Pixies on the Loose!

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Postby Meg Boyd » Monday 12 April 2004 12:58:35pm

sorry about locking all the wands inside...I didn't think they'd all go with the pixies...i was hoping more like the pixies would leave the wands behind for the treat...and by the way, you can call me Amelie, my grandmother's name is Amelia!

Amelie, turns around and sees the broken chandeler about three feet from her desk. Stepping around it, she approaches the Prof, who is blankly staring at the suronding melee.

Aren't you going to do something about this, Sir? Amelie asks, I mean, don't you think this mayhem is a little taxing on our learning process?
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Postby Won Wheezy » Monday 12 April 2004 1:18:18pm

Well, he's probably going to ask his mum what to do next, by the looks of it!whispers Esme, sniggering and pointing at the Professor.
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Postby Nobby » Monday 12 April 2004 5:00:16pm

Good advice there Kiddo Chuckles to himself and walks around the room, staring at a diagram of a muggle bus stop
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Postby choki » Monday 12 April 2004 5:05:24pm

HAHAHA, that's a good one, Esme! Ooops sorry Amelie, didn't realise my mistake till now. The whole class stand and wait for Professor Trunkadore's instruction while he continues playing with the pixies.
This is getting nowhere...I've just read the lesson plan this morning and it states we have to learn how to jinx off unfriendly creatures...and by the look of it, we have only learn how to hit them with our books!!! Choki continues to stare hard at Prof. Trunkadore.
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Postby Nobby » Monday 12 April 2004 5:22:42pm

ok ok ok! Class i think it is about time to start. Now today, as you might of guessed we are learning how to protect ourselves from pixies. Now can anybody tell me how pixie's can be dangerous?
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Postby Mint » Monday 12 April 2004 6:30:46pm

I know professor!!! Pixie can fly around really fast and mess up your hair!!!!! .........Also, they are throws stuff at you and are very ru-de Lucia stares at Choki for a moment

By the way Professor, you have such a lovely cape today!!! :angel:
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Postby Won Wheezy » Monday 12 April 2004 7:05:24pm

Esme rolls her eyes and pretends to slam her head on the table in despair.
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Postby Nobby » Monday 12 April 2004 7:07:03pm

Why thank you! Take 10 points for Slytherin. Yes it is true that they mess your hair up! i hate that....so take another 10 points. Anybody else got any other great ideas

Looks around with excitement
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Postby paintballdecoy » Monday 12 April 2004 7:49:35pm

A sly voice says in a dramatic tone with a solemn bass chord " they are capable of.........(dun,dun,dun) murder..............." this echos around the room and a stunned silents follows

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Postby Nobby » Monday 12 April 2004 7:58:44pm

gosh!.....can they? whispers Trunkadore in an undertone
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Postby Ferrus » Monday 12 April 2004 8:28:11pm

Of course they are capable of murder, but only if you happen to be a big-headed show-off... Says Nathan in a sarcastic wisper. Or happen to like the look of your face to much. He adds as an afterthought.

Professor, another reason they are dangerous is because they like wands to much and often rob you of yours Says Nathan out loud looking at Professor Trunkadores empty wand-hand
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Postby Nobby » Monday 12 April 2004 8:38:53pm

Trunkadore hides his wand in his robes looking frightened. its alright though Nathan i'm not a show off! i am superbly pretty though and can do anything i wantLooks at his reflection admirably
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Postby Mint » Monday 12 April 2004 8:50:44pm

Lucia gives Nathen a cold look.
Looks back at the professor in ave. And thinks to herself wow, i will really like this class now!! All the other professors were so serious and made the class really boring, but this one is soo different!!
Lucia brushes her hair again.

Professor do pixies come in colors? or just this blue...
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Postby Nobby » Monday 12 April 2004 8:56:44pm

Good question!... i don't know the answer though! I hope they come in mauve! Please, please let them come in mauve! Starts to pray

Does anyone know a colour-changy-thingy-bobby-spell thing?
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Postby paintballdecoy » Monday 12 April 2004 11:26:44pm

I do!!I do clearing throat

sunshine, daisies, butter mellow
turn this stupid fat...pixie yellow!!!

:lol: :lol:
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