Chapter 7 - The Sorting Hat

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Chapter 7 - The Sorting Hat

Postby Ms. Elsewhere » Tuesday 22 July 2008 1:38:02am

On with the show! The Hogwart's express has arrived! And the first years are getting sorted.

Here is where we learn of each of the houses; Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin.

It is in this chapter that I adore a few one liners.
"Not Slytherin, eh? said a small voice. Are you sure? You could be great, you know, it's all here in your head, and Slytherin will help you on the way to greatness, no doubt about that - no? Well, if you're sure - better be GRYFFINDOR!" p.91

Sigh. the beginning of the whole world adoring Gryffindor, and hating Slytherin. (Or the one's who wanted to be 'evil' choosing Slytherin.)

So I ask you, which house do u prefer? At first it was all Gryffindor for me; I have a scarf and everything! But now, my personality is much more Hufflepuff! I got these ideas from being sorted into websites and so on.. u can find out so much online! lol

But, some friendships are forming, and the FOOD! Lol. I guess no one gets fat because the food, no matter how rich, salty and sugary, is all magically calorie controled? (I go on the movie for this one, as all the students seem pretty lean to me!)

looking fwd to your responses. xx
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Re: Chapter 7 - The Sorting Hat

Postby DucksRMagical » Tuesday 22 July 2008 2:31:58am

Ah, a charm to make calories disappear. That would be awesome! :grin:

I much prefer Gryffindor, and also have a scarf and a beret. I'm usually sorted into Gryffindor with tests online. But I do get Hufflepuff as well as the occasional Ravenclaw. The only time I've gotten Slytherin is with Warner Brother's test and with theirs, the answers don't seem to matter in what results you get. :lol:

So much I want to say that I can't due to the fact that this thread is solely for PS/SS. *sighs*
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Re: Chapter 7 - The Sorting Hat

Postby Ms. Elsewhere » Tuesday 22 July 2008 10:15:39am

indeed! we learn so much more about each house.....

anyone wish there were more songs in PS/SS movie? the sorting hat had such a cool little rhyme!
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Re: Chapter 7 - The Sorting Hat

Postby *Riley* » Friday 25 July 2008 10:57:43am

Thought of a sudden school history thing! ( :lol: )

In my school, we have around 120 kids, about 20 in each grade. Too make school interesting we devide the school into houses. They are;

I, personally, am in Maroondah, which is blue house. Coincedently, alot of the bullies/meanies are in Silvan-green. And most of the brains are in Maroondah. and the Yarras are popular. And last but not least, Cardinia is my friends and several enemies. ( I've got alot of them :lol: )
There is two teachers who are sort of like 'Head Of House' and they look after their house group. We can earn points, mainly 5 or 10 at a time. At the end of each week we tally up the points and the winning house get's a lollipop :lol: .
Me being the school captain, can give/take house points so I'm sort of like the prefect along with another girl. We get badges and all :razz: .

So what houses were *points* you in ? Or didn't your school run such a system ? Interested to find out :)
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Re: Chapter 7 - The Sorting Hat

Postby Q.Araignee » Friday 25 July 2008 11:51:39am

We never had a House System. We had 8 forms in a year who would compete in Sports Day, but that's about it for High School. Sixth Form had 11 forms, and a competition that ran throughout the year- events that different people could get involved in like speed Sudoku, arm-wrestling, a basketbll tournament etc.

In junior school we had teams in class- earning points for doing good work and behaving, losing points for the opposite of course. But we also had 4 school teams- Red, Blue, Green and Yellow. We were in these teams for annual Sports Day and the Swimming Gala (neither of my strong suits, I have to be honest). It was a big thing to win either of these, because your team got engraved on the shield. And then there were the standard team insults...
"Blues, Blues, always lose!"
"Greens, Greens, eat baked beans!"
"Reds, Reds, wet their beds, and tie their nappies round their heads!"
(And for my team)"Yellows, Yellows, eat marshmellows, and are very jolly fellows!"

Ah...memories...then followed by memories of me collapsing several times around the running tracks at both schools, and of being terrified of water for the Swimming Gala but still ploughing on and nearly drowning a few times. But they're stories for another time, methinks.

As for Hogwarts Houses, I'm a good mix of them all I think- brave and chivalrous like Gryffindors, clever with a fair dash of wisdom like the Ravenclaws, helpful and hard-working like Hufflepuffs, but with distinct Slytherin tendencies.

And I know for a fact that most of the Hogwarts food recipes are from the time of Helga and her first students...I wish I could taste a few of those dishes!

Sorry, rambling done for now! ;)
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Re: Chapter 7 - The Sorting Hat

Postby Ms. Elsewhere » Friday 25 July 2008 1:43:10pm

ramble on! it's all great!

