
Do you have any suggestions for this board or for the Broomsticks And Owls site?

Moderator: Broccoli

Postby Paul » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

Sounds a great idea. I'd have to do an upgrade to the forums first though to give the ability for each individual member to have their own avatar (at the moment there's a limit of one avatar per rank).

I was originally intending to do the upgrade in a few months time, but <i>may</i> be able to do it near the end of next month. It's something I'm going to need to take a bit of time over as I don't want it to go totally wrong and end up loosing all the existing posts. :smile:
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Postby Shadow » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

Cool! Thanks.
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Postby Quicksilver » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

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Postby Quicksilver » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

I like the avatator thingummywhositwhatsit. :grin:
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Postby Paul » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

Thanks Quicksilver...haven't heard one called <i>that</i> before but oddly enough the name seems to fit. :smile:
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Postby Hedwig_07 » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

:welcome:Hi Everyon!!!
Im new :smile:

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Postby Paul » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

Hi Hedwig_07 :welcome: welcome to the forum.
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Re: Forums

Postby *Riley* » Wednesday 2 July 2008 4:57:05pm

Wow, the great hall used to be called ; Genera/Lounge :eek:
No Gryffindor ? :eek: I really like that guy who suggested it !!! :wink:

Since your giving away moderating jobs so easily may I be one ? :grin: :lol:
He had only 18 posts and he was stated as a moderator.. *Begins lowering post-count to 18* :lol:
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Re: Forums

Postby Susan Montez » Saturday 5 July 2008 9:09:11pm

I totally agree with you^^^^ *brings post count down to 5*....:lol:

uh, I do think the houses/COMMON ROOMS should be password protected, b/c if they weren't then all of the "Private" information or any "plots" that Slytherin might have for another house could be revealed....:lol:....

That's just an what you want with the whole Password thing....:lol: :)
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Re: Forums

Postby Q.Araignee » Sunday 6 July 2008 12:15:17pm

Guys, look at the dates on this thread- I know they say 1970, which is obviously wrong, but it's meant to say late 2001/early 2002. Which is when the forum was created. That's why the modding jobs seem to be given to people with low post counts, as they were some of the very first members and were around as it was being sorted out and polished up.

Now, there is a system in place- which is essentially the same as before- and that is "What Paul says, goes."

Also, while the Houses are not technically protected by passwords, the site is set up so that you cannot enter any House if you are not sorted and you can't enter a different House to the one you are sorted into.
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Re: Forums

Postby *Riley* » Sunday 6 July 2008 1:31:44pm

I know Q, but thanks anyway.

I was just poking a bit of fun at Paul :razz:
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Re: Forums

Postby salemboy » Tuesday 5 August 2008 8:31:31am

I wouldn't do that if I were you. I would never make fun of the man who can ban. I'd make him a cake and say sorry for any spam I did in the past. :razz: :grin:
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Re: Forums

Postby Ms. Elsewhere » Tuesday 5 August 2008 9:11:33am

I'm sure Paul is smart enough to know that Riley was joking. isn't it funny how when we try to get chummy with the boss and joke a bit it can be taken the wrong way? Riley really wants to be a moderator and I reckon when the right position comes up, Riley will have his turn soon enough. He's got a good head on his shoulders and displays responsible, sensible and smart characteristics when required, and he likes to have fun too! I expect a lot has changed rule wise since 1970... kidding!!!! Let the cards fall where they may, but he is more dedicated to writing and organising and facilitating, coordinating, networking and so on than anyone I know!

And now I will stop ranting.. maybe I should send that to Paul.. lol.
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Re: Forums

Postby salemboy » Tuesday 5 August 2008 12:49:25pm

I don't recall complimenting ever being considered a rant. Anyway, I agree with Distortia about this, except I will pm Paul about this. And no, Riley, I'm not being a suck-up.
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