Hogwarts Spring Dance

A home for old scenarios who may have come to an end for RPG playing but whose life and excitement can still be enjoyed in story form.

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Postby choki » Wednesday 26 May 2004 6:29:08am

I can't remember the details. I went back to the dormitory after I felt a little dizzy at the dance. On my way back, I heard some noises in the garden and so I went to investigate. The next thing, someone shouted Imperio...and what happened after, you guys know it. said Jasmine as she hung her head low. I'm really sorry, Lita. Looking up to face her friend, Jasmine sees the jewel hanging on Lita's neck. That! Jasmine exclaims as she points to Lita's jewel. They are after your jewel!
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Postby tiggirl » Wednesday 26 May 2004 6:44:48am

Lita stands shakily, her mind racing. Who would want me dead? I barely know anyone outside of school. And my family, well, they're muggles. There's only been one witch in my family, but she died ages ago, and I never told anyone. . . She looked at Xavier, who had tried to protect her from Jasmine, the blood on his shirt reminds her that he got hurt in the process. You got hurt, I'm sorry. I wish you hadn't been dragged into this. She looks over at Jasmine, who is still sitting where she fell, tears streaming from her eyes. Lita moved towards her friend, but Xavier put out a hand to stop her. She looked back at him and their eyes met. He didn't have to speak his concerns, she already knew. I don't know if its safe. Whoever's possessing her could gain control again. But, I can't just leave her there like that. . . As she stands there, Lita slowly begins to realize that something's wrong. Something's missing . . . but what is it? She turns and looks toward the garden, what she sees, fills her with fear. The garden is just about empty. She watches the last group walk slowly, mindlessly into the forbidden forest. Look! They've gone into the forest. Why would anyone go into the forest after all that's happened? Lita doesn't have to guess the answer, but she refuses to believe it. Right now, she has little to hold on to, so she's determined to cling to every bit of hope there is.
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Postby TDM » Wednesday 26 May 2004 11:28:14pm

Lita, I'm glad I got drug into this. If I hadn't, some people might have died. Unfortunately, it's not over, but I do have a hunch why someone would want that jewel. It seems to make the user invulnerable to the Unforgivable Curses. Otherwise, why wouldn't they have just used the Imperius Curse on you, Lita? It would make everything a lot simpler. Lemme try something...don't worry. Imperio! Nothing happened to Lita, who just had an attempted Imperius Curse used on her. See? If you were under the spell, you would've just kissed me right then, and you didn't. But, I think that we all need to go into the forest. Lumos! Who's with me? Xavier looks towards the forest, hoping that he doesn't have to go in alone.
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Postby tiggirl » Thursday 27 May 2004 5:14:56am

Lita couldn't help but smile. He wanted me to kiss him? . . . She walks over to Jasmine, and puts a comforting arm around her. Xavier, if you're right then . . . Lita's voice trails off before she finishes the thought . . . it's my fault Jasmine got cursed in the first place. . . then no one's safe on there own. I'll go with you into the forest. I want to find out who want's me dead so bad and why.
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Postby choki » Thursday 27 May 2004 6:23:38am

I don't know if I should come along...I mean, would you trust me after all that has happened? Jasmine looks at the ground in low moral, after finishing her sentence. And besides, I left my wand in the dor- Jasmine feels a reassuring squeeze on her shoulder. Thanks, Lita. She pauses, But the one about my wand is true. You don't suppose I would enter the forbidden forest without one, right? Jasmine smiles for the first time after the incident. At this moment, Jasmine feels a continuous soft bump on her arm. Turning her attention to the little distraction, she spots a familiar figure. Little! She catches her pet snidget. Jasmine, then realises the reason of Little's lack of chirping. You brought me my wand! That's a good girl. Placing her wand in the right pocket, and Little on the other, Jasmine continues, Ok, now I got my wand back...I say I'll go and jinx the person who cursed me!
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Postby TDM » Thursday 27 May 2004 7:47:29pm

Lita, Jasmine, and Xavier went into the forest, while the others stood back, still deciding. They didn't have time to wait. The more people were put under the spell, the harder it would be to resist. Do you have any idea where we're going, Jasmine? Since whoever cast that spell on you was in your brain, maybe they left something there that will help us get there.
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Postby Ferrus » Thursday 27 May 2004 8:01:26pm

Hey, Youre not going without me! I want to know exactly who wants this jewel! Orion runs after Xavier, Lita and Jasmine with Fenris at his heels. As the small but determined group of students enters the forest, they can sense the evil things in the undergrowth wishing them wrong.
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Postby Won Wheezy » Thursday 27 May 2004 9:05:50pm

As Ruby watches the students disappear in the forest she whispers to Alexis: Shall we?
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Postby TDM » Thursday 27 May 2004 10:53:57pm

Xavier whips around, seeing Orion and Fenris running up behind them. Thank God! Xavier said. The more wand power we have behind us, the better. Hopefully you're not the last one to change your mind at the last second.
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Postby tiggirl » Friday 28 May 2004 3:33:12am

Lita was very uncertain about her decision to walk into the forest towards the very person who wants her dead. Longing for some sort of comfort, she reached for the jewel on her neck. As with before, her doubts and fears fade away, leaving clear and rational thought. Jasmine is free of the curse. And there's no place to run, without risking the lives of more people. Finally feeling confident in her decision, Lita turned her attention to the surrounding forest. The air was heavy with malice and ill-intent. One look around at her companions told her that they felt it as well. Suddenly she stopped walking and raised a hand. Listen. Do you hear that? The forest has gone silent, there's no sound of insect or animal. I think we might be getting close.
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Postby choki » Friday 28 May 2004 3:30:42pm

If I remember correctly, there should be a distinctive looking tree around this location...and 50 steps to the south, we should be able to see a small stream... Jasmine whispers to the rest softly, not wanting attention from the already silent forest. That's all I can remember...perhaps when I get there I will recall more of it. Suddenly, rattling sounds of the bushes break the silence. Everyone turn behind with their wands out, in preparation of any attack.
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Postby TDM » Friday 28 May 2004 7:41:56pm

Comnatio aires!, Xavier, muttered, creating a charm allow the bush to become invisible, so they could see right through it. However, a blast of smoke flew up around them, and a voice cried, AVADA KEDAVRA! The green blast of light was aimed right at Lita, and was reflected right off of her, with the help of the gem. A voice in the darkness was heard saying, Oh, no..., and they were hit with their own curse, while the group heard a flump on the ground. Xavier went over to inspect the body.

It's just a grunt, Xavier said. This mark on his face indicates that he's just part of a bigger plan here in the forest...
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Postby Female_alien » Saturday 29 May 2004 10:59:05pm

O.K. answers Alexis and stands up slowly but securely
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Postby Won Wheezy » Saturday 29 May 2004 11:18:14pm

Ruby and Alexis walk in the forest, holding their wands ready. They try to follow the green glow which makes the forest look even gloomier than if it was dark. Can you hear that Alexis? I hear voices!whispers Ruby.
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Postby Female_alien » Sunday 30 May 2004 5:08:35pm

Maybe I'll regreat this but it's now or never... Let's go! Alexis follows the sound of the voices not trying to hide or be silent. If Ruby's prediction is true, they can't affors any more time to lose. She turns to Ruby who was walking behind herI see some students there. Alexis gets very near the students who she couldn't recognize from their back. She turns to Ruby not knowing should she approach them
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