101 things to do...

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Postby Neo » Tuesday 24 June 2003 6:58:54am

I think we did. so know lets play 100001 to do before book 6 gets out.
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Postby Holly Golightly » Saturday 28 June 2003 5:16:50pm

Okies, I'll start...

100001: Start off 100001 things to do before HP6 comes out! ;)

100000: Get some sleep, as it's 2am, and I've been posting since 9:30, and some or my posts are no longer making sense... :(

99999: Finish re-reading HP5 tomorrow, only 100 pages to go.. maybe I can make it tonight...>?

99998: Make 1 past post before going to sleep...

Ahhhhhh, sleeeeeeeeeppppppp *Holly has look of dreamy content on her face... * :wink:
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Postby Blaise Zabini » Saturday 28 June 2003 7:53:25pm

99997. Realise that there are a lot of 9's in that number. ;)
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Postby Lizzy Bennet » Monday 30 June 2003 8:24:31pm

Gryffindor Student wrote:omg......that is pathetic.......princess diaries? >.< *shudder*
51. Try not to think about how stupid this is? And how predictable Harry Potter is and how its kinda getting childish? *sigh* i need a smoke....

Hmmmm, ok. :-? Actually, I just picked up The Princess Diaries today to read because, although I'm no longer a teenager, I do want to work with kids and teens and books, and it's always good to be up on the current literature (I read A Walk to Remember by Nicholas Sparks and loved it and cried! :cry: ). :D How can I recommend and know Young Adult and Children's Literature if I don't know it? Gosh how I love reading Harry Potter relates to my career! :grin: :razz: hehe


99996: Laugh at Blaise's good point :lol: ...I wonder how long it'll take to get to 0 and how close we'll be to Book 6! :eek: :razz:

99995: Read The Princess Diaries and eventually watch the movie versions of "A Walk to Remember" and "The Princess Diaries"...how better to understand teens than to delve into some of the things some of them like? :) At some point I really want to read the "Lord of the Rings" books and some more Chris Crutcher books. :grin:

99994: Finish watching "Beauty and the Beast" with my Mom (it's a tough week for us, as those who read my thread in St. Mungo's know, but this makes us smile!) . . . yes, I'm 25, and I love spending time with my Mommy! :angel: :razz:

99993: Get some serious zzzzz's cause I got up *way* too early to go do storytime at the library! :o hehehe

99992: Be glad that everyone is different and unique (which keeps it interesting), but that, on this forum, most everyone seems to respect that. :D

Your turn. :razz:

~ Lizzy :jump:
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Postby zledm007 » Thursday 3 July 2003 5:42:40pm

99991: wonder how long it's going to take to get to number 1, or zero, or where ever it ends.
99990: hope it takes as long to get there as it does for the sixth book to come out so we know what to do.
99989: ask, DOes anyone have any idea when the next book is coming out? i've heard a few things but nothing anywhere definite. anyone clued in?
99988: send this along to the next person.
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Postby Blaise Zabini » Friday 4 July 2003 9:50:53pm

99987. Find self next in line.
99986. Realise that this is a crazy big number,
99985. Still look for HP Feety Pyjamas, to no avail.
99984. Learn how to speak German. Is much harder than I thought.
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Postby Lizzy Bennet » Friday 4 July 2003 10:04:36pm

99986: agree with Blaise that these ARE crazy big numbers! :eek:

99985: act thankful that this is the weekend (whoo-hoo! :grin: )...happy Independence Day to all the Yanks! :razz:

99984: regret having worn new shoes while performing storytimes at the library this week . . . blisters on feet HURT! :o ow! ow! OW! :eek:

99983: continue to re-read book #5 of Harry Potter (just started last night...this is my first time re-reading it, and I'm jotting down notes of things I want to ask in my posts! :razz: :lol: hehehe)

99982: finish helping my mother make a dessert for tonight's dinner :D

99981: miss my boyfriend...LOADS! :cry: only (roughly!) 7 and a half weeks left until he returns! :grin:

99980: stress-out and panic whilst preparing for job interview (for a job requiring my Master's Degree! :-) ) on 10 July 2003! :eek:

99979: think of fun things to do with my doggie, a Jack Russell Terrier, on her 11th birthday, on 11 July 2003

99978: wish my boyfriend good luck sometime next week on his interview for his student visa on 10 July 2003

99977: read the interesting posts that people put up around here all the time :D

99976: let someone else have the fun of counting down! :razz: :lol:
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Postby Blaise Zabini » Sunday 13 July 2003 6:46:22pm

99975. Watch CoS DVD again and again, pausing on Draco as often as possible. Not like I'm fangirl obsessed...or anything...

