8) as a smile

Do you have any suggestions for this board or for the Broomsticks And Owls site?

Moderator: Broccoli

8) as a smile

Postby Jotomicron » Monday 21 June 2004 1:41:43pm

So, my suggestion is prety simple... We sometimes do lists on our own (like the next
And when we come to the 8th number... it turens into 8)
can the code of this emoticon be replaced by some other thing (maybe "B)")
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Postby Paul » Wednesday 23 June 2004 10:17:24pm

Good point, Joto. You can also use
Code: Select all
to get the :cool: smilie so I've removed the 8) option now to save any future problems. :)
Code: Select all
will still get the 8-) smilie though (I think that's probably less problematic as
Code: Select all
isn't naturally used, unlike 8). :-)
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Postby Jotomicron » Thursday 24 June 2004 12:12:36pm

Thx, Paul!
(Just to try... i must try... 8) 8)... hehehe... :cool: cool)
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