How about just plain chat?

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How about just plain chat?

Postby DarkSoul » Tuesday 6 September 2005 8:41:35am

I know its a lot of work but a chat room would be nice. :) :-) :D :grin:
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Postby SunsetG|rl » Tuesday 6 September 2005 9:26:02am

Yes... This is a nice ideea. The problem is that there are never too many people online... It's usualy 2,3,4...
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Postby Scellanis » Tuesday 6 September 2005 12:57:48pm

You'd probably be better just getting your friend's msn addresses for msn messenger because there are never very many people online so a chatroom would be pretty dead anyway.
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Postby SunsetG|rl » Tuesday 6 September 2005 4:57:26pm

Or yahoo id's for those that don't do MSN :grin: like me...but why oh why do I have a feeling that there are very few persons with Yahoo messengers? I used to use AIM but I can't seem to make it work anymore :oops: .
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Postby Scellanis » Tuesday 6 September 2005 6:32:39pm

Msn is the best instant messenger, I used to use yahoo but it isn't as good. And it spends alot of time introducing features msn already has to try and catch up. The only good thing about yahoo is that you can send offline messages.
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Postby SunsetG|rl » Tuesday 6 September 2005 9:21:58pm

Hmm...I'm on yahoo because here everybody uses yahoo...And it's got really nice things...I like it. Especially the way it looks. (Guess I shouldn't judge by apparence :grin: )

But hey, I'm on my way to instal MSN... to see what's it about...

*rushes to open a new firefox window*
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Postby SunsetG|rl » Tuesday 6 September 2005 9:38:36pm

Sry for the double post...

But YES! I've got it... MSN...

Hmmm...but no one to talk to on it... :cry:
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Postby Scellanis » Tuesday 6 September 2005 10:50:35pm

hehe, I tend to find that none of my friends use yahoo and all of them use msn except about 2 people....
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Postby Phaerie » Wednesday 7 September 2005 9:49:23am

your best bet is probably to use trillion which incorporates all of them.
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Postby Scellanis » Wednesday 7 September 2005 10:46:56am

but trillian is pure evil...I've tried it....
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Postby Broccoli » Thursday 8 September 2005 4:10:32pm

the sad fact is I can only run ICQ2Go and Yahoo on my computer at work. I like Yahoo, but all my friends are on ICQ, so I use it. Trillian is a nice thing - it has some features other messengers don't, but I used to have problems with smilies for example.

As for the chat room, I don't really see a need for it either. When there are several people online, one could PM them to have a more personal conversation... I'm not a fan of chatrooms anyway ;-)
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Postby Paul » Thursday 8 September 2005 8:53:20pm

I've never been much in favour of a chat room for BaO either really. I'm not certain how the most modern chat rooms operate but as far as I understand there often isn't much or any records of conversations. With the range of ages here at BaO I feel the "forum" format is much better as I feel it gives less likelihood of the worst kind of trouble occurring.

I get the feeling that chat rooms can particularly attract problems too...have thought this for a long time, and even moreso after seeing a TV program here in the UK called "Kill me if you can" a couple of weeks ago. Most of the serious problems that I've heard about regarding the internet and young people's personal safety seem to originate from chat room - be careful people.
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Postby Scellanis » Thursday 8 September 2005 9:00:20pm

what you need is an irc chatroom, several forums I know have them and take full records of the conversations...posting them on their website so people can read back through them, not sure how its done though but it can be done....

I don't think it would work though, only forums with thousands of members can get active chatrooms but mostly they still don't manage it and you only get about 2 mods and 1 member in at any 1 time....
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