I heard thhhhhhhhhattttttttttttttt

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Postby Paul » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

welcome werebane :welcome:

I've got a terrible feeling that it could be Dumbledore - I hope I'm wrong, but then, if I <b>am</b> wrong it'll be someone else who is also really nice so it's going to be awful whoever it is.
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Postby Broccoli » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

I think it might be Percy... What do you think?
I really doubt that DD is going to die in book 5. In book 7, perhaps? But it would be very sad, anyway. :sad:
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Postby ermintrude2003 » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

Are u lot slow on the rumour intake or something, Book 5 is still being written (its now July) and is due to be released late this year or early next year. Hagrid has been sort of confirmed as the one to die. Hermione and Ron get it on. Hermione becomes a prefect. Sirius's name is cleared. Oh and there's rumours that percy may go on voldemorts side or become head of the ministry. more about Lily will be revealed and y Voldemort didn't want to kill her! (read book 3 more closley for this rumour on Lily)
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Postby werebane » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

hey cool can you tell me the site please? thanks!! =-)
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Postby Hedwig_07 » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

Hi Everyone :welcome:
Im new.I heard that One of the Weasleys will die!!!! :sad:
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Postby Wedge » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

The weasleys?! NoooOooo! loo
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Postby Gryffindor Student » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

I dont want it to be one of the Weasleys.... but i dont want Harry Potter to die either!
:sad: It might be one of his fans like tCOlin Creevy or his brothre Denis..(however you spell it) Anyways......I wonder what will happen? We can only wait. I hope its not Albus Dumlbledore either! He is cool, and wise and OH! I dont want him to die! :sad:
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Postby the-rabid-chocobo » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

weasly's can't die
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Postby Broccoli » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

On 2002-07-24 15:56, ermintrude2003 wrote:
Hagrid has been sort of confirmed as the one to die. [/quote:q9s9dc8y]
I heard when R.Coltrane was asked if he is casted for the next films he answered something like "kind of". Some people think, this is the confirmation that Hagrid will die, but I am not that sure. Where have you heard it from?
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Postby Wedge » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

It might be that their getting a new one or something, I dunno
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Postby Shadow » Friday 4 October 2002 6:58:39pm

I hope Hagrid doesn't die. True, they could be getting another guy, but the original one did very well in the first movie.
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Postby Ravenclawsweety » Wednesday 22 June 2005 5:31:29pm

ok, today is June 22, 05 so the 6th book is coming out July 16th just a heads up
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Postby funky_witch » Wednesday 13 July 2005 12:33:59am

i heard alot of things i shouldnt write
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Postby Bextra » Wednesday 27 July 2005 10:43:29am

then why did you say that? i bet you didnt even hear anything lol!!!
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