The Creevy brothers?

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The Creevy brothers?

Postby Bextra » Thursday 21 April 2005 5:22:16am

I heard that the Creevy brothers will become the new Gryffindor beaters and then they'll drink some magic potion before every game to make them better and then the potion will run out and then they'll discover all they were drinking was coloured water and that they're actually really good at quidditch.
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Postby Broccoli » Thursday 21 April 2005 8:30:44am

Wow! I wonder how one can get such detailed information :D

Quidditch with the Creevy brothers - that would be fun!
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Postby Tanuki » Thursday 21 April 2005 8:34:38pm

I heard Harry will find women's clothing in Snape's desk and realize that Serverus is actually his mother in disguise... honestly, where do these theories come from
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Postby thestral » Wednesday 25 May 2005 2:18:49pm

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: oh that was funny and perhaps we'll discover that harry and snape will marry and ride into the beautiful sunset on unicorns with garlands of flowers.... (dumbledore will be very jealous) :grin: sorry bextra, it's always good to hear these sort of things. entertainment indeed.
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Postby Prof.M.McGonagall » Saturday 8 April 2006 4:19:41am

:lol: :lol: The idea of snape being a woman is funny!!!! Mugglenet gives rumours though ... i've read it .... anyone fancy neville being a teacher?
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Postby Chimera » Saturday 8 April 2006 8:44:02am

Dunno about a full-on teacher, but I reckon he'd make a very competent assistant to Prof Sprout.
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Postby sorcerer83 » Saturday 15 April 2006 2:49:06am

you got it all wrong snape is not a woman he just likes to wear women's clothes that's all
now no kidding i think Neville can really become a good teacher
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