Potential Future Death in Book 6 or 7 (spoilers)

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Postby Tanuki » Friday 25 February 2005 2:40:02am

Yeah, even I'm against everyone close to Harry dying. I'm just convinced we need to see one or two more to pull the emotion of the story along. Not evryone has to be close to Harry either.

However, with so many Weaslys, and the kind of jobs they have; luck is not on their side
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Postby Hagger 9003 » Saturday 26 February 2005 6:12:56pm

actually, i reckon the twins wont die. they are the comic relief, and without them, or even one of them, it would make the books really sad and a bit depressing. i kno they arent the only people who make jokes, but they are such amazing characters.

i dunno who will die, but someone has to die, i reckon. and they have to be reasonably close to harry. apparently, a main part of hte books is overcoming losing somone, and i think harry might lose someone else apart from sirius.

yeh, i kno, siana, but im sort of just discussing deaths that affect harry for simplicities sake. quite alot of people are going to pop their clogs, if the dark lord rises to be more terrible than before.
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Postby Mistress Siana » Saturday 26 February 2005 9:41:22pm

I constantly forget that not everyone's a cynical b*****d like I am.

I agree that killing one twin would indeed be too hard. But don't you think that JKR slowly writes the mere fun parts out of the books, like the twins leaving Hogwarts and the lack of quidditsh in book 5?

I reckon it might hit Tonks. Her metamorphmagus abilities scream for a suicide mission.
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Postby Tanuki » Sunday 27 February 2005 12:25:21am

Too clumsy. It would be too easy. She's mre of a sneak attack person

Moody has led a full life... and I'm pretty sure his will to live will not end well
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Postby Mistress Siana » Sunday 27 February 2005 4:23:12am

He's a possibility, but I think we have to see more of him first, considering that the Moody we saw in GoF wasn't Moody in the first place.
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Postby Un'Anima Persa » Sunday 27 February 2005 8:14:29pm

if this has already been said, forgive me.

it could be ron, and it could have something to do with the dirt on his nose!! (train station... first book)
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Postby Mistress Siana » Monday 28 February 2005 3:22:53am

Uhm...with the dirt?? :???:
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Monday 28 February 2005 10:08:12am

Ahh. I got told off by Tanuki a while ago for being as blunt as this. It was my first post actually...

Or not yet at least.

Lol, the dirt???????
Moody may die, but I don't think it would effect Harry too much. He would be sad and all, but... Oh I dunno, maybe it's just the I wouldn't really care if Moody died. Am I the only one? Is this maybe the way JK intended us to feel about Moody?
I think maybe one of the students of Hogwarts may die. Maybe a Hufflepuff like Justin Finch-Fletchley or Ernie what's-his-face. I think they said they were muggle-born or something, I'm not sure, at least one anyway. Justin at least. If a member of the order must die, my bets are on Mundungus. Or it would be pretty tragic if someone like Mrs. Figg died, even though she isn't really in the Order.
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Postby Hagger 9003 » Monday 28 February 2005 10:36:51pm

well, siana, book 5 had some amazingly hilarious bits with the twins. sure, they made a big exit, but it was funny. the books are getting darker, but they arent getting that less funny. you just tend to focus on the dark bits more now, rather than the funny bits.

Moody sounds like a vague possibility. he is an experienced auror, and a good character. the impostor moody gave u a good idea of what moody was like. plus, if moody died, it would affect the death eaters majorly. the death of the major auror surviving who stands against them!! it would make them very happy, and make it suddenly get alot harder for the OotP.

the twins are the main comic bit of the books. if they died, or if one of them died, it would be so sad, and would completely remove the jokes. i just would really not like that. there needs to be humour, otherwise life is depressing, and so are books. harry potter is not depressing.
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Postby Mistress Siana » Tuesday 1 March 2005 5:12:59am

Hm...I agree. Actually, I merely thought of it as an example of how JKR would portray cruelty, namely in an emotional way and not with a lot of blood or mass slaughters.
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Monday 14 March 2005 8:45:20am

"Well hello rumour thread, long time no see!"
Killing off twins would be cruel. Plus, I think they've got no spare time left, with their joke shop getting such great business, so they won't join the Order (or at least do a big job for them) yet, and thus get themselves in the line of fire.
I keep thinking if Hagird is going to get into another scandal if people figure out he's hiding Grawp. I wonder what role he'll play.
Anyhow, we better just all keep our figers crossed and hope it's only Cho that dies.
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Postby Tanuki » Monday 14 March 2005 6:50:26pm

1) Cho isn't a bad person. No one can blame her for behaving the way she did. Harry was a bit insensative but he wasn't wrong either. they just didn't click when it was said and done. She was a nice girl who stood by her friend, and was having trouble getting over the death of her boyfriend, even when she liked Harry.

2)Someone's gonna die, that's the way the books are, get used to it
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Postby Nightcrawler » Tuesday 15 March 2005 5:36:47am

I've got a feeling that Percy will die. I'm just hoping that he gets a chance to reconsile things with his parents before that happens.
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Postby Tanuki » Tuesday 15 March 2005 7:11:36pm

It hits people more when they don't. No one knows when they're going to die, so how can he reconcile; pushy guy that he is
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Wednesday 16 March 2005 9:07:46am

Tanuki wrote:
2)Someone's gonna die, that's the way the books are, get used to it

You think I care terribly if a character dies. They are fictional personalities lol. But I get what you mean. If the twins died I wouldn't be upset, I would be annoyed that there wouldn't be as many quirky one-liners to make the book funny.
And I think you interpreted it as me wanting Cho to die. As it happens, it's not what I meant, and simply wanted to made my point clear that if somebody had to die, I would prefer Cho to, say, the twins.
I'm sure Percy will get to fix things up with the Weaslys. It'll be interesting though, and I guarantee we'll see the words "stupid git" come from Fred and George's mouths a few times in that chapter.
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