I'm of the opinion that if kids are allowed unsupervised on the internet; there are far worse things that can be seen elsewhere than could possibly be ever be conveyed in the mere text we see here.
However, I don't think we need a place on this forum where we can insult each other. In any of the sections we have here, you are more than welcome to share your opinion, back it up with evidence and explain why you feel certain events will or will not happen. You're not expected to walk around on eggshells or anything like that. But at the same time, I don't see a need to insult anyone here.
There are places where you can do that, here is just not one of them. Admitedly, it would be fun at first, but as soon as the novelty wore off, my guess is that people would become bitter and this place may become somewhat less than pleasant.
Besides, I think it's more fun to debate inteligently than make posts along the lines of "YOU SUCK YOUR WRONG VOLDERMORT IS SOO HARRYS DAD!!!!!!11"
By the way, I'm stealing your monkey fight metaphor