Professor Kiernan sat down, but was unable to stay still. Any minute now, the love of her life would walk through the doors to the Great Hall, happy to see her. Overjoyed to see her, just as she would be to see him. A whole year had gone by and they had both survived.

The doors opened and finally, Quirrell was there. He came closer to the High Table and Professor Kiernan was shocked to see him wearing a very large, absurd purple turban on his head, looking very nervous and twitching like a squirrel.

"T... t... told you n... not to wait for m..m... me," Quirrell stuttered. His face was paler than usual and he barely took notice to Professor Kiernan at all.

"Nonsense!" Dumbledore expressed. "It is not as though the food will get cold or anything. Have a seat. I believe someone is extremely happy to see you." He smiled.

Quirrell looked at the empty seat between Professor Kiernan and Snape and then looked at Professor Kiernan. Unable to contain her joy at seeing him any longer and despite the fact that he looked ridiculous, she jumped out of her chair, ran around the table and threw her arms around him, crying with happiness.

"I missed you so much!" she cried. "Why didn't you tell me you were flying here instead of taking the train? I was so worried when I didn't see you."

Quirrell was as stiff as a board and he did not return her hug. When she tried to kiss him, he pulled away.

"Professor, I am very t...t...tired," he told her. "Please... don't touch me." His left eye twitched. "It's n... n... nnnnice to be back."

He trotted quickly out of the room and Professor Kiernan had never been more hurt in her life. "Don't touch me" he had said! Why would he have said that? He didn't even say hi, I missed you or I love you. She turned to look at her colleagues, and they all looked just as puzzled as she felt. Why was Quirrell acting so weird?

"He must be really tired, after flying all the way here," Madam Hooch suggested. "I'm sure he'll be back to himself after he gets a little sleep."

Professor Kiernan sighed, a bit relieved at her hypothesis. Of course. He was just tired.


It was ten o'clock at night and Professor Kiernan was anxiously waiting for Quirrell to join her in their bedroom. He had gone to his old bedroom to sleep, which seemed odd. But she figured that he probably went there so as not to be disturbed. She knew that at any minute, he would come knocking at the door, looking handsome in his night robes and smiling. Then he would kiss her warmly and take her to bed, wanting to make up for a whole year.

Professor Kiernan was wearing pink baby doll pajamas that she had bought just for the occasion. She was sure that it would knock Quirrell's socks off. She might as well have been wearing nothing at all though, since the nightwear was almost transparent anyway.

Finally, there was a knock at her door. Taking a deep breath and undoing a few of the buttons on her top to expose more of her breasts, she went to the door and opened it, expecting to see Quirrell. But it wasn't Quirrell at all. It was Snape. When he saw her transparent, unbuttoned baby doll nightwear, his eyes grew very wide and he felt his pants tighten around his waist. Thank goodness his robes were thick and heavy, so she would never notice.

Professor Kiernan saw how he was looking at her and she quickly grabbed her silk robe from behind the door and covered herself quickly, scowling at him.

"What do you want?" she demanded, clutching her robe tightly over her front.

Snape leaned against the door frame casually, his expression unchanging.

"I wondered if I could get your opinion on some of the assignments and projects that I've set-up for the fifth year students." he said.

She sighed in exasperation.

"Can't it wait?" she protested. "I'm expecting Quirrell any minute now. And I don't think he'll be too pleased to find you here."

Snape's lips curled into an icy smile.

"Quirrell is in bed," he told her. "In his old quarters."

Professor Kiernan glared at Snape.

"No he isn't." she insisted.

"Yes he is," Snape argued. "I just saw him go in there. Only moments ago."

"Then he'll be here any minute," she said, defiantly. "He's just getting ready... ready for me."

Snape stopped leaning and stood straight again.

"I don't think so," he declared. "You can see for yourself." He put his hand out, inviting her to follow him. She scowled.

"Just wait there." she ordered and closed the door. She quickly slipped into a longer, cotton robe and pink slippers, then joined Snape outside the door. She then followed him down the hallway to Quirrell's old quarters, six doors down. The door was locked.

"Alohomora!" said Snape, waving his wand in front of the doorknob. It clicked to unlock itself and Professor Kiernan gingerly opened it and looked inside.

