Pixies on the Loose!

A home for old scenarios who may have come to an end for RPG playing but whose life and excitement can still be enjoyed in story form.

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Postby Ferrus » Friday 4 June 2004 7:00:18pm

Yup. It seems that there aren´t any more pixies, so all we've got to do is take Mist to the hospital wing and then catch those responsible for this mess. Says Nathan feeling satisfied as how he adventure has turned out. I wonder where Lucia has got to...
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Postby Mint » Tuesday 8 June 2004 8:42:04pm

Suddenly excited Lucia runs out of one of the dungeon passageways and almost crashes into the group

Oh its u guys says Lucia suddenly blushing :oops:
Erm....I hope everyone is ok! says Lucia, "otherwise u wont even be able to run or anything...." -lucia thinks.

I um....I gotta go....um.. later! Lucia nervously brushes her hair with her fingers and runs off to another passageway.

On the way Lucia meets another Slytherin member that looked like he was waiting there for her. Lucia tells the Slytherin member: " The project "Super Pixie" is well on the way. We have about 500 pixies equipped with it.....with the "Reflecting Shields". Any sort of spell cast on the pixie will reflect off of it. :) I modeled it myself!!!!!!!!!!!! After my cat Carbancle, he is naturally reflective. Unlike Carbancle though, there is a weak point to these Shields... :oops: but I doubt anyone will figure it out

While Lucia brags to her fellow Slytherin, a strange noise of flapping wings is heared in the hallway where Nathen and the group are standing.
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Postby Female_alien » Tuesday 8 June 2004 9:15:32pm

AAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!! Ruuuuuuun!!!!!!!! Hiiiiiiiiideeeeeee!!!!!! Whaaaaateeeeeeveeeeer!!!!!! screamed Mist when she saw a huge pixie above her and the crowd. The crown ran for cover, but Mist, still feeling weak, fell down and the giant pixie slowly got more and more near her
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Postby Moonstone » Wednesday 9 June 2004 8:32:03am

Professor Liv looks in horror at the huge Pixi that is on it´s way to grab Mist. She try´s to attack it with her Wand but to her supprise nothing happens. Her brain works over time trying to figure out what to do next. All of a sudden she gets it.
She bends down and wispers to the kitten what to do.
The kitten looks at the Hugh Pixi and licks it´s lips, and then jumps toward it in an attempt to distract it so that Mist can get into safty.
To Liv´s supprise it works and she can run towards Mist and help her get up.
Can you run? She asks, but Mist only shakes her head.
Don´t worry we will get out of here Somehow.
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Postby choki » Wednesday 9 June 2004 5:07:34pm

Digging into her pocket of her wand, Choki finds something else with it. A chocolate frog? Hey, I didn't realised I had a chocolate all along...Here Mist, have a bite You'll feel better! says Choki as she hands the chocolate over to Mist. Professor, look out! Choki warns as a pixie charges toward Professor Liv.
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Postby Female_alien » Thursday 10 June 2004 8:45:13am

Thanks, thanks, thanks says Mist totally unable to make a normal sentence. For a moment she thought a pixie will be on top of her again. She takes a bite of the chocolate frog. But seing that the pixie is rushing towards professor Liv says the first spell that came to her mind Tarantallegra! The charm fom the wand touches the pixie - but than turns back and hits Mist leaving the pixie not hurt. Mist starts dancing. The spell she casted at pixie turned back on her
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Postby Won Wheezy » Thursday 10 June 2004 2:42:25pm

Esme watches everything from behind a statue. Oh, god the spells are reflecting! she shouts to Professor Liv. What can we do? There must be some way to harm them.
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Postby Mint » Thursday 10 June 2004 3:26:26pm

Lucia walks back from the dungeons happy. Surelly her newest invention gonna earn her some browny points from Malfoy. Her thoughts start to trail away. She starts daydreaming about Draco inviting her to the dance and everyone telling her how she is the most beautiful girl in school, and her parents standing looking at her all proud, that she doesnt notice that she takes a wrong exit. She stops herself inches from Mist.

