Shippers Corrall

Do you have any suggestions for this board or for the Broomsticks And Owls site?

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Shippers Corrall

Postby Tanuki » Wednesday 12 January 2005 5:13:12am

Am I the only one who wants to see a place where the shippers can go to war all out? Would it not be cool to just let go with all of your quotes and arguments without worrying about having to keep on the origional thread or be polite?

Who else wants it?
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Postby Broccoli » Wednesday 12 January 2005 12:43:49pm

well I personally am not an arguing person ;-), but let's see how many are. For now we have a Characters section, maybe you could try to start a thread there?
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Postby Paul » Wednesday 19 January 2005 12:49:19am

Whilst active and lively discussions are very welcome, all-out full-on arguments aren't exactly the type of thing that is encouraged here at BaO. I think it's best to try to stay polite with the discussions and certainly not pick fights with other members.
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Postby Tanuki » Wednesday 19 January 2005 5:33:25am

but polite gets frustrating. I personally feel that the fans need a place where they can let loose

I'm not talking personal insults, but quotes like "are you blind, how can you not see this here" while pointing too a quote are kind of fun when they really get going.
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Postby paintballdecoy » Thursday 20 January 2005 12:01:03am

I kind of dount too many people will be keen on being insulted. I think people come here to have have fun, safe and "G" rated conversations. A really don't see a need for such a forum, mostly becuase it would be too bad for someone to get insulted there first post and decide to post on another forum.

And, as I have experianced, most of these kind for forums turn into giant flame forums and are normally very inapproprate.
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Postby Tanuki » Thursday 20 January 2005 12:58:54am

paintballdecoy wrote:I kind of dount too many people will be keen on being insulted. I think people come here to have have fun, safe and "G" rated conversations. A really don't see a need for such a forum, mostly becuase it would be too bad for someone to get insulted there first post and decide to post on another forum.

And, as I have experianced, most of these kind for forums turn into giant flame forums and are normally very inapproprate.

I did not come here for a G rated conversation. I'ts probably this reason that I got kicked off my last forum.

Also, if they want to quit after one insult in a heated debate, they are way too sensative. Most people with some form of spine can last a lot longer in a real argument

I'm not looking for a flame forum anyway. I just want a place where posters can go wild with evidence and theories with rules just a little bit more slack than normal. I don't mean flames and outright insults; but a place where passion can be set free and pairings can fly like turds in a monkey fight. Doesn't that sound like fun
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Postby Mistress Siana » Tuesday 1 March 2005 7:15:01am

As said, insults are certainly not endeared, but the way I understand you, Tanuki, also not wanted. I really wonder where "G" rated ends for you? If the arguing stays civil, I don't actually see a problem with a thread in the characters forum.
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Postby Phaerie » Tuesday 1 March 2005 11:12:42am

There isn't a problem pointing out your point of view backing it up with evidence and quotes. But you also have to be accepting of other peoples point of view. There is absolutely no need to be rude or insulting. We are all mature civillised people, who can discuss things without resorting to rudeness just to get a point across.
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Postby Nightcrawler » Tuesday 1 March 2005 12:31:15pm

I'm of the opinion that if kids are allowed unsupervised on the internet; there are far worse things that can be seen elsewhere than could possibly be ever be conveyed in the mere text we see here.

However, I don't think we need a place on this forum where we can insult each other. In any of the sections we have here, you are more than welcome to share your opinion, back it up with evidence and explain why you feel certain events will or will not happen. You're not expected to walk around on eggshells or anything like that. But at the same time, I don't see a need to insult anyone here.

There are places where you can do that, here is just not one of them. Admitedly, it would be fun at first, but as soon as the novelty wore off, my guess is that people would become bitter and this place may become somewhat less than pleasant.

Besides, I think it's more fun to debate inteligently than make posts along the lines of "YOU SUCK YOUR WRONG VOLDERMORT IS SOO HARRYS DAD!!!!!!11"

By the way, I'm stealing your monkey fight metaphor :lol:
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Postby Scellanis » Thursday 3 March 2005 8:51:16pm

Tanuki wrote:
I did not come here for a G rated conversation. I'ts probably this reason that I got kicked off my last forum.

I'm just wondering, if you know what you did wrong on your last forum and it got you kicked out (which means banned I assume) why are you trying to implement it here? Surely after being 'kicked out' for doing it the next course of action should be to stop, think about what you did, learn from it and find a new forum and not repeat your previous mistakes?

I don't think its a god idea, no one likes being insulted, we get enough of that problem when spammers arrive like that person who tried to prove JK copied Tolkien, arguments are not fun.
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