Report Button

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Report Button

Postby DucksRMagical » Thursday 15 March 2007 10:29:27pm

I have a suggestion for the report button.

First, is there a way that you can have it be a button that says 'report' instead of a blue box? When I first joined I had no idea what it did until I clicked it.

Second, when you click it, could a page come up that says 'you are reporting a post, please tell us why' and then you could either type in the box why you're reporting, or just click cancel and nothing gets reported, in case you've clicked the button by accident. I've clicked a few posts report buttons by accident and then I have to go PM the mods to tell them it was a accident.

Just thought it would cut down on the number of accidentally reported posts and make it easier for the mods. They wouldn't have to sort through accidentally reported posts.
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Postby Simatra » Thursday 15 March 2007 11:46:28pm

You know that if you left your mouse on top of it for a little it would have said report this post to a mod.
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Postby DucksRMagical » Friday 16 March 2007 12:39:19am

It doesn't do that on my computer. Plus, my computer is a laptop, and when I tap my trackpad the mouse clicks. But sometimes I accidentally tap it when I'm doing something else and that's how I accidentally reported posts.
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Postby GodrictheGriffon » Friday 16 March 2007 2:58:39pm

It's probably Linux. This forum was made on Windows, right. And I have Linux it would help the Non-Windows people. The world, thank goodness, isn't based on Windows. And sometimes when you bring your cursor over it, you could accidentally click.
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Saturday 17 March 2007 4:20:26am

Doesn't matter. It's a rare event, and if you've done nothing wrong, there's no problem.

It's not exactly over-strenuous work for us...
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Postby DucksRMagical » Saturday 17 March 2007 3:40:24pm

Okay. I wasn't really sure how many posts get reported. I just PM the mods if I accidentally report a post.

Godric, it's not the linux computer. It's my iBook. I've never gone on BaO on linux.
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Postby GodrictheGriffon » Sunday 18 March 2007 12:00:43am

I know. But it doesn't work on this either. Thank goodness.
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