Deathly Hallows WILL be split into 2 movies! *Update*

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Re: Deathly Hallows WILL be split into 2 movies! *Update*

Postby GodrictheGriffon » Sunday 20 April 2008 10:20:08pm

Who wouldn't do it? But forget the choclate. I'd need coffee and Mountain Dew!
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Re: Deathly Hallows WILL be split into 2 movies! *Update*

Postby Ms. Elsewhere » Monday 21 April 2008 4:18:52am

Mountain Dew! Man I miss that stuff! I used to live in Canada, it was my favourite drink. Now I'm in Australia... but I think if I tried hard enough, I could get ahold of some.

I bet ppl could organise a HP movie marathon online - we could watch em at home and make comments as we go. I remember someone suggested that once. Pick a day and time that suits everyone and set it up on the puter or tv and have messages flying around as we watch...

ya.. like anyone has time to watch tv anymore. :(
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Re: Deathly Hallows WILL be split into 2 movies! *Update*

Postby DucksRMagical » Monday 21 April 2008 8:19:47pm

They do that on Leaky, it's pretty cool. But they only do one movie at a time. I participated for OotP once. :popcorn:

I think it would be pretty hard to organize here, due to the large amount of time zone differences. But it would be cool if we could manage it. If it was during the summer, I certainly wouldn't mind watching them at 2am so that people in Australia and New Zealand could watch at the same time.
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Re: Deathly Hallows WILL be split into 2 movies! *Update*

Postby Ms. Elsewhere » Friday 25 April 2008 2:08:45pm

Yes! I would be willing to commit.. we should seek out an expression of interest..... :)
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Re: Deathly Hallows WILL be split into 2 movies! *Update*

Postby DucksRMagical » Friday 25 April 2008 8:33:22pm

The first part of DH will be released on November 19, 2010! :popcorn: That's so long to wait.

Yes, we should see if anyone else is interested.
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Re: Deathly Hallows WILL be split into 2 movies! *Update*

Postby Ms. Elsewhere » Saturday 26 April 2008 11:16:16am

shall we set up a post and book it in advance? then ppl can organise themselves for that date.... when is school out in the Northern Hemesphere? It would need to be the weekend for us Aussies cause our next school holidays aren't until July.... but that should work well for summer holidays over there...

So when is HPB being released????? I'm dyyyyyyyyyying over here! :(
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Re: Deathly Hallows WILL be split into 2 movies! *Update*

Postby DucksRMagical » Saturday 26 April 2008 8:43:36pm

HBP is being released on Nov. 21, 2008. :jump:

Well, I'm done with school on May 22, but my siblings aren't out until the end of June. So I think we'd be safe with July. Well, beginning or middle of July since we're going on vacation at the end.
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Re: Deathly Hallows WILL be split into 2 movies! *Update*

Postby Ms. Elsewhere » Sunday 27 April 2008 1:54:32am

ok so we'll work out a date (I'll check specific dates for holidays here...), and post another topic? Then see over the next 2 months how many we can gather! woo hoo!
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Re: Deathly Hallows WILL be split into 2 movies! *Update*

Postby *Riley* » Monday 12 May 2008 12:57:18pm


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Re: Deathly Hallows WILL be split into 2 movies! *Update*

Postby Ms. Elsewhere » Tuesday 13 May 2008 1:22:35am

I wonder if we can watch it on our puters with a screen up for a chat in here. What do ppl usually use? Msn? Aim? Yahoo messenger...????
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Re: Deathly Hallows WILL be split into 2 movies! *Update*

Postby *Riley* » Wednesday 14 May 2008 11:12:38am


As you already know Distortia.
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Re: Deathly Hallows WILL be split into 2 movies! *Update*

Postby salemboy » Saturday 24 May 2008 4:02:46am

Two movies? Yes! I was turned off from the movies after HP4 (they just cut out too much), but with two HP7 movies, I'll stay up for 3 days straight if I have too. I'll do the online thing as long as nothing pops up in those next two years, which something probably will. If you're also doing it for the 2011 release, I won't be able to make it. I can't wait for 2010! WOOT!!

Oh, and I don't use MSN. Sorry. I use yahoo messenger.
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Re: Deathly Hallows WILL be split into 2 movies! *Update*

Postby Obladi3713 » Thursday 7 August 2008 12:16:28am

I'm glad there are going to be 2 movies. They cut certain things from previous movies that I really wanted to see. For example, the scene in the Prisoner of Askaban where Malfoy was hit by the patronus. That was awesome. Yeah, so I really don't want some of the 7th book stuff to be cut out.
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Re: Deathly Hallows WILL be split into 2 movies! *Update*

Postby teyannanecole » Friday 8 August 2008 6:01:07am

I think they are going to do it big with this movie, or these movies I should say. The are applealing to both resolute fans and the general public with two movies because they are paying closer attention to details for the resolute fan and they are keeping the showings normal movie lenght for the others who just like HP. If they do the book details justice they can easily (and expensively) make this the most successful movie of all time because at least the fans will see it over and over again, and I think there are at least a couple of HP fans out there ;) . The need to focus on not only doing justice to the details of what happens, but also the emotion. I cannot wait to watch Alan Rickman do Snape's death scene asking Harry to look into his eyes as the last thing he sees on this earth. The emotion is going to be the icing on the cake!

What scenes are you guys excited to see? Here are a few of mine:
1. "Not my daughter you b*tch!" (Molly & Bellatrix)
2. The Seven Potters should be interesting to see Daniel convey the personalities of six other characers, two of them being female.
3. Nagini in Bagshot's corpse
4. The Gringotts break-in and escape
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Re: Deathly Hallows WILL be split into 2 movies! *Update*

Postby Ms. Elsewhere » Friday 8 August 2008 6:30:47am

ohhhhhh... where do I begin!!!

Um um...

I want to see when Harry tells Ron; "I think of her like a sister and she feels the same way.. I thought you knew?"
When Harry dives for the Gryffindor Sword
The final battle OF COURSE
How Daniel Radcliffe manages to play dead while being crucius cursed

Wooooooooow!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can simply not wait!!!!!!

And HBP... I Hope Daniel Radcliffe pulls off his scene with Snape, calling him a coward. I know that is going to absolutely ROCK.

*Distortia goes and gets her books out again because she needs another fix...*

Ahh.... I love my HP!!!!! Thank you JK Rowling!!!!
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