Hello, I'm powerpetal and I am obssesed with Harry Potter fan fiction!
I've had loads of time on my hands and just can not wait for the sixth book. I've tried other books but they're just not the same. So having read thousand of millions of fan fics (I'm not kidding! lol! ) I feel I should give some back and write some of my own. So do you have some ideas but just need help writing them down or developing them? Please post!
Just a quick introduction, I'm 17, live in London and am a big R/Hr shipper! I don't do slash and like stories set in the past, present or future. Hmm..what else...well I'm told I'm really funny, but I just think I'm weird! As an angsty teenager I wouldn't mind writing serious or fluffy fics!Like I said I already have a few story ideas, so if you want to contact me, post on this thread and I'll get back to you.
Love XXXpowerpetalXXX