HP 7 - Who has JKR just killed off and how?

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HP 7 - Who has JKR just killed off and how?

Postby Snow_Crystal » Thursday 19 January 2006 3:52:07pm

OK Just read an interview with JKR where she tells the interviewer that she had just written off the next character? She showed it to her husband and he said "Oh don't do that"


Who do you think she is referring to and how does she kill them?
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Postby Scarlet Lioness » Friday 20 January 2006 10:36:42am

Oh no!!! Please not another good character!!!! Sirius and DD were enough!!!

Ummm...I dunno...Ginny???!!!!!! :eek: Please NO!!!!!!
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Saturday 21 January 2006 10:31:00am

Don't worry, it won't be Ginny.

Hmm, I do wonder though. It could feasibly be someone like Hagrid or something. Or McGonagall or another teacher.
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Postby Asphodel » Saturday 21 January 2006 8:55:54pm

I can't find the article! Is it on one of the Tatler images or something? If so which number?
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Postby Bextra » Sunday 22 January 2006 4:12:48am

I think that those Tatler things are just pictures of J.K.
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Postby Asphodel » Sunday 22 January 2006 6:37:48pm

Yeah, that's what I was thinking, because I only get pics of her when I click on them.
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Postby SunsetG|rl » Sunday 22 January 2006 9:06:35pm

If you click on the link and then search with your browser (ctrl+f for firefox) the word death you can find a lot of small posts I think they are...about this.
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Postby Asphodel » Monday 23 January 2006 2:24:41am

Huh... searching the browser... can't believe I missed that, thanks.
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Monday 23 January 2006 12:59:19pm

Yeah I don't think it's Hermione, Ron or Ginny but I really hope it's not Lupin!!
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Postby Mistress Siana » Monday 23 January 2006 2:36:05pm

I used to think Remus had it coming before HBP, but somehow his relationship with Tonks changed that. It would be unbearbly cruel to kill him now, and apart from that, we've had Tonks crying over Lupin for a whole book, so I don't think we're going to see that again.

Snape. He leads a very dangerous life, this man, regardless on which side he is. Then again, he's clever enough to have lived so far...

Ron. The foreshadowed self-sacrifice in the chess game in book 1 kinda keeps me thinking...but I can't quite bring myself to believe it.

Ginny. I was rather inclined to buy the Ginny-is-a-Horcrux theory until JKR shot it down. Now, as she was a victim of Voldemort's before, I don't think it'll hit her again.

Harry. What about him? Somehow, I've always had the feeling that he'd die in the end, taking Voldemort with him. My bet's on him. And Voldemort, of course.
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Monday 23 January 2006 4:40:15pm

I know it would be dramatic and all but my soft centre would really hate for Harry to die at the end.

I got the impression from this article that this death was either early on are somewhere in the middle? Maybe I made that up!

For him to react as "don't do that" makes me think it must be a good character, one that we like. I think Snape and LV and even Wormtail will make it to the end of the book so I can't help but think it will be a Weasley, Lupin, Tonks, Kingsley, or McGonagall. I hope it won't be Hagrid though!!! in fact I don't want any of them to die!!
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Tuesday 24 January 2006 8:23:27am

This is all I'll say:

In order for Harry to die, it's going to have to be an extraordinary piece of good writing...
Otherwise it just won't work for me.
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Postby malfoy_is_good1719 » Tuesday 24 January 2006 9:48:41pm

Yeah, if Harry dies, it better be one the best endings known throughout the time of novel-writing.

And all ia have to say is that i wood hate to be JKR's husband. HE gets to find out who dies, but he only gets to see some of the book.

To me that wood be pure torture. :mad:
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Postby Asphodel » Wednesday 25 January 2006 2:00:30am

Mm.... that would be an amazing ending.... Harry looking at LV, dead, and then Harry dies... with a smile on his face.
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Postby SunsetG|rl » Wednesday 25 January 2006 1:13:50pm

And how would you fit the scar in that. Remember the last word is supposed to be Scar.
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