rp-fan fic

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rp-fan fic

Postby azn wizard » Sunday 11 May 2003 7:34:39am

Hey paul, could you make a section called RP-fic, which is a cross between RPG and fan-fiction, where people are actually creating a storyline with the rpg rather than just random scenes/locations? I noticed that in the rpg section, some threads have such a good start but after a while, the story just seems to drop and become plotless. Therefore, I think we need a separate section for rpging where we actually develop a story with chapters and etc. Of course this section must also be much more ORGANIZED!!
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Postby azn wizard » Sunday 11 May 2003 7:35:31am

oops...i forgot to say PLEASE? :D
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Postby Sacred Guardian » Sunday 11 May 2003 8:14:43pm

yeah, that is a good idea, i like being crazy, but i do have a serious side
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Postby Scellanis » Sunday 11 May 2003 10:38:49pm

that is just reverting back to how the serious rpg was when i first joined here...and its what paul is attempting to do now too...because i complained about they way the harry potter rpg forum was just turning into the zonko joke shop.....
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Postby azn wizard » Monday 12 May 2003 10:12:55pm

well, i dun think we should get rid of our rpg now...cuz some people like it like that i guess...but i think there should be a section for people who are actually serious....
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Postby Paul » Tuesday 13 May 2003 1:58:02am

The existing semi-role play stuff will be moved into Zonko's so it won't be removed entirely (the usual Zonko's 30 day autoprune will apply to threads which haven't had any posts at all within 30 days but if a thread is popular it can survive in Zonko's as long as people want to keep it alive). This is going to be a huge clear-out of the RPG forum to ensure that the RPG forum itself is used in the way you describe in your first post in this thread, azn.

I'm sorry if this is an unpopular thing to do but like I've mentioned, the moved threads won't be killed, just moved to ensure a much more enjoyable RPG forum remains.
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Postby azn wizard » Tuesday 13 May 2003 4:11:21am

i think the zonkos autoprune should be cut down to like 15 or something because once a zonkos thread is ignored...then people usually dun go back to it, probably because they all resemble each other in one way or another...and newcommer would not spend all that time reading the 10 long threads of craziness...
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Postby Paul » Wednesday 14 May 2003 4:00:31pm

Sounds a fine idea - I'll do it in 2 days time in case anyone wishes to revive any of the existing Zonko's threads,and will then amend the Autoprune to the 15 days.
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