Full Title: The boy who live and the Vampires Slayer comes to Hogwart school of witchcraft and wizardry
Fan fiction Rating: Mature
Ship/s (if applicable): Fred Wesley and Bethany Tonks
Summary: It takes place doing Harry, Ron, Hermione and Bethany ( born Aug 31 1978) first year at Hogwart school of witchcraft and wizardry. Bethany befriends Harry, Ron and Hermione, But hang out mostly with the students her own age and she also start to date Fred Wesley. Bethany also has to balance being a normal everyday Hogwart student and a vampire slayer at the sometime.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in the Harry Potter books or Movies J. K. Rowling's own them . I did make up Bethany and her deceased mom and dad.
Chapter one: The secret and double life Bethany’s has to lead!
It is August thirty first, 1991 and Bethany is shopping in Diagon Alley with her aunt Andromeda Tonks and Cousin Nympadora Tonks for her schools supplies. They have just walk out of Gringotts wizarding bank, when she Bethany sees Harry Potter walking by her with Hagrid the gatekeeper at Hogwart school of witchcraft and wizards. She stops walking and stares at Harry and Hagrid. When Harry sees the girl has stop walking and that she is staring at him, he walks over to her and stops in front of her. Hagrid, Andromeda and Nympadora walk over to Harry and Bethany. Harry’s see that she is looking at his lighting blot shape scar on his forehead. She knew that Harry Potter was starting at Hogwart that year, but she hope not to see him yet seeing that she is two years old then him and is just starting there too, but the reason she was hoping not to see him was that she was at his parent’s house the day they were killed. She was playing hide and seek with Lily and James Potter and was hiding in the closet in Harry room when Lord Voldemort show up. She stays hiding because see had already seen Voldemort kill her parents a few days before. As she was hiding in the closet and she saw Lord Voldemort’s kill Lily through the crack in the door. She stops staring at Harry when her cousin tap her on the shoulder.
Harry: I am Harry Potter. What is your name and do you know me because you could not stop looking at me?
Bethany: My name is Bethany Tonks and yeah I know you when you were a baby and till you went to live with your aunt and uncle at the age of one.
Harry: How do you remember me then, because I do not remember you?
Bethany: Because I was three years old then.
Harry: So you going to Hogwart for you third year then?
Bethany: No, I am just starting Hogwart this year, I had personal issues that keep me from starting two years ago.
Harry: So that would make you thirteen year old then right?
Bethany: Yeah I turn thirteen today.
Hagrid: I hate to break up the reunion but we need to get to Gringotts wizarding bank and get your money Harry.
Harry: Ok, Nice to meet you again Bethany.
Bethany: Yeah, see you at school.
Harry and Hagrid walk towards the bank and Bethany, Andromeda and Nympadora walk down the street and into Quality Quidditch Supplies. Bethany and her aunt heads over to look at the new Nimbus 2000. While Nympadora sees a friend and goes over to talk to her. Bethany looks over at her cousin then back at her aunt who is holding a new Nimbus 2000 in her hands and give it a good look over. Bethany leans towards her aunt and whisper quietly to her.
Bethany: I do not know why I can’t take Nympadora old broom to school, see that it not for playing Quidditch, but for slayer related business and beside first years are not even allowed to have brooms.
Andromeda: Because Nympadora needs her broom for Auror school that way.
Bethany: But she says she does not mind if I used her broom, she will just buy a new one.
Andromeda: No, I buying you a new one, you had enough hand me down from your cousin in your life since you come to live with us, for once I am buying you all new items for school.
Bethany: But I’m not your daughter and I am ok with hand me downs.
Andromeda: You are my niece and you mom and dad did leave me and Ted money to buy you school supplies when you start Hogwart, so let me buy you new items this year.
Bethany: All right.
Andromeda: I think this Nimbus 200 we do just fine, lets go pay for it.
