Okay... Severus Snape, the Loner

Are you a budding writer? If you have any ideas for Harry potter plots, share them here. Who knows, JK Rowling may take a look and use your ideas in her next book!

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Okay... Severus Snape, the Loner

Postby Deedra Malfoy » Wednesday 18 September 2002 12:51:09am

All his life he wanted to be recognized, to have power, to be the best. But his dream never came true, sadly. The End

Criticism, anyone?
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Postby Melody Granger » Wednesday 18 September 2002 11:13:39pm

ok Dedra gonna haveto talk 2 you tammaro bout that 1
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Postby Quicksilver » Thursday 19 September 2002 10:04:02pm

Oh yeah critisism. You have to be mad if you didn't want to be flames for that. You are mad for posting it, but I just thought Id point ou....Ah never mind.
Now make it longer, you have more talent than that.
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Postby Deedra Malfoy » Tuesday 3 December 2002 10:37:25pm

I'll try.

It was a dark and stormy night. The Snape household was introducing its newest member to the cruel and terrible world.

"Dear, I can't believe you would pick a name like 'Severus'. " States the father.

"Dear, live with it." states the mother.

"Goo." says our little Severus Snape.

Should I continue? :-?
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