Hogwarts Spring Dance

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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Tuesday 1 August 2006 6:56:43am

Morphena stormed up into his dormitory, and changed his clothes as quickly as possible in the present situation.
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Postby Scarlet Lioness » Tuesday 1 August 2006 9:23:22am

Steph decided to apologise in the morning, if he would hear it...which he probably wont...but at least I would've have tried to restore our firendship, she sighed and headed up to bed...
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Wednesday 2 August 2006 7:26:20am

Just because he couldn't acces the girl's dormitory, Morphena reasoned, didn't mean that he couldn't wreak havoc in there nonetheless, with magic.

Stealing one of the other young wizards' wands, he cast his spell.
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Postby Scarlet Lioness » Friday 4 August 2006 7:35:50am

As Steph walked up to her dorm...she halted...there's something fishy...I can tell..she shrugged oh well...it's probably just guilt kicking in...she opened the door...
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Friday 4 August 2006 7:41:08am

Mass devastation, he thought, was the best way to describe it.

No one would be in that room for at least a month - not even the Charms Pofessor or the Headmaster could take care of that.

He was satisfied; for the moment.
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Postby Scarlet Lioness » Friday 4 August 2006 7:47:45am

Steph looked around the room in shock, evrything was ruined, and it smelt...disgusting...Steph couldn't believe the nerve of someone...someone...Morphena...

"Oh brilliant...my dorm mates stuff was ruined because of me..." Steph stormed downstairs...and up to the boys dorm...she opened the door...

"HOW DARE YOU RUIN EVERYONE'S THINGS IN OUR DORM!!!!" she yelled at Morphena who was sitting in a chair with a satisfied grin on his face...he wasn't expecting me to come so early she thought..as his eyes widened in shock...
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Saturday 5 August 2006 7:37:40am

"I'm sorry?" Morphena said, calmly. "I have done nothing at all. How dare you come barging into our dormitory at such an early hour of the morning."

There was a general concensus from the rest of the boys in the dormitory. Steph appeared to be furious.

"Think about it,"Morphena said. "How could I possibly have touched anything in your dormitory, when I cannot enter it, and it's virtually impossible for magic to penetrate. Besides, I've been sitting here all night and morning, haven't I chaps?"

The other boys nodded. "He hasn't moved all day, Steph."

"I'm being honest, Steph. "I haven't touched anything. Though obviously someone doesn't like you."
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Postby Scarlet Lioness » Saturday 5 August 2006 7:47:33am

Steph thought for a few seconds..."Prove it...You could have taken another one of your dorm mates wands or maybe you could use wandless magic...I know it was YOU!!!! Noone could have done that much damage without being in the room...you obviously have inherited some of your fathers magic..."

The boys in the room looked shocked...
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Saturday 5 August 2006 8:07:47am

"Look, I'm serious here... I'll tell you what I have inherited from my father; his pensieve. Now look here."

Morphena led her to the pensieve, and put his wand to his head, extracting a single silver thread of memory, before dipping in the silver bowl...

Steph couldn't find the words. It was all there. His entire nights memory.

"See?" he said.

The dorm boys relaxed.

Morphena had found his wand and clothing lying on the head the previous night. He was not amused by the pink underwear. He was going to have a lot of fun with this.
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Postby Scarlet Lioness » Saturday 5 August 2006 8:13:03am

Still not satisfied..Steph stormed down the stairs...thinking to herself...can memories be tampered with??? Still entranced in her thoughts...she walked into something...a wall...rubbing her head she and still in thought she turned around and walked into someone...
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Sunday 6 August 2006 8:40:46am

"Now.." Morphena mumbled to himself. "What to do next."
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Postby Scarlet Lioness » Monday 7 August 2006 6:01:56am

Steph walked around the disgruntled first year...and went out th eportrait hole...she needed to clear her head...and think for a while...
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Monday 7 August 2006 6:22:52am

Well, first things first, Morphena thought. She won't be coming back in here again.

And he barred her from entering the Gryffindor Common-Room with a most delicious form of magic.

Oh, was she going to pay.
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Postby Scarlet Lioness » Monday 7 August 2006 6:30:14am

Steph sat beside the lake deep in thought...

About 30minutes later it started to rain..and she ran back inside...and decided to go to have a late lunch...
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Monday 7 August 2006 6:34:04am

Morphena knew exactly what he was going to do next. He was going to use exactly the same spell as he used before.

He cast it with a flick of his powerful wand.

He smiled.

Steph was trapped in the Great Hall. It was as though there was a barrior between her, and the outside world.

As the Hall cleared out - she remained the last person in the room.
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