So Snape was right, after all. There was Quirrell, sound asleep, tucked in his bed, still wearing that horrible turban. The turban he had sworn he would NEVER wear. Now it looked as though he would never take it off.

Professor Kiernan put a hand over her heart, as if she was in pain. He was asleep and had obviously forgotten all about her.

"He's just tired, that's all," she said, more for herself than for Snape. "It was a long journey and he's tired. I'll see him tomorrow night."

She was close to tears as she hurried away, back to her bedroom. Snape glared at Quirrell.

"You idiot!" he said, his teeth clenched. Quirrell didn't even stir. "How could anyone be too tired for her?"

He closed the door and left.


After breakfast, Professor Kiernan headed straight for the Defense Against The Dark Arts classroom, after Professor McGonagall had told her that Quirrell had eaten an early breakfast and had said he needed to start preparing for classes. Professor Kiernan was anxious to see him once again. Now that he had slept, perhaps he would be his usual self again.

She found him seated at his desk, STILL wearing the turban! She stepped into the classroom, which smelled very strongly of garlic and she recalled the letter he had written to her about the vampire. Surely he wasn't still afraid of it!

Professor Kiernan held her hand over her nose as she approached Quirrell. The smell of garlic seemed to be even stronger around him.

"Alpheus, this room reeks!" she exclaimed. "You better do something about this smell, the students won't be able to stand it!"

Quirrell looked up, his face twitching.

"And why are you wearing that turban, after you told me you wouldn't?" she inquired.

"I must." declared Quirrell and he stood up.

"Well, you better not wear it at our wedding," she told him.

"W... wedding?" Quirrell repeated.

"Yes," she said as she approached him. "Remember? We're getting married on the 20th of November." She put her arms around him, lovingly.

Quirrell looked nervous and he stepped back, out of her arms.

"B...b..but that's so.... so... c..c...c...close!" he stammered.

"I know," she said. "I was thinking that maybe we should try and get the invitations done today or tomorrow, before classes start. What do you think?"

Quirrell's eyes were wide and full of alarm.

"It certainly is a n...n...nice day isn't it?" he suddenly said, changing the subject and looking out the window. "I should g...go down to D....D.....Diagon Alley to get m....myself a new b... b....book on v...vampires." He looked terrified at the very thought.

"Alpheus, didn't you hear what I said?" she demanded. "I think we should get the invitations ready and send them out as soon as possible."

"I...I... I have to g.. go," he insisted and started to leave. "I n...n...nnneed that book."

Professor Kiernan grabbed the sleeve of his robe to stop him.

"You don't need a book on vampires," she said. "Look." She went over to the filing cabinet, opened a drawer and pulled out two stacks of parchment. "Here are all the letters you wrote me, with all the information about vampires and werewolves and hags and other things that you encountered on your trip." She handed him the first stack of papers and he looked at them, blankly. "And," she went-on, "here's all the information that I recorded myself. All neat and organized." She handed him the other stack and he gave the parchments the same stunned look.

Then, without a word, he took a step towards the fireplace, muttered a "Yes, Master," and threw the parchment into the fire. In a matter of minutes, all the letters, all the records were nothing more than a pile of ashes.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!" Professor Kiernan shrieked. She pulled out her wand to stop them from burning, but Quirrell was quicker and shouted, "Expelliarmus!". Professor Kiernan's wand shot out of her hand and straight across to the other side of the room.

She glared at him, her eyes filled with tears.

"What is wrong with you?" she demanded. "What the hell happened to you out there? ANSWER ME!"

"P... professor..." he began, his left eye twitching.

"Professor?" she shouted. "Whatever happened to Madison?"

"Good question," he said, silently, without stuttering. "What DID happen to Madison?"

He walked towards her slowly, his eyes narrowed, his wand pointed straight at her. Her wand was still lying on the other side of the room, beyond her reach. Quirrell looked as though he were about to kill her and there she was, wandless. There was only one thing that she could do. Transfigure herself.

Quirrell pounced only a moment too late. Professor Kiernan was gone! Just in time, she had transfigured into a very tiny animal and had hidden herself beneath Quirrell's desk. He couldn't see her, she blended in with the floor.

"Damn!" he cursed. "You can't hide forever!"

"And just who might you be talking to, Quirrell?" said a cold voice in the doorway. It was Snape.

