First Post! And its a juicy one

Have you heard something on the grapevine about Harry and friends? Share it here...go on, let us know too!

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First Post! And its a juicy one

Postby Rory Pridinham » Wednesday 25 July 2007 6:25:45pm

Apparently this is not the end of Harry Potter and his friends as we know him. JK Rowling is hoping to write an 'encyclopedia' covering all the characters and their fate etc following the 7th book. I've got the article here if you want to read it:

Please feel free to comment!
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Rory Pridinham
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Location: *Looks around* .... good question....

Postby DucksRMagical » Wednesday 25 July 2007 6:27:44pm

I just posted the same thing! :lol: Since mine has the entire article in it, I'll probably just delete this one soon.

But I'm so excited!
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Postby *Riley* » Friday 28 March 2008 7:35:36am

That's not very nice !!

But stil you are Duckie.. * Evil Laugh*
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