I'm not sure if we do this but... (Titles after 125 posts)

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I'm not sure if we do this but... (Titles after 125 posts)

Postby Lolita Banana » Thursday 31 July 2003 4:04:34am

Perhaps after being a fully qualified wizard we may also have something to gain. You know just for a goal thing. I dunno what to suggest but if anyone has any ideas..
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Postby zledm007 » Thursday 31 July 2003 4:32:22am

i think that gaining numbers is really the thing to do, and, well, we're already doing it. Mint just celbrated her 1000th post for example. after the fully qualified wizlard status, it's pretty much getting to milestones. 500 is my next milestone!
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Postby Meg Boyd » Thursday 31 July 2003 4:25:17pm

i think it would be cool for more goals...boot to the moon, jazz hands...hee hee, that was totally random...
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Postby Lolita Banana » Friday 1 August 2003 6:40:05pm

Yea but could there be something more?
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Postby Gwared » Friday 1 August 2003 8:35:11pm

Lolita Banana wrote:Yea but could there be something more?

Whilst it is good to have something to work to, conversely it'll also encourage "junk" posts...

The last board I was a member of had title changes all the way up to just over 2,500 posts but the nearest anybody got before it closed down was 1,500.

I can't suggest any other titles that could be obtained, can you?
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Postby zledm007 » Saturday 2 August 2003 4:08:34am

good point gwared. i agree, if we had any more titles, people would be putting up random posts all over the place just to get the titles. i can speak from expirience. on this very forum, when i was closing in on the illustrius 125, i was posting all kinds of stuff in the word games section, nothing that really took any thought, (well i posted other places too, but you get my point) so i could get there faster. i'm afraid that's only a minor example of what we may come upon if there were more title changes. and you're right again gwared, what would the other titles be called?
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Postby Holly Golightly » Saturday 2 August 2003 4:42:05am

I do agree with you both Gwared and zledm007. I think that if there were higher up titles to be achieved, people would post junk posts to achieve the titles :(

That's all I wanted to say! :grin:

Holly ;)
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Postby Lolita Banana » Monday 4 August 2003 8:00:43pm

I see your point. Do you think we could moniter that though? Like only count post that aren't in Zonko's, St. Mungos, and the Great Hall or something? I suppose that is too complicated. I dunno. I just like goal setting what can I say?
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Postby Paul » Monday 4 August 2003 9:58:18pm

Like only count post that aren't in Zonko's, St. Mungos, and the Great Hall or something?

I'm afraid that without extensive reprogramming of the board, that's not possible in the current version of the board. I've been against the idea of encouraging ranks or awards based on post numbers as it can (and does) encourage a lot of junk posts (as already mentioned) which end up making the board very boring. I'd rather it be an interesting place to be, to read, and to participate in here at BaO than to have excessive one or two sentence posts for the sake of increasing post counts. :-)
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Postby Lolita Banana » Tuesday 5 August 2003 4:00:49am

Well thanks for listening. I see your point and understand. That's ok I like Bao as is :D
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