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Postby GodrictheGriffon » Thursday 28 December 2006 5:22:17pm

I've also heard that Ron and Hermione are going to have a kid! Why'll they're still in Hogwarts :o That's still not as shocking as the rumor of this happening with her and Malfoy :oops: These rumors also involve*Gulp* MARRIGE! :-(
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Postby Hermione-Granger » Sunday 14 January 2007 9:26:22am

Mmmhhh... That can't be possible. We are almost at the last book. And also they are to young.
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Postby SunsetG|rl » Sunday 14 January 2007 11:13:40am

Maybe if it has some sort of epilouge, and it briefly speaks about the life of the characters in the future. And if they do like each other (as it seems to be) and if they do deafet Voldemort (this might happen at the end of the book), there is a high probability they will get married and have children. It's just how life goes... :D
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Postby GodrictheGriffon » Sunday 28 January 2007 10:29:29pm

These happen while they're in the 7th year at Hogwarts.
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Postby Simatra » Friday 2 February 2007 7:31:32pm

I don't think so,... Too MUCH love in a book is bad, being the last book and all.
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Postby GodrictheGriffon » Friday 2 February 2007 11:21:59pm

I know. I just read it on MuggleNet.
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Postby Mistress Siana » Sunday 4 February 2007 3:48:52am

I think somebody somewhere has read too much fanfiction.... :grin:
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Postby GodrictheGriffon » Sunday 4 February 2007 2:55:27pm

I bet that if JK Rowling read that she'd be laughing her ass off. :grin:
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Re: Love

Postby Liz1989 » Tuesday 29 April 2008 4:33:07am

their kids would be cute but they cant have kids until their out of school.
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Re: Love

Postby Ms. Elsewhere » Thursday 1 May 2008 2:46:20am

I think there is enough contraversy in the books as it is, and teenaged pregnancy would just be too much. It seems to me that they are just not that... what's the word.... 'hormonal' about their affections for each other?
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