99974. Watch again and pause on Tom Riddle for a few hours.

99973. Get a tan.

99972. Or a burn, if that's more your style and you've skin like me. :D

99971. Read books for next year's AP English class...:(

99970. Move to end of line and allow next person to continue.
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Postby Kaizer » Sunday 13 July 2003 7:22:05pm

99969. re read OoTP

99968. take a shower

99967. bathe my dogs

99966. water the plants

99965. wash the dishes

99964. study chemistry

99963. call my friend

99962. daydream about johnny depp

99961. eat rice

99960. finished 10 things to do!
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Postby Gwared » Sunday 13 July 2003 7:53:09pm

99959: Not read any of the previous 40 answers so risk repeating them.
99958: Get a job, preferably one that pays well.
99957: Go see my friends in Liverpool in a few weeks.
99956: Whilst there chat to my best friend who got me into HP about OotP.
99955: Send my ex-girlfriend her 23rd birthday card, 'cause I'm nice like that.
99954: Watch PS and CoS one more time on Monday before returning them to the Library
99953: Re-read PoA
99952: Re-read GoF
99951: Then read the whole series straight, in a week (this will not be possible if #99958 happens!)
99950: Bump this topic up 'cause I'll be amazed if we write these before book 6.
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Postby Gypsy » Sunday 13 July 2003 8:22:55pm

99958 Get a tan (Its excessively hot here today)
99957 Finish Re-reading HP 5
99956 Laze around alot
99955 Enjoy the summer hols
99954 Get 125 posts and become a mod before the end of the hols
99953 Finish my Duke of Edinburgh's silver award
99952 Figure the importance of Lily's green eyes
99951 Do 1 more so we're down 2 99950
99950 Go back to the Ravenclaw common room and post some more
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Postby Gwared » Sunday 13 July 2003 9:35:09pm

999xx wonder why Gypsy duplicated 99959-50 and missed 59, hence this additional post to account for the missing no. which should have been 99949!

99939: Stay away from the sun...it burns me!
99938: Wonders why I never finished DoE Silver or Gold.
99937: Write meaningless rubbish
99936: Reclaim my clowns hat from my friend.
99935: Get less drunk next time I go out with my friend, remember what we did and not have to apologise profusely for being a git.
99934: Steal the plans for HP6
99933: Finish my hot drink
99932: Open the door as it's getting hot in here.
99931: Not have weird dreams tonight (especially not about my ex-girlfriend who I now dream about more than when we were going out).
99930: Apply for a M.Sc. Course at Strathclyde University.
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Postby Barry Trotter » Sunday 13 July 2003 11:31:20pm

99937 prepare myself for this stupid teambuilding work thing
99936 think of something to but my girlfriend for her birthday ( any ideas guys?)
99935 give her the present
99934 hope she likes it and doesn't lie to spare my feelings
99933 find a band
99931 feed my cat although it is too fat already.opps
99930 suck up to my bosses so they promote me.
99929 learn to play the banjo
99928 buy a new goldfish. my cat ate the last one.
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Postby Gypsy » Monday 14 July 2003 1:18:00pm

Sos about my messing it up. Im dyslexic, thats my excuse. Although dyslexia doesnt have anything to do with numbers so it s not a very good one is it.
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Postby Gwared » Monday 14 July 2003 2:15:50pm

Gypsy wrote:Sos about my messing it up. Im dyslexic, thats my excuse. Although dyslexia doesnt have anything to do with numbers so it s not a very good one is it.

There's a form of dyslexia that affects numbers too. But nm...as Barry Trotter's done exactly the same. At this rate we'll have done 999999 things before book 6! :D
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