Why Andromeda goes and pays for the broom, Bethany walks over to her cousin. Once her aunt had finish pay for the broom and the sale person had warped it up and put it into a large bag. Bethany, Andromeda and Nympadora left Quality Quidditch Supplies and walks over to Ollivander's to buy Bethany some wands. Both Andromeda and Nympadora take a set in the chair by the door and Bethany walks up to the counter and rings the bell to get Mr. Ollivander attention. Mr. Ollivander walks downstairs and passes Nympadora and Andromeda and heads behind the counter. At the sometime Andromeda stand up and walks up to the counter next to Bethany.
Mr. Ollivander: I see that Bethany is finally starting at Hogwart this year and I see you change the look of you hair by add pink highlights since the last time I saw you Bethany, did you dye your hair or are you a Metamorphmagus Like Nympadora?
Bethany: Yeah I am starting Hogwart and I want a change from my plain light brown hair. I did not dye my hair I am a Metamorphmagus like my cousin.
Mr. Ollivander: I finally get to sale Bethany a wand and on the someday as I sale Harry Potter his first wand.
Andromeda: She going to need a couple of wands one for school and a few for her slayer duty.
Mr. Ollivander: Oh yes, I remember talking to you about that and yes I did make seven wands with cores that I normally don’t use for her to try out. First lets try wands out for school. First I will have you try out this 12 in. wand that is made from rosewood and a Unicorn Tail for the core.
Bethany: Ok
Bethany takes the wand from Mr. Ollivander and move the wand up and down but nothing moves. Mr. Ollivander takes the wand back from Bethany and puts the wand away. He picks up another wand box. He then hand her a box with a, 15 1/2 in rosewood wand with a Unicorn Tail as it core.
Mr. Ollivander: I know it still has the some core as the last one but I think that is the core that would work for your school wand.
Bethany: Ok I will try it.
She tries that wand and gets the book on the counter to move a little. Mr. Ollivander shakes his head and takes the wand from Bethany. He puts that wand a way and goes over to the back shelve and grab a black box. He walks over to the counter and hands Bethany the next box, which has a 15 1/2 in rosewood wand with a phoenix father has the core. Bethany picks the wand up and boxes go fly everywhere.
Mr. Ollivander: That is not the wand for you. Lets try this 15 1/2 in Willow with a Dragon Heartstring core.
Bethany: I hope this wand works?
Bethany picks up the wand and the area around her light up in a gold color. Bethany, Andromeda, Nympadora and Mr. Ollivander smile at eachother. Mr. Ollivander box up the wand and put it into a bag and he marks the first wand down in his book. He then grabs the first box out from under the courter that has a 15 1/2 in made from Willow with a Leprechaun hair.
Mr. Ollivander: Now I do not think this wand will work for you, because Leprechaun hair cores tend to favor only the Irish but we will see if it works.
Bethany nods her head yes and picks up the wand and once again boxes go fly everywhere. Bethany then tries the 15 1/2 wand that is made of willow with the demiguise hair core next but nothing happens. Mr. Ollivander then hand Bethany’s another 15 1/2 in wand that is made of willow with a Hippogriff Talon core to try, when Bethany flick the wand it make Mr. Ollivander hair turn green. He takes the wand form her and hand her another 15 1/2 in wand that is made of Willow with a Runespoor Fang core and the room turn a gold color again. She also buy two more 15 1/2 in wands made from willow one with Chimaera Scale core and one with Ashwinder Ash core (which cast awesome protection charms.) Bethany’s aunt pays for the four wands and Mr. Ollivander hand the bag with the wands in it to Bethany. The three ladies walk out of Ollivander’s and walk down the street and into Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions. Madam Malkin looks up from fitting Hermione Granger robe and smile at the ladies when they walk into the store.
Madam Malkin: I will be with you in a few minutes Mrs. Tonks.
Andromeda: That fine.
Three minutes later a girl with long brown hair walks over to Bethany and stop in front her. Bethany smiles at her the girl. Bethany looks at the girl and she smiles back at her.
Bethany: Hi my name Bethany Tonks, what is your name?
Hermione: My name Hermione Granger, are you getting robes for Hogwart school of witchcraft and wizardry?