huh....where am I? :o (Oh nooo......... Im so stupid what am I doing here... >_<' ) . The sudden noise of more pixies coming wakes Lucia up and she takes a sudden turn into one of the hallway trying to get to the place that pixies wont find her - the room of Requirement.
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Postby choki » Thursday 10 June 2004 3:49:37pm

Finite Incantatem! Choki casts the spell at Mist who then stops dancing. She manages to catch hold of Mist before she falls, spotting Lucia turning around a corner. It must be her again! says Choki angrily. Protego! I hope this will hold out the deflecting spells long enough , says Choki as she conjures a shield charm around Mist before shouting out to Esmeralda, Take care of her...I'll go after Lucia. Choki runs after Lucia and sees her entering through a door. Impedimenta! She jinxs the door, stopping it from closing and hurries into the room, hoping to find a way to stop the pixies by first finding its creator.
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Postby Mint » Thursday 10 June 2004 7:02:26pm

Lucia runs into a room and loudly exhales putting her bookbag next to her.
Phew all this craziness!!! I almost forgot that we have classes. And my fav. class is next!!!

Lucia takes out Diviation text book and her hair brush, when she suddenly notices Choki looking straight at her. :o

Ah, its so nice that u escapes from those noises too!!! Those must be pixies, I saw them earlier in another hall - oh it is all so frighting!!!!! I dont know why but it just seems like there are more and more of them! they are like multiplying or smth.

Lucia looks behind Choki. Oh, the others didn't make it? too bad ^^ hope they are ok :angel:
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Postby choki » Friday 11 June 2004 3:09:24pm

Choki looks around the room and stares with disbelief. What's with this room? The room is filled with mirrors, hair grooming equipments, make-up sets and other girl stuffs. I can't believe you got the Room of Requirement to look like this! Well, enough talk...you are not going to leave this room until you get rid of the pixies...All of them! says Choki menacingly.
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Postby Mint » Friday 11 June 2004 4:21:30pm

Lucia goes furious with the thought that Choki might have figured out that she was behind new improved pixies.

:evil: Of course its filled with Mirrors, for I actually can look at them without turning away. Beauty is meant to be looked at and appreciated but what would u know! :x ..............And what is all this nonsence about me getting rid of pixies!! If you want them out - you do it! :mad:

Lucia stares at Choki now, breathing faster, her hair all out of place and green eyes are filled with fury and panic, and quietly grips her wand just in case.
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Postby choki » Friday 11 June 2004 5:24:13pm

Well I suppose I can get rid of the pixies, provided I know the way to do that! Tell me Lucia, what have you done to those pixies out there...You would never want a duel with me... Choki says, brandishing her wand in a dangerous manner.
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Postby Mint » Friday 11 June 2004 6:41:52pm

Lucia smiles and takes out her wand. Than she kicks her school bag and something jumps out of it and climbs on Lucia's shoulder.

Choki meet Carbuncle. :evil grin:

A cat like creature with long bunny ears shifts to get a better grip on Lucia's shoulder.

Carbuncle is very special and practically extinct creature u see. Most of his kind were killed while people were trying to figure out the secret behind his reflective abilities.

Carbuncle opens its mouth and suddenly a sparkling see through wall forms around Lucia.
But unlike pixies the magic comes from whithin, not some shield that u can physically remove :evil grin:

.........................Lucia suddenly realizes that she might've said too much and looks nervously at choki.
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Postby Ferrus » Saturday 12 June 2004 10:41:13am

Nathan has just enough time to jump aside before a pixie tries to topple a suit of armour on top of him. Stupefy!! The red bolt hits the pixie and rebounds at a portrait, whose inhabitant is knocked out. What now? Thinks Nathan, wondering what kind os spell might work. Suddenly inspiration hit him. I´ve got it! Use banishing spell to throw objects at the pixies! To illustrate, he waves his wand and several pieces of the armour zoom at the pixies hitting them and making them make a temporary retreat.
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