The title is above- Harry Potter and the Last of the Blacks
This is the subtitle-Wizard's Divided
Here's the story ... well chapter one for now
War Plans
Imagine a world only a select few of the population knew of. Where occupants of this world were in realization of what the head of their people had been covering for most of the previous year. The most awful, terrible and evil person, who had ever inhabited this world, whom had once been called Tom, had indeed been alive and restored back to the height of his power, was exposed in the June of last year. When the person he most feared had alerted the appropriate members of their government of his return. This man who made it happen was Albus Dumbledore.
He, at this moment was pacing his study at the school where he was headmaster, lost very much in his own thoughts. Albus Dumbledore was a very old man. He had a long white beard which was so long it could have been tucked into his belt. His hair was the same colour, though with streaks of silver running through it, silver eyebrows and a very lined face. Deep pale blue eyes which were now covered in half moon spectacles. Which were set on top of his extremely crooked nose.
It was very early in the morning. Dumbledore pulled a watch out of his pocket, consulted it and stood waiting anxiously. He was wearing a dark blue dressing gown covered with large, silk embroided, white stars, a matching nightcap and a pale blue nightshirt. At this moment his train of thought and concentration were momentarily stopped by the emergence of six people who had suddenly appeared in his study.
‘At last you have arrived’ cried Dumbledore.
‘I sent Fawkes to you hours ago’
‘We have been busy helping the ministry, Professor Dumbledore’ replied a balding, middle aged, red-haired man.
‘Yes Arthur, I am sure you have. Would you all please sit down’
At that moment six squashy arm chairs appeared suddenly out of nowhere and landed on the floor in front of Dumbledore. The six people sat whilst Dumbledore put a thing long piece of wood back inside the pocket of his dressing gown.
‘Now that you are here I have information for you’
Five heads all nodding in unison came, all different from the next.
‘Alastor, Arthur, Mundungus, Nymphadora, Remus and Severus, I each have an assignment for you all. Now that Cornelius’ attitude towards me has changed, we may be able to persuade more people to join the Order. Since I believe we need many people who will understand what we are trying to do and who will accept the truth that has been held before us for over a year now. I feel that this task should be filled by someone who would do a magnificent job, I would like you to have this assignment, Arthur.
‘Alright Professor Dumbledore, but may I ask a question about my task? ’ replied the man who had been addressed as Arthur.
‘Yes you may Arthur’ replied Dumbledore
‘Why do you think I would be the best person for the job, Professor Dumbledore?’ inquired Arthur
‘Arthur I am extremely delighted you asked that question. Well Arthur I think you are the person who, has the best judge of character of most people and you respect people and creatures from all, walks of life. This is why I felt you suited the post well Arthur. Now could I please ask you to go home right now to Molly and your children and I will contact you in the morning about what I would specifically like you to do.’
Arthur Weasley stood up from his chair and walked towards the door. He opened it and departed.
Dumbledore’s attention was now focused on the five remaining occupants sitting in his study. He looked particularly at one man who was dozing in the chair he was sitting in, curled into a ball, much like a cat.
‘Mundungus?’ Dumbledore spoke loudly and sharply.
The sleeping man, who was short, had straggly ginger hair and blood shot eyes jerked awake and gave a start at the sound of his name.
‘Now that Mundungus had decided to let his mind and eyes wander towards us we may continue and he will also be informed of our plans’
‘I’m sorry Dumbledore, sir I was just tired I ... ’
‘You were probably pondering what sort of trouble you might get in from the next deal or business opportunity you will make. Now Mundungus I would like you to find out what sort of equipment we could purchase for our cause. I will give you a list of what we shall need and you can see about acquiring the supplies.
‘Yes Dumbledore, sir I can get ... ’
‘Mundungus Fletcher! I would like you to do this properly. No deals. No swindling or Cornelius might find out or worse, Voldemort’s followers’ an exasperated Dumbledore responded.
‘Yes Dumbledore, sir’ replied Mundungus in a somewhat beaten voice.
‘Go home and go to bed I will also contact you in the morning with a list of supplies. Good luck Mundungus’
Mundungus gave a short wave to show his thanks as he reached the door and was gone quite quickly.
Four people remained in Dumbledore’s study. Alastor, Nymphadora, Remus and Severus.
Nymphadora Tonks who was sitting in a chair looked the most odd out of all of them. With a heart-shaped face, white-blonde hair that hung just pass her shoulders, wearing black and white striped robes, torn and ripped Jeans and a red t- shirt, was sitting very quiet and subdued and Dumbledore was in no doubt why. Her cousin had been killed just weeks ago at the end of May by another of her cousins. Alastor Moody was also there he didn’t look odd on arrival but when he had entered Dumbledore’s study he had removed his bowler hat and revealed his electric blue false eye which was quite odd indeed, as it could see through solid objects.
‘Alastor and Nymphadora I would like you two to go ... ’
‘Tonks’ said Nymphadora very quietly.
‘Yes, sorry, Tonks. I’d would rather call you Nymphadora, your name, but as you do not like your name, Tonks will be what you will be called by. I would like you and Alastor to go to the Ministry in the morning and tell Cornelius I will be there about 10 o’clock after I have seen to Arthur and Mundungus to talk about the future and plans he may have. I would like you to find Hagrid, then go and see Arabella Figg about the matter we discussed the other day.
‘Yes Dumbledore and would you like us to contact you about our results when we are done.’ asked Moody.
‘No it’s fine Alastor, I’ll be in touch with you soon’
Alastor Moody and Nymphadora Tonks rose from their seats. Moody shook Dumbledore’s hand then also headed towards the office door Tonks didn’t do anything at all, she just followed Moody outside. Dumbledore turned and looked at one man in particular. He was sitting very quiet and subdued also. He was also looking very sick and pale as there would be a full moon shortly.
‘Remus I would like you to go back to Grimmauld Place and ... ’
‘Professor Dumbledore I really do not want to be back there, I do not like being there anymore, not after what happened … ’
‘I understand Remus but where are you to go then?’
‘I would like to go back to my own place for the time being please, Professor Dumbledore’
‘Very well. Remus I will talk to you also in the morning about what we discussed yesterday’
‘Thank you Professor Dumbledore’
Remus Lupin stood up and shook Dumbledore’s hand and left through the door to the study. Dumbledore watched until Lupin had closed the door and couldn’t be seen any longer. It was now very early in the morning the sun was beginning to extricate itself from the blanket of night and light rays of pale gold were seeping into the atmosphere. Dumbledore then turned back to the last person still there.
‘Severus, I need to resume the same work you were doing for the order last year. Are still up to the undertaking of the task?’
‘Yes headmaster.’
This man had dark shoulder length hair, a long, hooked nose, sallow skin and cold, dark eyes. Still wearing his trademark sneer. This man’s name was Severus Snape.
‘I have a question Headmaster’
‘Yes Severus’
‘I would like to know what we are going to do with Potter?’