Bethany: Yeah
Hermione: So am I, It is my first year. I am so excite, because I am the first witch in my family. Are you the only witch in your family or is everyone one in your family witches and wizards?
Bethany: My Mom pure blood, my dad was muggle born but get chosen to go to Hogwart. My dad brother also went to Hogwart. My aunts are also pure blood. Hermione mom and dad walk up behind her and then the three of them leave the shop. Bethany gets fitted for her robes and cloak and also gets a point hat and protective gloves. When her robes and cloak are ready, they pay for them all the items they are buying. Then Andromeda, Nympadora and Bethany go and gets strawberry ice cream cones from Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlou. Once they have getting they ice cream they walks down Diagon Alley to head to Flourish and Blotts. When the three of them walk into Flourish & Blotts Nympadora head to the section where the textbooks she needs are and Bethany and Andromeda go over to the section where Hogwart first year textbooks are location at. Bethany looks down at the list of books she needs to buy and see the first one on the list is standing book of spell grade one which is by Miranda Gosghawk. She has just grab a book off the shelve when she hear Mrs. Wesley fighting with her youngest son Ron about the fight having to buy used books and not new books. Bethany quietly grabs a copy of a history of magic by Bathilda Bagshot, a beginner’s guide to transfiguration by Emeric Switch, one thousand magical herbal and fungi by Phyllida Spore, magical drafts and potions by Arsenius Jigger, Fantastic beast and where to find them by Newt Scamander and the dark farce guide to self protection by Quentin Trimble. Andromeda goes to pay for the books and Bethany to find her cousin to see if she is ready to go. Bethany finds that her cousin had already pay for her books and she is waiting for her mom and Bethany to finish up in the book store. Bethany and Andromeda leave the book store and head to the Cauldron Shop, they only in the shop for two minutes because the only item Bethany’s need from there is a size two Pewter cauldron. Nympadora goes to the Apothecary and picks her cousin up two set of crystal phials, bass scale. Nympadora then goes to one of the street stall and buy Bethany the telescope she needs for school. Nympadora meets up with her mom and cousin at Eeylops Owl Emporium. When she walks into the store, she sees Bethany is looking at one of the white snow owls. Once Bethany had chosen the white snow owl that she wanting Nympadora, Andromeda and Bethany head to the Leaky Cauldron for some dinner. The three ladies are walking over to a table when Harry and Hagrid walk into the Leaky Cauldron and over to them. As Harry walks over to her Bethany puts her hands into her jean pockets.
Harry: Hi Bethany can I ask you something about when you were three years old?
Bethany: Yeah
Harry: Hagrid says that you were at my parents house the night they dead, did my parents try to fight back against Lord Voldemort?
Bethany: Yes.
Harry: Hagrid also told me that you mom and dad were kill two nights before by Lord Voldemort is that way you were staying with my parents?
Bethany: Yeah Harry!
As Bethany is answering, Harry questions her hair change from light brown with pink highlight to a light gray color. Nympadora puts her right arm around her cousin and whispers into her ear that she was doing the right thing by answers Harry questions. When they finish talking Bethany, Nympadora and Andromeda head home for the night.
The Next morning Bethany wakes up at the creak of dawn and quietly finish packing, because she share a bedroom with her cousin and Nympadora is still sleeping. First Bethany packs her school supplies, textbooks and clothing into one truck. She then packs her slayer supplies into a second truck and has to pack all her slayers relate books into a third truck. She has just lock up the third truck when Nympadora rolls over in her bed to face Bethany. Nympadora opens up her eyes and looks at her younger cousin.
Bethany: Did I walk you up, Nympadora?
Nympadora: Yeah, but it all right and how many times do I have to tell you Bethany call me Tonks, I hate being called Nympadora.
Bethany: Ok, I will call you Tonks for now on.
Bethany and her cousin then leave their bedroom and head into the Kitchen for breakfast. After breakfast everyone gets ready to take Bethany to the train station and to meet up with the Wesley at the station.