General questions about the actors...

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General questions about the actors...

Postby June » Tuesday 8 July 2003 2:17:46pm

I'm not too sure where to ask this question, since this is related to OotP and we're not supposed to discuss Book 5 in the Movies forum. I just wondered if the actors for the Harry Potter movies have read OotP, and what they feel about the changes in their characters? Does anyone has any news related to this?

Robbie Coltrane had once said that Rowling told him of something integral which will happen to Hagrid, in order to let him act his character better... I seem to remember that the event/ thing that was supposed to happen was in Book 5, but after reading OotP, the only significant event that happened to Hagrid was that he found his little brother... but that information don't seem to be something that would help him act his role better... what do you all think? Or did I get the information wrong, and it wasn't Book 5 after all...?

The actress who acted as McGonagall also said in a interview that she sees the Harry Potter series as part of her retirement plans, since the role doesn't tax her acting at all, and she mostly just tails after Dumbledore asking the students behave themselves. I wonder what she'll think of the changes in her character in OotP then? Hopefully, she'll find it more fun to act then... :grin:
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Postby Meg Boyd » Thursday 24 July 2003 1:59:12am

I think this is an interesting topic because I kinda fancy myself as an amateur actress (hoping to move up on the stage, but only time can tell)...

I never really thought about how the actors might feel about their characters changing...

For example, Harry's character gets angrier and darker...basically very complex emotions...

As an "actress" I think a complex character is more fun than any cute and loveable character. It is more fun (and challenging) to not be the comic relief, but to be the dark (or even evil character). I always find it pleasing to find a challenge in my characters, which more often than not are those little flaws we all as humans hate about it.

If I was playing Harry, and saw how my character progressed from happy kid to depressed teen (i use these descriptions lightly...) I would find it interesting, fun and challenging to develop myself as a character actor.

Hey, I want to write more, but hey I need to watch my PBS...the poor people's History Channel...its a nice documentary on Henry VIII's wives...
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Postby Rory Pridinham » Thursday 31 July 2003 12:00:34pm

Ah yes....... J K Rowling probably was referring to Hagrids introduction to giants, the first time since he was born. And finding his brother. For me that would kind of complete the loop, make him have closure about his mother and family, even though giants are solitary creatures. He must have been wondering what his mother and brother were like, due to the emotions he recieved due to the fact his father was human. Anyway, that's how i see it. It may not seem significant but imagine what Rowling can do to the story/movies now that Hagrid has his brother Grawp back. Anyway, its really a matter of opinion.

P.S. the only other thing i can think of is Hagrids part in the Order. But we hardly see him during that time in the book so it's kinda weak.....
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Postby Eol » Thursday 7 August 2003 11:02:41am

Hagrid's probably going back to school to finish his education
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Postby Dink Meeker » Thursday 7 August 2003 6:16:25pm

I think that many things have been revealed about Hagrid that would change an actor's perspective of the role.

1/ Being part Giant
2/ Learning the History of Giants and their behavior
3/ His relationship with Maxime and her reaction to being called a giant
4/ His immediate ancestry - fathers non-giant - mothers not maternal
5/ Even getting a teaching position after being ostricised (sp?) for so long
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Postby Asphodel » Sunday 15 January 2006 8:04:46pm

Meg Boyd wrote:
As an "actress" I think a complex character is more fun than any cute and loveable character. It is more fun (and challenging) to not be the comic relief, but to be the dark (or even evil character).

I disagree. In my acting experience, I have found that it is much harder to be funny, than to be dramatic.
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Saturday 21 January 2006 10:48:03am

As always I'll point something out here that you already know.

It's easy to be dramatic. And it's easy to be funny.

The trick is being good at it.

And neither of them are easy if that's the way you're looking at it.

It takes a certain personality to be able to pull off either convincingly. There's only so much a script can do.

It make be hard to pull off a convincing happy, funny, laughing mood, but does it remain hard if you're actually having a lot of funny and are laughing in between scenes? If you're really into your character, shouldn't it flow?

Evil, I believe, is more challenging because even evil characters have to act humane.

And by humane I don't mean nice.

I mean like a human.

With emotion.

And with evil there's that side to it, as well as conflict with humanity.

It's different for everybody, probably.
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Postby Asphodel » Saturday 21 January 2006 9:11:23pm

I suppose, and I do think evil is challenging, one of my favorite characters, but the problemn with comedic acting is that you don't know if the next them laugh, or boo you off the stage. Oftentimes, the lines aren't funny if you read them, but you have to make it funny. And comedic characters can have multi-dimensional personalties as well.
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Postby Bextra » Sunday 22 January 2006 6:24:52am

I finally know what I want to do when I'm older! Be a comedian actress, wouldn't it be cool to be in one of those teen movies?!
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Postby Asphodel » Sunday 22 January 2006 6:53:46pm

That's a very insecure job. I would love to be a comedian, but the job security.... You can get fired like that. That's why I want to be a lawyer instead, maybe do some acting for rec. Look at Julia Roberts, remember the height of her career? Now you hardly hear about her.
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Tuesday 24 January 2006 8:57:56am

There was a reason for that. I believe she took a break for a child or something.

And her height never really ended... she could (and will I believe soon) come back.

I mean, she's Julia Roberts.
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Postby Asphodel » Wednesday 25 January 2006 2:42:17am

It's hard to make a good comeback. Julia Roberts is nothing now. Unless she was a great actor, she's not coming back.
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Sunday 29 January 2006 12:02:11pm

Very harsh.

And she is. I've heard somewhere she's making something...

Besides, her style isn't exactly the sort of one that is impossible to make a comeback in.

It's not like hip action film.... that requires the top Hollywood stars at the time and is forgotten after 2 years.
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Postby Asphodel » Wednesday 1 February 2006 1:13:23am

She may be, but she's not in demand. Not at the moment anyways. The market wants people who are in demand. That's why acting is such an insecure job. If you gain 5 pounds, we don't want you, if you take a break to have a baby, we've forgotten about you.
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Postby ~Riley~ » Saturday 4 February 2006 10:58:45am

In order to be a comedian, don't you have to be funny? Like, you can't make someone into a funny person, I think you have to of been funny most of your life. Like when you were in kindy or pre-school you had to be the funny one, then when you went to primary school you had to be the class clown, then when you went to college or high-school you had to be the one that could cheer anyone up, then at parties at university or college for some, you had to have been the life of the party.
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