"N....n... nobody, Severus," Quirrell answered, quickly. "I...I.. was just l...l...l...leaving."

He hurried out of the room, past Snape and out of sight. Snape remained in the classroom and must have noticed the awful garlic smell, because he, too, covered his nose. He looked around the classroom, then suddenly noticed a spider on the floor at his feet.

"Well, well," he said. "Was Quirrell talking to you?"

Snape smirked and looked at the brown spider a moment longer, then lifted his foot and stepped on it. The moment his foot hit the floor, he looked up and saw Professor Kiernan standing there, her arms crossed. She was frowning.

"Would you mind getting off my foot?" she spat.

Snape looked down at his foot and realized only then that he had stomped on Professor Kiernan's boot. He quickly took his foot away.

"Pardon me," he said. "I was trying to kill Quirrell's friend Mr. Spider," he explained. "Now where did he go?" He looked around for any sign of the spider.

"You mean Miss Spider, Severus," she said, smiling. "That spider happened to be me."

"YOU!" Snape exclaimed in disbelief.

"Yes and you almost killed me!" she retorted.

Snape just stared at her. So she was an Animagi! A fox, then a spider. And not just any Animagi. By the looks of it, she couldn't turn into just one animal, but rather any animal she wanted! For the first time, Snape realized just how powerful she really was.

Professor Kiernan picked up her wand, which was on the other side of the room and looked at Snape.

"You can close your mouth now," she shot at him. "Yes, I am an Animagi. And not just your average one, either."

She walked out of the room, leaving Snape there, thinking very hard.


"Who is that woman?" asked Quirrell's turban in a very weak and tired sounding voice.

"Nobody, Master," answered Quirrell. "I've never seen her before. I don't know who she is."

"She certainly seems to know you," said the turban. "Don't lie to me, Quirrell. Don't be a fool. Lies do not go unpunished. Now tell me, WHO is she?"

Quirrell was trembling. He knew who it was. He didn't want to get punished, either.

"She is the woman I was going to marry, Master," Quirrell replied. "But now that I am with you, I no longer need her."

"Do you love her?" the turban inquired.

Quirrell shrugged.

"I did at one time," he admitted, then began to sob. "I think... I think I still do...Master!"

"Don't be a fool!" the turban warned. "Love makes you weak! What did I tell you about love and hate, good an evil?"

Quirrell took a deep breath and recited: "There is no love or hate, no good or evil. There is only power and those too weak to seek it."

"Very good, Quirrell," said his turban. "Now I have an idea. We could use that woman."

Quirrell was surprised.

"She could prove to be very useful indeed," said the turban, thoughtfully.

"Tell me, Master!" Quirrell pleaded. "Before you're too weak to speak again."

"She could give us a son," said the turban. "Someone to follow in my footsteps, to raise like me. To do my bidding until I get my strength back."

"But she'll never allow-" Quirrell began.

"Find a way or you'll be very sorry." the turban threatened him.

"Yes, Master." he declared, quivering.


End of Chapter 17
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Postby Quicksilver » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

Now Snape can have her!
*stomps Quirrel into the ground*

I still can not believe how good a writer you are LS! Snape is....wel......perfect! He's [i:10i8i98e]exactly[/i:10i8i98e] the way JK has him! Its so coool! And please post it on my site!
(1 chappy at a time so people have time to reveiw)
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Postby LadySnape » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

Thanks so much! But *gulp* I already posted the WHOLE THING on your site! (Up to what I have done, chapter 17) I am glad you like it! I'm inspired to continue very soon!
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Postby Quicksilver » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

Sorry, I didn't know. :smile:
And THANKY YOU!!!!!!!!!
I am serious about the best fic I've ever read.
More please!
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Postby Melody Granger » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

yes more more more ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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Postby Deedra Malfoy » Wednesday 4 September 2002 11:27:05pm

FINISH IT!!!!!!!!!!
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Postby Deedra Malfoy » Wednesday 18 September 2002 12:41:27am

You must finish it soon or I WILL DIE
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Postby snuffles360uk » Monday 23 September 2002 10:12:44pm

Your story's brilliant :grin: I love it :grin:
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Postby Deedra Malfoy » Tuesday 3 December 2002 11:04:37pm

Snape gets the gir-ir-l! Snape get's the gir-ir-l!
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