In The Eclipse Part 1, Arthur asks Gabriel to bring Claire to him. Elle decides to go along to help.
Nathan takes peter on a trip by Nathan-Airways to try to find the Haitian who is on the trail of a drug-dealing bad guy called Barren.
Mohinder's condition is getting worse. He tells Arthur he needs the catalyst but Arthur has drawn a picture of a dead Claire - all his plans may have to change.
Daphne is nervous - she fears what Arthur could do and feels like a betrayer. She asks Matt if he trust her. Matt says yes. Hiro and Ando turn up asking Matt to fix Hiro. Matt doesn't think he can though. Daphne heads out the door, telling Matt that he paused before telling her he trusted her. Before she speeds off, Matt reads a few short thoughts of hers including the location of her family home in Lawrence, Kansas. .
Noah takes Claire to Stephen Canfield's house to try to keep her out of harms way. Whilst there, Noah also wanto to try to train Claire. He throws her a plank of wood and asks her to try to hit him with it
Hiro teleports himself, Matt and Ando to the cornfield outside Daphne's house in Lawrence, Kansas. Just as they make their way to the house, the eclipse begins.
Natan loses his ability mid-flight. He and passenger, Peter, crash into a lake.
Mohinder, slides out of a cocoon that he had built around himself. In the mirror he sees that he no longer has the scales which had plagued him.
Matt knocks on the door of Daphne's place. Her father answers but tells him Daphne isn't there. Matt tries to use his brain mojo thingy to get Daphne's father to let him in, but it doesn't work. He tells Hiro, who tries to teleport but stays where he is.
Elle arrives at Stephen Canfield's house. She reaches out to shoot her electricity but there's no power flowing. Noah tells her she's not getting Claire but Silar is behind him. Silar flicks his fingers to telekinetically throw Noah aside but Noah isn't moved. A fist-fight between Noah and Silar ensues, in which Noah's gun is thrown aside and Noah dislocates Silar's arm. Elle grabs the gun to shoot at Noah but Claire steps in the way and is shot instead. Noah hits Elle over the head with a plank of wood, and carries claire out of the house.
In the jungle, Nathan and Peter have found the Haitian but an armed buch of hoodlums have found them. Peter and the Haitian make it to cover but Nathan is caught.
Seeing Daphne's Dad head out in the car, Matt catches the opportunity to knock on Daphne's door again. He tells her he is in love with her. From inside, Daphne tells him the door is unlocked, and to come in. She emerges in her own powerless form - with leg braces and crutches.
Claire's mom enters her room and drops the tray she is carrying. Claire is lying there looking very pale - is she dead like in Arthur's dream?
At Stephen Canfield's house, a revived Elle snaps Gabriel's arm back into place. They both realise ther powers have gone. Gabriel kisses Elle but outside Noah is aiming a gun at Gabriel.
What is going through Elle's mind. She seemed to have become friends with Claire, so I'm wondering whether her deciding to go along with Gabriel was to help ensure Claire didn't come to any harm?
That last scene got me going "Noooo!". I really don't want Gabriel to die. I think he has great potential for good although the path that Arthur and possibly Elle are leading him down seems to be toward darkness again.
How did Elle and Silar track Noah and Claire to Stephen Canfield's house? Does Arthur have a Molly-style tracking ability?