Robbie Coltrane had once said that Rowling told him of something integral which will happen to Hagrid, in order to let him act his character better... I seem to remember that the event/ thing that was supposed to happen was in Book 5, but after reading OotP, the only significant event that happened to Hagrid was that he found his little brother... but that information don't seem to be something that would help him act his role better... what do you all think? Or did I get the information wrong, and it wasn't Book 5 after all...?
The actress who acted as McGonagall also said in a interview that she sees the Harry Potter series as part of her retirement plans, since the role doesn't tax her acting at all, and she mostly just tails after Dumbledore asking the students behave themselves. I wonder what she'll think of the changes in her character in OotP then? Hopefully, she'll find it more fun to act then...