forum effects

Do you have any suggestions for this board or for the Broomsticks And Owls site?

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forum effects

Postby azn wizard » Tuesday 20 May 2003 6:45:12am

hey paul, i saw on another php forum that offered a money there one for this too?
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Postby Paul » Wednesday 21 May 2003 3:10:27am

I've seen some boards that ask members for money but this is one of the things that I'm determined not to do.

If, however, you mean a way of giving people money for using the board, I'd be surprised that there's much long-term future in that kind of set-up - at least not without a whole load of pop-ups or something. There's no system within the inbuilt possibilities of this board to implement a payment-of-members system and financially it would not be possible for me to do it. I'm probably going to have to pay more hosting fees to my web hosts from next month onwards, as the board is growing well - as the board grows, the costs I need to pay the folks for hosting the board and bandwidth costs also grow.
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Postby azn wizard » Wednesday 21 May 2003 3:39:32am

oh no...i mean the money as a fiction game sort of thing...i saw a another board where members recieve money for each post and stuff and they could "buy" things at the stores....
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Postby Scellanis » Wednesday 21 May 2003 7:12:36pm

oh a member of some of those...not in this software

there was a harry potter one that used to have a house points system where you actually got real house points if a mod decided to award some to you....and there was a page that counted up how many points the houses had....

it was done in different software though....and the same admins also have an lotr forum thats got a weapon shop and a bank and you get 2 malda (gold) per post and you can donate malda to members and stuff...never seen it done on this forum software though....
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Postby Paul » Wednesday 21 May 2003 11:03:11pm

Sorry azn - I totally misunderstood you originally. PHPbb doesn't have that type of thing built into it I'm afraid.
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Postby Scellanis » Thursday 22 May 2003 9:13:28am

i was under the impression it wasnt a built in thing....people write hacks that you add into your forum software to make things like item shops and shoutboxes and stuff....
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Postby Paul » Friday 23 May 2003 1:45:23am

Yes, there are modifications which folks have written for PHPbb but I can't recall anything like azn mentioned. I'm just wondering - wouldn't a points for posts system result in much more chance of a lot of low-quality posts about nothing-in-particular just to increase someone's post count?
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Postby azn wizard » Friday 23 May 2003 6:35:42am

thatz true...but maybe there could be penalty points too no? oh well....
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Postby Scellanis » Friday 23 May 2003 9:26:40am

well on the forum where they have points for posts (malda) they have 2 forums where you dont recieve points and those are considered to be the non serious place (welcome area and jokes area) and then the rest you are expected not to spam in and they have heaps of moderators for chasing up that.....and its possible for admins to take away the points anyway

the house points thing they did though was didnt get points for posting 5 for joining and then moderators awarded points or removed them
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Postby Paul » Saturday 24 May 2003 9:13:05pm

I guess that if carefully controlled it could be successful, but it would possibly involve a whole and increasing load of work to be properly implemented and ensure the points scoring isn't abused. I can't promise anything on this but that doesn't necessarily mean it'll never happen - the idea is good and appreciated azn.
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Postby azn wizard » Saturday 24 May 2003 11:42:11pm

tkx paul...
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