Mint, choki and anime!!!

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Postby Mint » Wednesday 12 January 2005 2:08:46pm

Choki - it would be really cool if you could scan in a page for me :grin:

lol, i wish I had friends that I could borrow anime from.

Tanuki - hmm never saw Gundam (any part of it). I am not a fan of robots anime so... ^-^ but I agree in anime ppl with even the most misarable lives always look beautiful...thats why we watch them :grin:

Yesterday I saw couple of Himiko-Den episodes (anybody seen it?) and Azumanga Daioh(sp) - oh my good, i couldn't stop laughing. I think AD's episodes improve as you move further along in the story.

Oh, and they started showing Slayers on tv :o cooool (i only saw couple of episodes long time ago)
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Postby Tanuki » Wednesday 12 January 2005 3:04:18pm

Tanuki - hmm never saw Gundam (any part of it). I am not a fan of robots anime so... ^-^ but I agree in anime ppl with even the most misarable lives always look beautiful...thats why we watch them

Gundam is so much more than robot anime. It is the story of the people nd how their lives are affected by war. The gundam is merely that, a special weapon in a war. The real draw is the lives of thes people as they try to navigate in a world turned on its heels by the pressures of politics and responsabilities

Yesterday I saw couple of Himiko-Den episodes (anybody seen it?) and Azumanga Daioh(sp) - oh my good, i couldn't stop laughing. I think AD's

I could never really jive with Himiko-den. The character designs botheres me too much

Azumanga will warp your mind, don't watch it too much. Reality went bye bye for a little while after watchign that show

episodes improve as you move further along in the story.

Oh, and they started showing Slayers on tv cooool (i only saw couple of episodes long time ago)

Yay The Slayers. enjoy!
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Postby choki » Sunday 16 January 2005 1:24:56pm

Mint, I have sent you the attachment. Marvel at the works of Yuu Watase :grin:

Gundam Seed - I'm watching it now and it's rather confusing....maybe because it was the english dubbed version I've seen where I can hardly catch their sentences...that's why I prefer subtitles instead. But I know what you meant by it is much more than robot mecha anime. With such a background, it's no wonder why Gundam Seed is perhaps the most popular series of Gundam series. As for Gundam Destiny, it focus on Athrun Zala instead of Kira Yamamoto.
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Postby Tanuki » Sunday 16 January 2005 4:56:50pm

yeah... but

Kira's back in the freedom, kira's back in the freedom, kira's back in the freedom (Sings to himself happily)

I like Athlan, he's a good guy. Though it kind of sux that he's going to have such a rocky relationship with Kagali
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Postby Mint » Wednesday 2 February 2005 9:14:30pm

Sorry, I didn't respond for a while (was really really really busy at work T_T)

Thank you soo much for the scans Choki!!! they were really really pretty ^-^. I think her drawings are less cluttered now. The scene between..Uruki i think...and his mom - loooools, poor thing *pets uruki* XD It was soo nice of you to translate them for me! ^-^ *hugs choki for being so nice*

Tanuki, I only watch 2 eps. of Azumanga in a month (thats how often they refresh episodes >.<) so Im ok. But lol, I can see how this show can through a person off if you get into it too much XD

Himiko-den - I like Himiko's and the dancer girl's designs ^^

I finally ordered Princess Tutu DVD! Can't wait to get it ^.^

Oh, smth to add to a list of boring shows - 2nd season of Orphan :-?
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Postby Tanuki » Thursday 3 February 2005 4:47:23am

I have an ongoing challenge for someone to sit down and watch FLCL, Evangelion series & both movies, Azumanga Daiyo, Excel Saga and Revolutionary Girl Utena series & movie in as compressed a span of time as they can and see if they can maintain a firm grip on reality or at least not lose their lunch in the mind warp

I warn you, I have never taken it myself not only because I already have a fragile mind, but I hate EVA.

Though, tell me if this seems intreaguing, or if you have any series' you want to tack on
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Postby Mint » Monday 7 February 2005 4:20:48pm

lols no I would not take on a challenge like that XD thats er... abit too much.

Add 12 kingdoms on top of that. (that series is sooo long though T_T)
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Postby Tanuki » Monday 7 February 2005 4:37:30pm

I'm not sure that's very cerebral or symbolic.
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Postby Nightcrawler » Wednesday 9 February 2005 3:01:10am

[whine] When will we hear any news of Buffy Animated? This is totally unfair of the studios to leave us in the dark like this... [/whine]
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Postby Tanuki » Wednesday 9 February 2005 3:25:52pm

Buffy.... animated. That's almost as bad as T.A.T.U. paragate
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Postby Mint » Thursday 10 February 2005 5:40:27pm

oh yeah, what happened to T.A.T.U.? XD

Buffy Animated - i think it was going to be done in US so I can still see it happening.
Nightcrawler - when did they start planning it?
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Postby Nightcrawler » Friday 11 February 2005 2:11:00pm

From memory (and my memory is REALLY sketchy), I believe they started talking about it a short while before Buffy ended. Studios were pretty reluctant to pick it up though, dispite some really cool artwork ideas.

I guess a large part of the problem was that Sarah Michelle Gellar didn't want to do the voice of Buffy and David Borenaez (sp?) didn't want to do the voice of Angel.

When it was announced that Angel would be ending, there there was the whole "Save Angel" campaign and I guess from there, rumours were started about another possible spin off called "Ripper", or even an adaptation of the comic book "Fray". Neither of these really went anywhere. Joss wanted to do four TV movies starring characters from Buffy and Angel, however Sarah wasn't interested and David wanted to do bigger stuff.

Eventually the studios started to think about doing "Buffy Animated", however it has been a LONG time since the idea was started and I believe that the writing team (Mutant Enemy) has even gone their seperate ways. I believe currently they are thinking about doing it as a direct to DVD thing.

Still, there was an animated series of Sabrina, so I guess there's always hope.
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Postby Mint » Friday 11 February 2005 4:01:25pm

oh, that doesn't look too hopefull for Buffy animated :(

If the top heads at the studio won't think that it will give them decent amounth of money they probably won't do it....

Sabrina was different I think, it targeted younger audience group so it was a little easier to sell of an animated version of it. :(
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Postby choki » Saturday 12 February 2005 6:06:05pm

Hey, sorry for being inactive for so long...been playing too much games
anyway, that kid is Tomite not Uruki. Uruki is the one who is able to transform into a girl.

LOL, I watched Evangelion of its action...its storyline is too taxing for my cramped brain
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Postby Mint » Tuesday 15 February 2005 3:22:33pm

Chooki! You are back!! What games have you been playing? Maple Story?

So live action Evang. is out? o.o we don't have it... <_<'

I'm getting attached to Azumanga show...I want to see more of it T_T and they haven't been updating episodes for a while...its so funny, it always puts me in a good mood.

They also started to show ultra cute kiddie anime called "princess yuci" and...I watched that too :oops: It was sooo....cute! >.<; like CCSakura
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