Malfoy good??!!

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Nice Draco???

Postby Lil' Granger » Saturday 24 January 2004 2:51:19am

In the last book, i think it's possible that Draco would join Harry to fight against Voldemort...And i would like it...I don't know why, but i like Draco so bad!!!!!!!! He's just so cynical ....
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Postby wizard_gurl4ev » Thursday 29 January 2004 12:30:24am

**********I think that Malfoy might turn good but he will still hate Harry because if they become friends it would ruin the books, them the hateful things and how Malfoy likes to joke the Gryffindirs and how he hates Ron's family it would be hard on J.K. Rowling to do that. But they can still hate each other and be on the same side.**********

******* :D********
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Postby Athena Appleton » Thursday 29 January 2004 1:12:32am

Nope nope nope... Draco is counting down the days to where he can join Voldywart's ranks...
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Postby Loony_4_Snape » Friday 27 February 2004 2:08:16pm

remeber Snape is close to Draco, and Draco strangely respects HIM.
If Snape has genuinly become a !good guy! maybe he'll have some influence on Draco...
altough i agree it may be too cliche to have a sudden change in Draco..
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Postby Cruzio » Saturday 28 February 2004 11:12:37pm

what if Harry saves Malfoy's life at some point... and then Draco helps Harry in some way in return... wouldn't be That far fetched I'd say.

ah all these speculations...
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Postby Athena Appleton » Sunday 29 February 2004 6:32:17am

nope... now, if Snape were a NICE good guy, I would say there was a chance Draco would be swayed to be like him... But Draco is REALLY looking forward to being a Death Eater... he's a little teenage monster.

Nope, Draco's bad. There are bad people out there. Deal with it. :grin:
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Postby fierce » Sunday 29 February 2004 8:13:21am

Draco is just a bad apple... and the apple doesn't fall far from the tree (sooo true in this case).

I don't think that Draco can become good. Perhaps by mistake, he may do something that aids the cause of the good side, but only through his own stupidity.

Snape molly-coddling Draco in classes means that he never really learns things properly. it's only when you're forced to think for yourself that you truly learn a lesson. That is why Harry is so adept at dealing with the crapola that gets thrown his way. You either deal with it or you die, right? Draco doesn't have to really deal with anything, apart from Lucius.

And lucius is enough to deal with. I think that if Draco were to join the good side for any reason, it would be Lucius. But I don't think his strength of character is that high.
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Postby Athena Appleton » Sunday 29 February 2004 8:26:49am

I do definately agree with you on just about all you said, about the apple not falling far from the tree, if Draco does something good it's only because of his own stupidity, and Snape's babying him is only making it where he doesn't have to learn to deal...

However, about what you said about Lucius, I'm a little confused... Are you saying you think Draco has some kind of problem with Lucius? In the movie, Lucius is really pretty harsh with him, but I think that was more Jason Isaac's character development rather than the way Lucius is in the books... but you might have meant something else... I think, though, that Draco really looks up to his dad (horror of horrors).
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Postby fierce » Sunday 29 February 2004 8:43:20am

Yeah... you're sort of right about what i was saying Athena, i was thinking of the movie (CoS) when I was writing that!

But I think, y'know when Draco says all those things about his dad, who is he trying to convince? It seems like he's telling himself those things as much as anyone else.

I will have to have a read through the books again (i just finished PoA, and Lucius doesn't really feature in that one), but my memories so long after finishing the books are more of feelings... i intuit that draco feels the need to impress his father, never quite feels he is good enough (but of course he'd never show that to harry etc)....
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Postby Athena Appleton » Sunday 29 February 2004 8:05:13pm

yeah... it's so hard to back up intuition with facts... :lol: i'm the same way about a bunch of other stuff...

I personally disagree with you on this, but since it's just intuition on both our parts, there's nothing to be done about it. I do see, now that you mentioned the possibility, that it is possible Malfoy yearns for approval he never gets, but I don't really think that's the case, though.

*shrug* It'll be really interesting to see how all this pans out. :grin:
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Postby Aberforth » Monday 1 March 2004 1:18:34pm

I doubt Draco will turn good. Although he looks up to Snape, he doesn't know that he has turned spy for Dumbledore (or at least we haven't been told that he has!). He would like Snape because he taunts Harry so much.

However, with the history repeating itself thing - the Sirius-Snape handshake and having to work together could possible foreshadow a Draco-Harry like relationship in the future. I hope not though. Draco is excellent as he is but he isn't a patch on Harry in terms of magical ability.
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Postby Loony_4_Snape » Monday 1 March 2004 2:46:24pm

talking about magical ability, we don't really see how he performs academically, OK there is that scene where he drops the wine glass or something he is supposed to be levitating in their practical exam (book 5) but that was due to being distracted by Harry.
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Postby Aberforth » Monday 1 March 2004 3:02:23pm

He always tries to jinx Harry but always comes off the worst - Ginny got hinm with a bat-bogey hex and she is younger than him and when he gets Harry outside the room of requirement he uses a trip jinx - quite funny, but not exactly powerful magic I'm sure.
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Postby Athena Appleton » Monday 1 March 2004 6:19:33pm

Aberforth, I really like the idea of the handshake between Sirius/Snape and Harry/Draco... don't think it'll happen, but it's a cool idea.

As far as Draco's performance in school, I really don't think he's anywhere NEAR top of his class... His dad mentions in CoS that he should be ashamed that a "mudblood" beat him out on his marks... It does seem as though his hexes and jinxes always seem to turn bad, he does manage to pull off some simple hexes, but there are several instances when he gets distracted, or he just messes up... I don't think he's the worst student in his class (after all, Crabbe and Goyle are generally mentioned as being stupider than anyone, including Malfoy) and I do think he's the brains of the bad-guy outfit at Hogwarts (Malfoy, Crabbe, Goyle, Nott, Parkinson)... but I think he's extremely average.
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Postby Nobby » Tuesday 2 March 2004 4:24:35pm

Draco's bad through in through. Even at the end of OotP Draco still believes in his father so i still feel that Draco will follow his father's footsteps. Anyway he believes too much in the purity of blood etc..

Draco will NEVER switch sides
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