We never had a House System. We had 8 forms in a year who would compete in Sports Day, but that's about it for High School. Sixth Form had 11 forms, and a competition that ran throughout the year- events that different people could get involved in like speed Sudoku, arm-wrestling, a basketbll tournament etc.
In junior school we had teams in class- earning points for doing good work and behaving, losing points for the opposite of course. But we also had 4 school teams- Red, Blue, Green and Yellow. We were in these teams for annual Sports Day and the Swimming Gala (neither of my strong suits, I have to be honest). It was a big thing to win either of these, because your team got engraved on the shield. And then there were the standard team insults...
"Blues, Blues, always lose!"
"Greens, Greens, eat baked beans!"
"Reds, Reds, wet their beds, and tie their nappies round their heads!"
(And for my team)"Yellows, Yellows, eat marshmellows, and are very jolly fellows!"
Ah...memories...then followed by memories of me collapsing several times around the running tracks at both schools, and of being terrified of water for the Swimming Gala but still ploughing on and nearly drowning a few times. But they're stories for another time, methinks.
As for Hogwarts Houses, I'm a good mix of them all I think- brave and chivalrous like Gryffindors, clever with a fair dash of wisdom like the Ravenclaws, helpful and hard-working like Hufflepuffs, but with distinct Slytherin tendencies.
And I know for a fact that most of the Hogwarts food recipes are from the time of Helga and her first students...I wish I could taste a few of those dishes!
Sorry, rambling done for now!