Helga Hufflepuff recipes! How wonderful! I must know more? Where did u get the info? I'm so far behind on my 'background' knowledge. I really think this subject could be a degree... I specialise in Harry Potter! lol!

let's see.. my school had nothing like that, as we lived in a small town where there were 250 ppl in our hight school in total, and we all just 'mixed'. Maybe we would have turned out better if we had some sort of incentive like that. I really grew up in the middle , or the northern tip, of nowhere!

I wish I had fantasy fiction when I was a kid.... Like HP and Narnia and so on. Never started reading such topics till now! It was all scary stuff, like Anne Rice and the like..

now, I'm really realy afraid of the dark..


And of course, I feel I'm Hufflepuff through and through... although my loyalty bit could use some work. I go for peace more than loyalty, and that gets me into trouble.
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Re: Chapter 7 - The Sorting Hat

Postby Q.Araignee » Friday 25 July 2008 1:53:35pm

The stuff about Helga was on JK's website. 37/42 on the flip-book of famous witches and wizards. "Hufflepuff was particularly famous for her dexterity at food-related Charms. Many recipes traditionally served at Hogwarts feasts originated with Hufflepuff."

Ah, and Anne Rice- I remember those books too, they were good to read on a stormy night with only candles for light and no one else in the house...until you started seeing things in the shadows...
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Re: Chapter 7 - The Sorting Hat

Postby DucksRMagical » Friday 25 July 2008 2:21:19pm

My high school had no houses or anything like that. There were probably between 800-900 of us.

In Middle school, we had teams. There were between 600-700 of us. 6th grade had Team A & B, 7th had Team C & D, and 8th had Team E & F. I was on Teams A, C, & E. However, we didn't do any sort of cool points system or anything. We created our own team name each year. Let's see if I can remember mine. 6th was Team A Alligators, 7th was Team C, well, can't really remember 7th for some reason. And 8th was Team E Oompa Loompas.

The main reason for the teams was just to organize. Each team had their own set of teachers and shared classes together. When I was there, there were 'smart' teams and 'stupid' teams. All the kids in accelerated classes were on teams B, D, & E. The rest of us were on either team. But they got dubbed smart and stupid teams nonetheless. They changed that a couple years ago, though, so now accelerated kids can be on either team.
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Re: Chapter 7 - The Sorting Hat

Postby *Riley* » Friday 25 July 2008 2:39:33pm

Wow! In the high-school I'll be attending, over 1,000 year 7's will be there !!!
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Re: Chapter 7 - The Sorting Hat

Postby Ms. Elsewhere » Friday 25 July 2008 2:42:30pm

Yes, it's really aweful when they split ppl up because of their 'ability'. I mean, would u strive to do better if u were surrounded by ppl who didn't or couldn't excell?

Ooo.. but then again, I hate how they scale marks according to how the whole class performs. What if there are a bunch of smarties and u're an average student and the marks are scaled down to accomodate them? Instead of 60% u end up with 50%?? That' not fair.

I was one of the average students. Too busy socialising!

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Re: Chapter 7 - The Sorting Hat

Postby DucksRMagical » Friday 25 July 2008 9:45:07pm

I was average, too.

I can see why they separated us like that, though. It was easier for the teachers because for certain things, they needed different certification. It wasn't really splitting us up, it was mainly just putting all the kids in accelerated on 1 team together. There were average kids on both teams.

When I was in high school, they curved the grades of the Math A regents exam. The one before the one I took was so incredibly hard even the teachers couldn't do a few of the problems. There was of course a huge uproar and the examiners had to be careful not to do that again. So for the one I took, everyone got extra points depending on how they did. The worse you did, the more extra points you got. I had a 75 on it, but because of the curve, I wound up with an 85!

Wow, Riley, you've got a big school! My district was on the small side.
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Re: Chapter 7 - The Sorting Hat

Postby Ms. Elsewhere » Saturday 26 July 2008 3:50:13pm

It would be nice to be 'sorted' into a group you knew you were meant to belong in. The sorting hat is never wrong. It knows what's in your head, and in your heart. It can see where u belong and where u will be the strongest. Too bad it's so hard for us to be sorted in real life. I still don't know where I belong........... 15 years later!
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Re: Chapter 7 - The Sorting Hat

Postby teyannanecole » Sunday 10 August 2008 3:41:55am

I like that Pr. McGonagall said that your house will be like your family and Harry sits with the Weasleys after sorting. He has such a great chemistry with Ron. It's extremely foretelling. :D
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Re: Chapter 7 - The Sorting Hat

Postby Ms. Elsewhere » Friday 15 August 2008 3:35:46pm

That is so true! And thanks for keeping your posts spoiler free, I know it's tough! I also want to appologise for typing in text, like; '2day i went 2 tlk to ppl". I had my baby on my lap during those posts and I was typing one handed and rushing. So... I will try to be better next time.

Also, I hope to have Riley helping me in here with keeping this book club going. I am so busy lately and he has offered to keep the club alive when I can't get on...

Chapter 8 coming soon... sorry!

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